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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner) Minutes
December 3, 2013 at 5:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center (Meeting Room #1)
3 Primrose Street, Newtown CT

Members Present: Warden Scott Semple, Garner Correctional Facility; Newly appointed Warden Henry (Hank) Falcone, Garner Correctional Facility; Stephen Sedensky, State’s Attorney; Mike Kelley; Rob Manna
Members Absent: Gino Faiella, Joy Previdi and Jack O’Byrne.
Also Present: Bruce Clark, resident.

Meeting convened at 5:09pm by Mike Kelley sitting in for E. Patricia Llodra and Chief Michael Kehoe

Public Participation: No members of public were present. Andy Gorosko from the Newtown Bee observed the meeting.

Approval of Minutes: Atty Sedensky motioned to approve minutes of October 1, 2013. The motion was seconded by Warden Semple, then unanimously approved.


Warden Semple informed Committee effective last week he was promoted to Deputy Commissioner of Operations for the agency. Henry (Hank) Falcone is the New Warden for Garner. He comes with over 22 years of experience. He worked his way up through the ranks and was previously Deputy Warden of Operations. James Zuranda will be Commissioner of Correction. Warden Semple wanted to personally thank the Committee and Citizens of Newtown for being so gracious for the facility and everything that has been done.

Population: Mr. Semple stated that the current population is 511, which breaks down to 305 mental health inmates, 184 general population, and 22 in the youth development unit. No overflow at this time.

Garner is implementing generator tank replacement project starting on December 9th. It is a 3 day project replacing an above ground 5,000 gallon diesel tank with another 5,000 gallon diesel tank. Warden Semple advised Chief Kehoe and First Selectman Llodra because project can visually be seen from the street. There will be some activity there. There will be a temp tank hookup while the project is going on. It is a 6,000 gallon tank and will be removed as soon as the new tank is installed. This lets us operate facility for 3.5 days at full capacity.

Old Business: Atty Sedensky asked Warden Semple how the Youth Program was going. Warden Semple stated program going great. He gives high marks for staff involved in the implementation of the program. Program was created because Manson Institute needed to move the older population out so they can focus on the younger population. Program going so well it was expanded this year. The program allows Staff to collaborate and make partnerships with the parents of the offender.

3 weeks ago there was a serious assault on a staff member which resulted in an arrest. Inmate has significant history and time. He was transferred to a northern correctional facility on restrictive placement status. Staff member suffered a Concussion, neck and back injuries. He has had follow up surgery and is doing good. His spirits were up.

New Business: No new business at this time

Atty Sedensky motioned to adjourn meeting at 5:16pm which was seconded by Bruce Clark. All were in favor.

First Selectman and Chief Kehoe arrived just after meeting was adjourned. They wanted to be sure everyone met the new Warden (Falcone) and to wish him luck in his new position.
Respectfully submitted by Lynn Kovack, Clerk