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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner) Minutes
Regular Meeting – September 4, 2012 at 5:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center (Meeting Room #1)
3 Primrose Street, Newtown CT

Members Present:  First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra; Chief of Police Michael Kehoe; Warden Scott Semple from the Garner Correctional Facility; Mike Kelley; Stephen Sedensky, State’s Attorney; and
Jack O’Byrne, Nunnawauk Meadows.  Not Present:  Kevin Cragin, Board of Fire Commissioners; Joy Previdi; and Gino Faiella, Newtown School System representative.  Also Present:  Andy Gorosko, Newtown Bee.

First Selectman Llodra convened the meeting at 5:08 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:  Mr. Kelley motioned to approve the minutes of June 5, 2012 as presented, which was seconded by Chief Kehoe and then unanimously approved.  

Garner Correctional Facility Update:  Warden Semple stated that the current total population is 640, which breaks down to: 294 mental health inmates; 195 general population; 142 unsentenced inmates; and 9 in youth development.  

Everbridge System:  Warden Semple said a recording went out on Saturday from the existing notification system explaining how to sign up for the new Everbridge System (also known as CTAlert).  

First Selectman Llodra asked for confirmation that there is a mechanism on the Everbridge System that assures the calls are received by those who signed up.  Warden Semple explained that the system allows you to put in multiple phone numbers or emails for each person.  The system will continue to call or email that person until there is confirmation that the message was received.  Andy Gorosko will write something in The Bee regarding the Everbridge System.  

Chief Kehoe asked clarification about who received the last message.  Warden Semple said only the people who were signed up for the current notification system at the prison facility received this message.  He said that all messages from the Everbridge System are initiated only from DOC central office.  Although there will not be monthly testing of the Everbridge System, as there is now with the existing notification system, there will be periodic testing with first responders (agency specific).  
Garden Program:  Warden Semple said the garden program is doing well and that they estimate about 7,000 pounds of produce will be harvested each year.  This would not only feed the entire population of the prison, but provide donations to local charities in Town.  

Staffing:  Warden Semple said they will be losing about a dozen staff due to retirements, etc., and will be recruiting from the greater Danbury and Newtown area.  He said it takes approximately one year to complete training.

The overflow population will be relocated in order to complete some structural updates in the gym.

Adjournment.  Atty. Sedensky motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:20 pm, which was seconded by Mr. O’Byrne and unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted by
Tammy Hazen, Clerk