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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner) Minutes
Regular Meeting-March 6, 2012 at 5:00pm
Newtown Municipal Center (Meeting Room #1)
3 Primrose Street, Newtown CT

Members Present: First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra, Joy Previdi, Warden Scott Semple from the Garner Correctional Facility; Jack O’Byrne, Nunnawauk Meadows; Stephen Sedensky, Mike Kelley, and Bruce Clark. Not Present: Kevin Cragin, Board of Fire Commissioners; and Gino Faiella.

First Selectman, E. Patricia Llodra convened the meeting at 5:03pm.

Public Participation: NA

Approval of Minutes: Warden Scott Semple reviewed the minutes, and requested a revision to the section that states the Warden hired (7) new correctional officers. The minutes should read that (17) new correctional officers were hired.

First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra motioned to approve the minutes of December 6, 2011, with revisions made appropriately, seconded by Jack O’Byrne and unanimously approved.

Warden’s Report: The current population at Garner Correction Facility, as of 6:32pm today, March 6, 2012 is the mental health population is at 293; the general population is 195; and the un-sentenced population is 144. Of the un-sentenced population, 56 are in the overflow unit, which is currently the gymnasium at the facility. Roughly, (6) weeks ago had the number down to (19), but then received an influx of arrests, and number ultimately increased.

Current goal is to get gymnasium emptied out, but the only issue the facility has is that a facility sight in Bridgeport is currently being refurbished which contains 200 beds. First Selectman, E. Patricia Llodra was curious about the impact that the loss of gymnasium space had on certain programs contained within that area, due to the overflow of inmates. On a positive note, since Mother Nature was working in favor, the Warden was able to use some of the fields as recreational space to hold certain activities for the inmates.

Most of the prison inflow comes from New Haven and Bridgeport. As prisoners are sentenced they are removed from that area, and placed in the appropriate location.  Also, once the other facility is completed they will be able to take use of the additional 200 beds. The other un-sentenced inmates are also placed within the prisons Golf Unit, which is a dedicated un-sentenced block currently. Inmates are usually contained within that one unit, unless they have any specific mental health issues they are contained in the mental health unit. The Golf Unit can hold a capacity up to about 92 if needed. From a male population perspective, there are (3) locations inmates can go to which are; New Haven, Bridgeport and Hartford. The Corrigan & Radgowski sight, near Uncasville, CT, is where the bulk of the un-sentenced population resides, while the sentenced inmates are transferred out to various prisons.

First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra was concerned about the gymnasium being used as a housing unit for overflow inmates, and was curious as to whether the DOC is working on filtering out the inmates into different housing units in order to make use of the gym for recreational activities. Warden Semple clarified that he requested the unit to be emptied, and that he was successful in bringing the number down to 19, but unfortunately there was an influx of arrests which caused the number to increase again. The Warden was satisfied with the decrease in the number of assaults contained within that specific unit. In that specific unit there have only be (3) incidents; one in which two inmates engaged in an argument, and the other (2) were normal disciplinary actions that were handled appropriately.

One thing that caused the Warden alarm, was the number of hospital induced injuries within the DOC. Since the beginning of the year, there has been (5) inmate-on-staff assaults which resulted in all being transported to the hospital to be checked out. As a result, (4) correctional officers recovered from their injuries and returned to work, and (1) has not returned and is currently on workers comp. The assaults were legitimate, and charges are pending on those specific inmates. Out of the incidents, (3) of the (4) incidents were executed by mental health inmates, and (1) was from general population. The Warden agrees although the number does seem alarming, it isn’t anything out of the ordinary, and he is concentrating on continuing to manage the situation.

