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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner) Minutes
Regular Meeting
March 2, 2010 5:00 p.m.
Newtown Public Library

Members Present:  

Warden Scott Semple Garner Correctional Facility; First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra; Chief of Police, Michael Kehoe; Jack O’Byrne, Nunnawauk Meadows, Kevin Cragin, Board of Fire Commissioners; Mike Kelley; Stephen Sedensky, State’s Attorney; Tammy Hazen, Clerk

First Selectmen Llodra convened the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Public Participation

Andy Gorosko from the Newtown Bee and Garner Correctional Facility’s Deputy Wardens, Timothy Farrell and Richard Bartholomew were present.  Warden Scott Semple introduced the two Deputy Wardens to the committee who then explained their roles within Garner Correctional Facility.  

Approval of Minutes

Mr. O’Byrne motioned to accept the minutes of the December 1, 2009 meeting.  Chief Kehoe seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Chief Kehoe motioned to accept the minutes of the June 9, 1009 meeting.  Mr. O’Byrne seconded the motion.  First Selectman Llodra abstained.  Motion carried unanimously.

Garner Correctional Facility Update

Warden Semple stated that the population of the facility is currently 588, which includes 167 inmates that are in general population, and of those, 99 are un-sentenced offenders, as well as 421 mental health inmates.  First Selectman Llodra asked how the numbers compare historically.  Warden Semple said the population is a little lower than average.  He explained that they emptied out one tier of a cell block which was used during drills to move inmates into a different location.  Their drill included bringing in a special operations group  that specializes in hostage rescue and dealing with disturbances.  This group is used for events that are potentially lethal and includes trained marksmen.  Chief Kehoe was informed of the drill but could not attend and State Police were there as observers.  The Warden said that drills will be completed on a weekly basis to ensure the goal of implementing operations competency.  

Warden Semple, First Selectman Llodra and Chief Kehoe will be visiting the Nunnawauk Meadows facility on March 17th at 3:00 pm to meet with residents and be available to answer any questions or concerns they may have.  

Mr. O’Byrne asked if they allow inmates out early.  Mr. Semple discussed the facility’s Respite Program and explained that they connect mental health inmates with proper resources within the system to help them be successful on the outside.  He said that Garner is unique in where they meet with the families and provide information of where they can go and what they can do in case assistance is needed.  If anyone decompensates while one parole, they can be brought back into the facility on a Respite in order to stabilize them and help them become more successful in the community.  He said this program lessons a chance of re-arrest.  

Old Business

Ms. Llodra asked if the behavioral unit, spoken about at a previous meeting, has been implemented.  Mr. Semple said it has and that it is going well.  He noted that after a 90 day review they will amend the model.  So far they have graduated one offender and that there are three inmates currently in the unit, which has a capacity for eight.  The program is designed around behavior modification.

The First Selectman asked the Warden to clarify the absence of a likelihood that people would be released within Newtown.  Mr. Semple confirmed the agreement with Newtown that unless the person actually lives in Newtown, they would not be released into the Newtown community.  If anyone were to be released in Newtown, they would go through the standard protocol and make sure that Chief Kehoe and the First Selectman’s office were notified.

Chief Kehoe discussed another notification system called The Evergreen System that will be implemented within six months.  He explained it is a reverse 911 public safety system that would be used under certain protocols.  This system will be implemented in all police agencies in the State of Connecticut and will be very similar to the Code Red system, although but the protocols are much higher.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.