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Last Updated: 2011/9/8

*These minutes are not finalized until approved
At the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Chairman Duane Giannini called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

PRESENT: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, James Viadero, Neil Randle, and Chairman Duane Giannini
ABSENT: none
ALSO PRESENT: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Police Captain Jose Rios, and 1 member of the press.
Prior to addressing the items on the agenda, Chairman Giannini invited members of the Police Explorers Program, who had just received their uniforms and were meeting down the hall, come in for a photo with the Board. Following several pictures, the Chairman commended the group and their instructors for taking part in the explorers program.


CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR: REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 2, 2011 – Commissioner Walczak moved to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of August 2, 2011, as corrected, and the addendum to the minutes. Commissioner Randle seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Page 1, under Public Participation, last sentence: the word resolver should be resolve
Page 1, second paragraph, able should be unable.

CHIEF’S REPORT:  Personnel Report – Grades for Recruits: Paula Wickman 1 of 39 (95.50), Joseph Michael 26 of 39 (89.80), and Matthew Pirhala 13 of 39 (91.40). Budget – 2010-2011 Final Report – Chief Kehoe reported that the department expended 97.2% of the 2010-2011 Budget, which was largely due to the savings in salaries. 2011-2012 August Report – The Chief noted that there was nothing remarkable there. Fleet – Chief Kehoe was pleased to announce that the department had escaped Hurricane Irene without any major damage to the cars. Training Report – The Chief told the board that there was a written report in their packets. He added that there was department wide training beginning in the fall. According to the report, the Chief attended IACP National Law Enforcement Leadership Institute on Violence Against Women.
Letters of Gratitude – Chief Kehoe noted the department received one letter of gratitude for
Officer Monckton last month. Correspondences – The Department had several correspondences last month: one to Planning and Zoning regarding Veterinary Hospital; a second from First Selectman Pat Llodra regarding Key Rock Road; a third from Director of Economic and Community Development Liz Stocker regarding Sandy Hook Streetscape Traffic Light; and a fourth from State Traffic Commission regarding Boggs Hill Road Speed Limit change.
The Chief explained that the correspondences were in the commissioners’ packets. Meeting notes on new Ambulance Facility – Chief Kehoe reported that they were trying to do preplanning on the facility and to understand the complexities of it.

CAPTAIN’S REPORT: Incident Analysis Report for August 2011 – Captain Rios noted that there was nothing remarkable in the incident analysis report for last month. Monthly Patrol Motor Vehicle Enforcement for August 2011 – The Captain reported that there were 826 motor vehicle contacts for last month. He was pleased to note those contacts were up 71% over August 2010 and 22% over August 2009. DUI enforcement – Captain Rios informed Police Commissioners that there were 5 DUI arrests for August 2011. Traffic Enforcement Unit (TEU) Report for August 2011 – The Captain reported that the TEU Supervisor was on vacation and indicated there was nothing significant to report. However, he did note that the TEU had taken part in a crosswalk operation where officers in plain clothes tried to cross various crosswalks in town to see if motorists would stop. Chairman Giannini informed fellow Police Commissioners that TEU had worked Great Hill Road and added that he had people stopping by and calling him thanking him for slowing people down out there. Captain Rios noted that the departments Bike Unit was active up at the Fairfield Hills Campus. Detective Division Report for August 2011 – Captain Rios announced that the Detective Division went to 18 businesses for tobacco compliance and was pleased to report that only one business was found in violation of selling tobacco to minor. In addition, the Captain reported that the department continued its effort to stop underage drinking last month and told commissioners that they had worked with the statewide narcotics task force in a joint effort targeting the sale of heroin. Finally, Captain Rios indicated that detectives were investigating 5 burglaries that occurred last month in the following areas: Taunton Lake, Dodgingtown, West Street, Water View Drive and Narragansett. DUI Checkpoint August 20, 2011 – Captain Rios announced that the department had a very successful evening giving numerous verbal warnings, several citations and 3 DUI arrests. Finally, the Captain said “hats off” to the men and women of the department for working their “tales off” around the clock and shifting into emergency management mode during Hurricane Irene. He remarked that they did a fine job and should be commended for it.

