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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner) Minutes
Regular Meeting – September 7, 2010 5:00 pm
Newtown Public Library

Members Present:  Deputy Warden Rick Bartholomew, Garner Correctional Facility; First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra; Chief of Police, Michael Kehoe; Jack O’Byrne, Nunnawauk Meadows, and Kevin Cragin, Board of Fire Commissioners.

First Selectmen Llodra convened the meeting at 5:00 p.m.

Public Participation – Andy Gorosko from the Newtown Bee.  

Approval of Minutes – Mr. Cragin motioned to accept the minutes of the June 1, 2010 meeting.  Mr. O’Byrne seconded the motion.  Minutes were approved unanimously with one change.

Garner Correctional Facility Update

Deputy Warden Rick Bartholomew provided a population update:  
Total population is 630 with General Population of 332 (mental health scores 1, 2, or 3) and Mental Health population of 298 (mental health scores 4 or 5).  This also breaks down to 403 Sentenced and 227 Unsentenced.  It was decided that the numbers from the minutes of June 1, 2010 were probably incorrect.  Mr. Bartholomew will check with Warden Semple on this and those minutes will be amended at the next meeting.  Mr. Bartholomew explained that there are three units reserved for General Population that holds 92 inmates per block.  Units A and E hold the Sentenced/General Population.  Unit G holds Unsentenced/General Population.  There  is also a small AP area that has eight or ten inmates.  The Mental Health inmates are in Blocks B, C, D, and half of H.  The in-patient medial unit hold the acute mentally ill.  

First Selectman Llodra asked if the current proportion of General Population and Mental Health inmates are typical.  Mr. Bartholomew said it’s usually half and half and General Population is usually at capacity – The unsentenced population is from Hartford Correctional overflow.  Ms. Llodra asked if General Population is full.  Mr. Bartholomew said there may be a couple of beds open.  The AP room currently has eight inmates but can hold up to 18 or 20.  D Block holds the seriously mental ill and consists of single person cells and holds up to a total of 90 inmates; B Block holds up to 92 inmates.

Ms. Llodra asked if the facility has a target in balancing General Population and Mental Health.  Mr. Bartholomew said if it becomes unbalanced, one block would be changed over.  The proportion is controlled by the design of the facility.  Chief Kehoe said the facility expands and contracts depending upon matters such as the court system. Mr. Bartholomew said that since he’s been there, there’s been no change in the layout of the blocks and that the number of incidents have been relatively consistent.

It was noted that former Warden Dzurenda was promoted to District Administrator and then to Deputy Commissioner for DOC.  The new Commissioner of DOC is Leo Arnone.  When asked if there have been any philosophical shifts, Mr. Bartholomew said they always look for ways to keep costs down and that the largest expense is staff.  The facility will gain seven new staff members when current Academy class graduates.  Ms. Llodra asked if the facility is fully staffed.  Mr. Bartholomew said it’s currently short nine of 222 officer positions and staff vacancies are filled with overtime.  

The prison’s outdoor evening ball field recreation has ended.  The activity provides inmates with outdoor recreation in a secure field (inside the fence) from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm during the summer months.

Mr. Bartholomew said there were some technical issues with a recent test of their notification system.  They have a test on the first Saturday of each month.  The prison will be implementing a newer, more efficient notification system.  Ms. Llodra said a full update on the 911 system was recently completed.  

Mr. Bartholomew said the facility has updated their radios and base station system to digital.  The system is more efficient and the vehicle radios have received reception from the base station as far away as Cheshire.  

Ms. Llodra asked about the garden program.  Mr. Bartholomew said the Culinary Arts class use the produce and provided food for GED graduates and their families.  The plants are currently in pots but an area will be rotor-tilled for next year.  

The facility’s next open house will be on December 5, 2010.  With no further business, Mr. Cragin motioned to adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m.  The motion was seconded by Mr. O’Byrne.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.