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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 08/04/03
The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting on Monday, August 4, 2003 at the C. H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  First Selectman Rosenthal called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

PRESENT:        First Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, Selectman Joseph Bojnowski,  Selectman William Brimmer

ALSO PRESENT:  Finance Director Benjamin Spragg, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer,  Parks & Recreation Director Barbara Kasbarian, Parks & Rec Commission Chairman Larry Haskell, three members of public, one member of press

VOTER PARTICIPATION:  Mr. Philip Clark, 7 Currituck Road, stated that he and his wife just purchased their property and had planned to build a rock wall around the front, but discovered from a survey that this wall would actually be on town property.  At one time, Currituck Road was a state road and was much wider.  They have been working with the Town Engineer on how to remedy this and be able to build the fence.  This will be on the next agenda for action.

COMMUNICATIONS:  A letter was received from the Pension Committee inviting the Board of Selectmen to attend a joint meeting on September 22 to discuss the current status of the pension investments.
        First Selectman Rosenthal received a communication from CCM advising of the final state budget and the impact on Newtown.  We will lose about $361,000 of aid from the prior fiscal year as adjusted in February when we lost $500,000.   This means we will be receiving  less than was estimated for revenue in the current town budget.  
        First Selectman Rosenthal received a copy of a handout being distributed around town by “Friends of Fairfield Hills”.   He is concerned about “factually false statements” being made.  The handout states that the “proposed Authority will be chosen by the First Selectman” – actually the appointees must  be approved by the Board of Selectmen.  It also states that the Authority will “not be subject to public disclosure” which is totally false.  The Authority will be a public agency, much like the WPCA, and as such will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act.  They will be required to post agendas and minutes of all meetings and all financial transactions will be subject to public disclosure.  There are other misrepresentations in the handout – “Do you want more trees or more traffic.  A park or a parking lot?”   The Plan actually calls for 140 acres of open space, recreational area and land banked property as compared to 112 acres of open space currently on the campus.  The Plan calls for 38 acres of “impervious surface”, ie buildings, parking lots as compared to 39 acres currently.   Of the 260 trees on the property,  the Plan only calls to remove 6-7 trees for the soccer fields.   Selectman Brimmer pointed out that groups supporting or opposing a referendum are required to file with the Town Clerk indicating the name of the Chairman and Treasurer.
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Upon motion by Selectman Brimmer, the minutes of the July 21, 2003 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.


Maintenance Bond Release, Road & Drainage Work Agreement, Pine Tree Hill Road, “Winton Farms” Subdivision
Not ready at this time.

Endorsement of “Relay for Life”
A presentation was made by the Co-Chairmen at the last meeting.  First Selectman Rosenthal did not have the opportunity to contact other towns to find out about this program.  This will be on next agenda.

Selectman Brimmer moved to add a bond release for “Tilson Woods” Subdivision to the agenda.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.


Resolution – New Town Hall Buildings vs. Renovated Building
First Selectman Rosenthal stated that has heard that some people are concerned about a new town hall building.  There is no money in the current fiscal year to do anything since the first borrowing for Fairfield Hills includes only the purchase and some initial remediation.  The next fiscal year would have money for design and then actual construction or renovation would hopefully take place the subsequent fiscal year, if the economy is right.  The Master Plan still has to be approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission and each aspect going forward would have to go the Planning & Zoning.  Each time public comment would be heard.  In addition, at budget time the public would be able to be heard and to vote.   There are plenty of opportunities for public input.  
        Selectman Bojnowski moved the following:  RESOLVED that before constructing municipal office space, including Board of Education offices at Fairfield Hills, the design architect to be selected for the project will compare new construction to renovating Shelton House, to confirm that we have made the best choice from the standpoint of cost, initial construction and future maintenance; quality of the finished product; and efficiency of operations.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Road Acceptance – Wine Sap Road, “Gelding Hill Estates” Subdivision
Selectman Brimmer moved to accept Wine Sap Road into the Newtown Highway System, contingency upon receipt by the Town Attorney of an updated Title Certificate and to set a maintenance bond in the amount of $15,000.00 to be held by the Town for a period of one year.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Bond Release, Road & Drainage Work Agreement, Parmalee Hill Road, “Daniels Hill Estates” Subdivision
Selectman Bojnowski moved to release maintenance bond for Road & Drainage Work Agreement, Parmalee Hill Road, “Daniels Hill Estates” Subdivision in the amount of $360.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Driveway Bond Releases
Selectman Brimmer moved to approve two (2) driveway bond releases and two (2) six month extensions (see attached).  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Capital Improvement Plan
Board of Selectmen members received a copy of the 2004-2009 CIP at the last meeting.  Parks and Recreation representative were invited to attend tonight to discuss projects in the CIP.
        Selectman Bojnowski asked if there was any way to delay or cancel a maintenance facility.  Ms. Kasbarian advised that this project has already been postponed.  The Board of Selectmen did that in the recent budget deliberations.  This will not go away.  Mr. Haskell pointed out that the parks crew responsibilities are increasing and another staff member is being added this year.  We currently have equipment stored in the employee lunch room.  A lot of equipment is sitting outside in the weather.  Other alternatives are being looked into.
        The CIP will be on the next agenda for the Selectmen to prioritize.

Resolution for Refunding Bonds
Finance Director Ben Spragg advised that over the past several months, the market has been volatile.  However, we do have four bond issues that show potential savings by refunding.  He is bringing this up now so that when the market becomes good for refunding, he will have all approvals in place and can move forward.   
        Selectman Brimmer introduced resolution entitled “Resolution With Respect To The Authorization, Issuance And Sale Of Not Exceeding $43,040,000 Town of Newtown General Obligation Refunding Bonds”, a copy of which is attached hereto, and moved that said resolution be adopted and recommended for adoption by the Board of Finance.  Motion seconded and approved by roll call vote:  YES – Rosenthal, Bojnowski, Brimmer.  

July 2003 Tax Refunds
Selectman Brimmer moved to approve July 2003, Tax Refund No. 1, in the amount of $12,774.12.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Bond Release, Fire Suppression System, Washington Avenue, “Tilson Woods” Subdivision
Selectman Brimmer moved to relase bond for Fire Suppression System, Washington Avenue, “Tilson Woods” Subdivision in the amount of $24,000.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Legal Matters
Selectman Bojnowski moved to enger executive session to discuss legal matters and to invite Town Engineer, Finance Director and clerk to attend.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  
        Meeting entered executive session at 9:05 pm and returned to open session at 9:10 pm.
        Selectman Bojnowski moved to ask Town Attorney to investigate and take appropriate legal action to enforce correction of road damage done by Mr. Bashak at 49 Bennetts Bridge Road.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.

                                                                Jan Andras, Clerk

Attachment A:  Driveway Bond Releases/Extensions
Attachment B:  Resolution for Refunding Bonds