The Warden was happy to present that the facility will be starting a new unit, previously where the behavior engagement unit was located, and contained inmates who demonstrated significant male adaptive behaviors. That unit has since been closed down and is no longer at Garner. The unit is currently being reviewed to be relocated at a different facility. The new unit is going to be a juvenile unit, which will be for 19 to 20-year-olds. The unit will be a 16 bed unit, and the Warden has (2) additional special education teachers coming into the unit. The main agenda will focus on education and programming for special education inmates who are a security risk for group affiliation/gang affiliations. The staff is especially supportive in opening the new unit as well. The current program is located at the Manson Youth Institution in Cheshire, CT. The main goal is to take on the 19 to 21-year-old population at Garner in order for the Manson Youth Institution to focus primarily on 14 to 16-year-olds. Joy Previdi was curious as to why the behavior engagement unit was closed down, and the Warden explained all of the inmates graduated from the program which in turns mean they displayed appropriate behavior, and they did not take on any other inmates after all graduated from program. The priority of the specific unit is education. The NEXIS program does contain a school principle, (3) full time teachers, and adding (2) additional teachers. (1) GED teacher and (4) Special Education teachers. The Warden and the staff are hopeful that this program is able to educate the youth, and can make an impact on the future of the inmates. Joy Previdi was curious as to what the criteria were for the inmates who are to be placed in the specific unit. The Warden expressed there are (2) criteria the inmates need to display; determined to have special education needs, and are on some type of restrictive placement which means security risk groups threat members, and are determined to be gang affiliated. The facility is working on getting an electric gate in order to isolate new unit from the adult population with the exception of visits and recreation.

Warden Semple has also been contacted by Fairfield University who has an interest in working with the correctional facility on a program, but the Warden is hopeful something can be set up for the future. The Warden is also looking forward to expanding the garden program, and will be growing a pumpkin patch in the field along with the crop that is yielded for the year. The food is donated to homeless shelters, but the Warden anticipates implementing a new plan by next year to designate that specific crop to a specific unit and bringing it back into the kitchen to use as part of the inmate diet. The area is roughly (2) acres, and last year crop yielded roughly about (2) tons.

Old Business: First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra expressed concern about the Everbridge System since there was a problem activating the system outlined in the December minutes. Recognizes system is tested every Saturday, and was curious about whether problem has been solved. The Warden explained he tests the community notification system which is tested every first Saturday, and since the last meeting the system has been tested which resulted in one issue, and was fixed by the next day. Warden will maintain a redundant system until feels confident in Everbridge system. The concern First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra expressed was the delays in the notification because the alerts were anywhere from 40 minutes to 4 hours late. First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra explained how the town currently uses the Code Red system which is a very reliable system, which is a great expense to the town, but agreed necessary for the safety of the community. The great positive is once Code Red is triggered the alert goes out within (30) seconds. First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra and Warden Semple agree that the Everbridge System still needs to be managed and fixed in order for it to be robust enough to get out to the community in the timely fashion necessary.

Chief Kehoe stated he received a copy of the key people at Board of Education, and was curious if information was received by the Warden as of yet. The chief provided the information to Mary Helen to give directly to the individual who input the information the last time. The Warden did not receive the information yet, but said he would talk to Captain Carvone who input the information the last time. The list contains the key people who need to be notified within the Board of Education during a community notification. First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra expressed concern about whether or not the generators are ready pertaining to another weather event, and whether or not it improved the reliability. The Warden expressed that in a worst case scenario if the generators ever were to shut down, that the facility and staff, along with the Warden will be able to evacuate the inmates in a fast and safe fashion. Warden Semple is very confident in the ability to evacuate the facility if need be, and also reiterates the confidence and ability of his staff. During the power failure due to the hurricane, and with the anticipation of the generators possibly failing, the Warden had the buses in route to the prison to evacuate. The main issue that was identified is that the two 5,000 gallon tanks that hold the diesel fuel that feed the generators has a life span of about 20 to 25 years, and the generators are at that stand which means they do need to be replaced which is a crucial priority.

Bruce Clark was curious as to what the procedure would be if the community notification system needed to be activated. The Warden explained in any type of scenario, first the Warden would have to notify his superiors, and then the Garner Command Center would be activated, and part of the protocol is to active the community notification system. Bruce Clark expressed his concern as to how fast a community notification system would be sent out if there was a prison break, since the prison is so embedded in the community. The Warden reassured that he himself has to specifically order the activation system alert, and that as soon as he was notified, the public would be notified. Joy Previdi also reflected on the prison break that happened a couple years back, and the immediate response she witnessed firsthand which lead to the inmates being returned in a fashionable manor considering the size of the town. The Warden explained that there are (6) identified sectors within the confines of the facility during a search protocol during an escape which allows them to identify the missing inmates immediately. The Warden also explained how he runs drills to ensure to preparedness of the facility and the staff.

New Business: NA

Adjournment: First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:36pm, and unanimously carried.

Mindy Kovack