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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner) Minutes
Regular Meeting – December 4, 2012 at 5:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center (Meeting Room #1)
3 Primrose Street, Newtown CT

Members Present:  First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra; Joe Rios, Police Captain; Warden Scott Semple from the Garner Correctional Facility; Stephen Sedensky, State’s Attorney; Joy Previdi; Mike Kelley;  Rob Manna, Board of Fire Commissioners; and Jack O’Byrne, Nunnawauk Meadows; Not Present:  Gino Faiella, Newtown School System representative.  

Also Present:  Andy Gorosko, Newtown Bee and Bruce Clark, resident.

First Selectman Llodra convened the meeting at 5:08 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:   Mr. O Byrne motioned to approve the minutes of September 4, 2012 as presented. The motion was seconded by Ms. Previdi then unanimously approved.  

Ms. Llodra thanked Mr. Semple for participating in emergency meetings for Tropical Storm Sandy and for sending sandwiches to emergency personnel.

Garner Correctional Facility Update:  Mr. Semple stated that the current total population is 622, breaking down to 386 Mental Health Inmates and 236 General; then, 387 unsentenced; and 235 sentenced.  There are 11 individuals in Youth Development.   

Ms. Llodra asked how the youth program was going.  Mr. Semple said there was one incident between two offenders since its inception, otherwise there has been no problems.  The youth program’s age bracket is between 16 and 21.  Mr. Semple explained that the unit was developed to respond to needs of the Manson Youth Institute in Cheshire; a small population is designated restrictive placement status and known as a security risk group, basically gang member and those with special education needs.   The program‘s emphasis is on education and partnering with family.  There have been two GED graduates so far.   

Mr. Semple said the gym overflow was empty but now there are 53.  There is an unsentenced facility being built in Bridgeport which will help with this.

Ms. Previdi and Ms. Llodra expressed concerned over the transport needs of the unsentenced population.   Mr. Semple said the overall agency numbers are the lowest in ten years.  Currently there are 16,400 incarcerated individuals.  He explained that most of the unsentenced population is from Bridgeport and New Haven area with bonds of $150,000 or less.  They will take any of the mental health individuals no matter what the bond is.  He explained there are usually no more than two vehicles (busses or vans) used for daily transports to courts.  

Ms. Llodra asked about the type of offenses that represent a $150,000 bond.  Atty. Sedensky explained that someone with no prior record usually have bonds set below 50,000 and in order to get a $150,000 bond, there would probably be prior records or prior failures to appear.  

Ms. Llodra asked if the Governor’s budget will likely impact the facility.  Mr. Semple does not know at this time.  He said the facility will be upgrading their control panels in early January.  He noted that during Storm Sandy the facility was on generator power for less than two days, that they complied with the Town’s request to conserve water, and experienced significant tree damage.  

Mr. Semple said there have been 16 retirements for the calendar year, three transfers have come in.  They also received approval for ten more staff from the academy.  Garner currently as a total of 245 correction officers and 24 open positions.

Mr. Manna asked for an explanation about the gym overflow.  The Warden explained they have bunks they call “boats” and each individual has an area for personal items.  He said it’s similar to dormitory settings.  There have had no incidents.  

Mr. Semple will let the committee know when the next tour will be.

Mr. O’Byrne motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:21 pm, which was seconded by Warden Semple.  The motion was unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted by
Tammy Hazen, Clerk