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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner) Minutes
Regular Meeting – March 5, 2013 at 5:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center (Meeting Room #1)
3 Primrose Street, Newtown CT

Members Present:  E. Patricia Llodra, First Selectman; Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Newtown Police Dept; Warden Scott Semple, Garner Correctional Facility; Atty. Stephen Sedensky, State’s Attorney; Joy Previdi; Mike Kelley; Rob Manna, Board of Fire Commissioners; Jack O’Byrne, Nunnawauk Meadows; and Gino Faiella, Newtown Board of Education.  Also Present:  Andy Gorosko, Newtown Bee and Bruce Clark, resident.

Ms. Llodra convened the meeting at 5:05 pm.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Mr. Semple clarified that facility population stated at the previous meeting should reflect the following:  Sentenced Population as 387 and the Accused/Unsentenced Population as 235.  He then motioned to approve the minutes of December 4, 2012 as amended. The motion was seconded by Atty. Sedensky then unanimously approved.


Population – Mr. Semple stated that the current population is 614, which breaks down to 310 mental health inmates; 192 general population; 104 accused/unsentenced; and eight in the youth development unit.

Facility Improvements – Mr. Semple said the panel upgrade project began two weeks ago.  They anticipate this taking approximately one year to complete.   Ms. Previdi asked the reason for this change.  Mr. Semple said the current system is outdated and the new system is computerized with added technology and functions.  

Youth Development Unit – Mr. Semple said the program is doing well and that they will be expanding the unit with an additional eight beds around May 1st.  When complete, this will give them a total 24 beds in the unit.  Staff in that unit will increase with the addition of one teacher and two counselors.  

Sandy Hook Fund Donations – Garner delivered 150 dinners the evening of the tragedy and 100 breakfasts and 75 cases of water the following morning.  The agency raised $19, 222.00 which was given to the Newtown Savings Bank.   Everyone was grateful.

Staffing – Garner currently has 25 vacancies for correction officers, which are mostly due to retirements.  Mr. Semple requested recruitment from the Newtown and Greater Danbury area.  He said also he has three new Lieutenants.  Ms. Llodra asked how the facility manages with so many vacancies.  Mr. Semple said they maintain a full compliment and normal operations but in unusually situations, like the recent storm, they need to reduce some services such as visits or outside services.  Ms. Llodra asked about gang activity.  Mr. Semple said it remains the same and that he has a new Intelligence Officer.   

The Gym – Mr. Semple stated there are currently 55 inmates assigned to the gym due to an HVAC issue in another facility.  This should be corrected by June.  When empty, the gym will be used for its intended recreational purposes.  The facility has outside courtyards and common areas in the housing units as well as a larger recreation yard that can be used when weather permits.

CT DOC Population – Chief Kehoe asked about trending with the overall CT DOC prison population and other systems or outreach programs they have in place.  Mr. Semple said the population is in an all time low.  A year ago the population was approximately 21,000.  Currently there are approximately 16,000 prisoners.  Mr. Semple discussed half way houses and in-patient mental health programs.  The contracted beds in the communities are fixed and usage has remained steady.  The Garner facility doesn’t provide transitional supervision due to the mental health needs of that population.  

Ms. Llodra asked if there were any updates on the Rocky Hill nursing home controversy.  Mr. Semple said he knows only what the papers are stating and that the inmates using that facility are ones that are physical or mentally disabled.  Ms. Previdi asked what would be the difference between the mental health unit at Garner and the mental health inmates who would be infirmed at Rocky Hill.  Chief Kehoe said it may include TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) patients/prisoners or others that need a higher level of care.  Mr. Semple agreed.


Mr. Faiella motioned to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Atty. Sedensky.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk