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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 07/17/06
The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting on Monday, July 17, 2006 in the meeting room at the C. H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown.  First Selectman Rosenthal called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

PRESENT:        First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, Selectman Joseph Bojnowski, Selectman William Brimmer
ALSO PRESENT:  Finance Director Ben Spragg, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer, one member of public, one member of press

VOTER PARTICIPATION:  Ms. Barbara O’Connor, Littlebrook Lane, advised that she, along with a resident of Orchard Hill Road, re-planted and mulched the traffic island that was destroyed by a car.  First Selectman Rosenthal thanked her and will send a thank you to the resident.
        Ms. O’Connor asked about the houses being built on the lots on Queen Street that were auctioned by the Town.  First Selectman Rosenthal explained that the town kept three of the lots to preserve the view but the rest of the lots were sold without restrictions.  

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Upon motion by Selectman Brimmer, the minutes of the 6/12/06 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.
        Upon motion by Selectman Bojnowski, the minutes of the 7/7/06 meeting were accepted as presented.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Letters of appreciation for funds in the 2006/2007 Budget were received from the Womens Center of Danbury and from the Amos House.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Selectman Brimmer asked about the next step for the Queen Street Area Traffic Study.  First Selectman Rosenthal advised that informational meetings will now be held for the Borough, for town officials, and for the public.  He will talk to Mr. David Hannon of HVCEO to find out the time schedule.


Road Work Acceptance, Road & Drainage Work Agreement, Wildcat Road, Sturges Road, Taunton Hill Road, “Wildcat Hill” Subdivision
Selectman Brimmer moved to accept the road work for Road & Drainage Work Agreement, Wildcat Road, Sturges Road, Taunton Hill Road, “Wildcat Hill” Subdivision and to reduce the bond from $79,000.00 to $15,800.00 which represents a 20% maintenance bond to be held by the Town for one year.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Driveway Bond Releases/Extensions
Selectman Bojnowski moved to release five driveway bonds and approve a six month extension for three driveway bonds as outlined on attachment.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Special Appropriation – Purchase of Fire Pumper
A letter was received from the Board of Fire Commissioners advising that they have voted to award the bid for the Triple Combination Pumper Truck and requesting an appropriation in the amount of $460,000.  First Selectman Rosenthal reminded that this truck was removed from the 2006/2007 budget and approved for bonding by the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Finance and the Legislative Council.  
        Selectman Brimmer moved to initiate an appropriation in the amount of $460,000 for the purchase of a Triple Combination Pumper Truck to be funded by bonding.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        This will now go to the Board of Finance, the Legislative Council and if approved will come back to the Board of Selectmen to call a Town Meeting.

EMPG Program Conditions of Eligibility
        Selectman Bojnowski moved the following:  RESOLVED:  That First Selectman Herbert C. Rosenthal, be and hereby is authorized to act on behalf of the Town of Newtown in executing a Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, for participation in the FY 2007 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program.   Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        This resolution allows the First Selectman to sign the Acceptance of the Emergency Management Performance Grant Program Conditions of Eligibility in order to receive any Homeland Security funds.

Selectman Brimmer moved to transfer FROM Account 01570-2000 Contingency $206,680.00 TO Account 01310-1003 Police Payroll $188,429.00 AND TO Account 01550-1004 Parks & Recreation Maintainer Payroll $18,521.00.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        This transfer is to cover salary increases agreed to in latest contract negotiations.

Setting of Fees for Use of Fairfield Hills Campus
The Fairfield Hills Authority has adopted a Campus Use Policy for the property, and are recommending a fee schedule.  The Board of Selectmen is the body that is authorized to set fees.
        Selectman Bojnowski moved to set a fee schedule for Use of the Fairfield Hills Campus as recommended by the Fairfield Hills Authority and attached to the minutes.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Charge to Ad Hoc Strategic Long Range Planning Committee
This item will be on a future agenda.

Selectman Bojnowksi moved to approve three appointments as outlined on the attached.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        First Selectman Rosenthal advised that three of the appointments on the Fairfield Hills Authority are expiring on August 1, 2006.  Two are being re-appointed tonight, however, Judge William Lavery is requesting that he not be re-appointed due to a change in his other commitments.  As of August 1, there will be a vacancy on the Authority.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Finance Director Ben Spragg distributed copies of the CIP Requests from town departments/agencies.  It was decided to ask representatives of Parks & Recreation, the Fire Commission and Canine Advocates to attend the first meeting in August to answer questions about their requests.

Proposed Open Space Purchase/Legal Matters
Selectman Bojnowski moved to enter executive session to discuss a proposed purchase of open space property and several legal matters and to invite the Finance Director and clerk to attend.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Meeting entered executive session at 6:15 p.m. and returned to open session at 6:48 p.m.  
        Selectman Brimmer moved to authorize legal defense in the matters of Kevin and Robin Fitzgerald vs. P&Z Commission; Jack Samowitz vs. P&Z Commission; Gary Tannenbaum vs. Zoning Board of Appeals; and to authorize initiation of legal enforcement action against Charles Hood, 1 Dusty Lane.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
        Selectman Bojnowski moved to approve the purchase of 9.32 acres of property as discussed in executive session and to recommend acceptance of one acre of adjacent property, contingency upon the purchase and to refer this to the Planning & Zoning Commission as per CGS §8-24.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

                                                        Jan Andras, Clerk

Attachment A:  Driveway Bond Releases/Extensions
Attachment B:  Fees for Use of Fairfield Hills Campus
Attachment C:  Appointments/Reappointments

JULY 17, 2006



COR MACK LLC, 14 Nighthawk Lane, Map 54, Block 13, Lot 20.04                    $    1,000.00
R. MATHISON CONSTR., LLC, Jo Mar Drive, Map 44, Block 2, Lot 5          $    1,000.00
HERDE CONSTR., 4 Hoseye Coach Road, Map 45, Block 6, Lot 2.02                   $    1,000.00
HERDE CONSTR., 8 Hoseye Coach Road, Map 45, Block 6, Lot 2.04                   $    1,000.00
DAVID FRENCH, Pepperidge Road, Map 7, Block 4, Lot 70.02                        $    1,000.00           

ACT BUILDERS, 7 Nighthawk Lane, Map 54, Block 13, Lot 20.02                     $     1,000.00
        (had to redesign building plans)
DAVID FRENCH, Pepperidge Road, map 7, Block 4, Lot 20.02                        $     1,000.00
       (have to finish road improvements for the town)
NANCY O’GRADY, 9 Jordan Hill Road, Map 54, Block 1, Lot 7                       $     1,000.00
        (problems with approval process)

BOARD OF SELECTMEN – 07/17/06 Meeting

Fairfield Hills Authority
DENT, AMY, 10 Country Squire Road, SH                   07/31/06 – 08/01/09
GECKLE, ROBERT A. SR., 35 Queen Street          07/31/06 – 08/01/09

Tax Collector
Mahoney, Carol L.                                               Exp. 02/01/10