Discussion and consideration on subcommittee reports of the Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commissions – Crosswalk Safety (Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini) – Commissioner Walczak indicated that they had a meeting two weeks ago and had made a lot of progress. He noted that the traffic unit team was going to look at each of the crosswalks in the flow of their normal duty. Commissioner Walczak said they expect the action plan to be: clearer signage, visible crosswalk markings, and other ideas including entering Newtown signs. He noted they were working on a slogan and potential slogan. Chairman Giannini suggested they would discuss the safe driving media campaign later under Commissioners Participation. He agreed that they had a productive meeting on the whole crosswalk piece and suggested that their next step was in regards to what they were going to do to make them safer. Animal Control (Commissioners Budd and Viadero) – Chairman Giannini explained that once they know where Animal Control will report, the Chief will bring it back to the Board. Labor (Commissioner Viadero and Dr. McCabe) – According to Commissioner Viadero they met with the Union President for the first time since the former Union President stepped down. He indicated that the Union wanted the opportunity to attend the Board of Police Commissioners’ meetings. Commissioner Viadero stated that they were opening up a dialogue with them and that the Union still wanted to do the survey. He added that he is going to check with Chief Kehoe to get some dates to have Professor Kay meet with the Chief. Chairman Giannini suggested they have the Union as a regular item on the agenda, but added that it should be used for a legitimate purpose so they have a high level discussion. He asked to have it on the next meeting’s agenda in October. Commissioner Viadero explained that he had spoken to the Union President and he agreed that they meeting must be focused.

Discussion and action on Policy-Wrecker Service – Chief Kehoe reported that they did a complete overhaul of the wrecker policy because it didn’t meet their current need for wrecker service. He noted that they met as a group – Sgt. Hines, members of the community who provide the service and himself – and got their input. The Chief added that a lot of that input was incorporated in the new policy. He indicated that they started to address having a heavy duty wrecker service because they now had two who provided the service instead of one.
Commissioner Budd moved to accept the policy and procedure for the Wrecker Service Rotation. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Discussion and action on request for stop signs at Glenmor Drive and Taunton Ridge Road (Report by Officer Ketchum NDPS Traffic Unit August 2011) – Chief Kehoe reported that they had reviewed the original plans of development to see if there were plans for a stop sign and couldn’t find anything in them or with the highway department so they did an analysis of the intersection. The Chief suggested they do the stop signs as presented to the Board. Chairman Giannini strongly agreed with the suggestion and asked that the recommendation be attached to the minutes.
Commissioner Viadero moved to accept the request for stop signs at Glenmor Drive and Taunton Ridge Road. Commissioner Budd seconded and the motion unanimously carried.

Discussion and  of restructuring of command and supervisory staff – Sighting the addition of a third Lieutenant as the major change, Chief Kehoe reported that there were opportunities existing that made the move amenable to them. The Chief noted that the Captain and he had looked at the command structure. He explained that there are always difficulties with change because it’s cultural, but said they felt that this was the time because there was money in the budget to do it. According to the Chief, there is currently a sergeant’s position open. Their intention is to promote a sergeant to the proposed lieutenant’s position, promote an officer to sergeant and eliminate one of the sergeant positions. Chief Kehoe informed Police Commissioners that the Lieutenant is a commander where as the Sergeants make more of the decisions concerning the day to day activities. He added that the more critical decisions need to be made by a Lieutenant. Chairman Giannini indicated that he has noticed the Captain has become more involved in the day to day activities. Chief Kehoe agreed and said the Captain needs to be doing research, but can’t if he is involved in the day to day activities. He added that he asked the First Selectman and she said she understood and supported what he was proposing. Commissioner Budd indicated that in his police department there are 9 Lieutenants for 100 officers. He noted that this change is long overdue and indicated that it is unbelievable the Newtown Police Department operates with 2 Lieutenants stating that in his opinion they should have 4. After reviewing the Draft of Appendix A the new chain of command, Commissioner Walczak suggested that even though it is a “draft” that they put a bubble around Animal Control and put “To Be Determined” so it’s understood. Commissioner Randle believed the new chain of command was similar and clearer; and added that it gives encouragement to people in terms of their own career development. He also noted that it helps the Captain carry out his executive role. Commissioner Viadero suggested that the department would still have to negotiate with the union. Chief Kehoe stated that he didn’t see a problem because they only have to negotiate the hours of work.
Commissioner Viadero made a motion to accept Draft Appendix A pending consultation of wages and benefits with the Union and Animal Control Officers position to be determined. Commissioner Walczak seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.


Safe Driving Media Campaign Commissioner Walczak reported that they had a combined information meeting with the Chief and the Traffic Unit about overall communications programs. He stated that they tasked the Chief with putting together a plan, a plan which includes coming into Town, brochures, and what the SRO’s do at the high school with the kids driving. According to Commissioner Walczak, they want to create a consciousness through a plan regarding driver and pedestrian safety.  Chairman Giannini suggested that it would be a synchronized, pulsed, campaign that weaves together all the operations they do. He emphasized that they need to get the Safe Driving Media Campaign moving. The Chairman suggested a slogan such as “School’s In and We’re Out” with a picture of the school on one side and a picture of an officer with a radar on the other. Chief Kehoe noted that the department has a lot of news releases over the year, but has never ID a strategy or slogan that this is their aim. Commissioner Randle suggested that the proposal not be made in the form of a campaign, but in the form of calendar with each month dedicated to a particular focus. Chief Kehoe suggested that the Board come up with a slogan that will encompass and deal with all these things. Commissioner Viadero suggested a slogan such as “Your Safety is Our Business” with the Department’s name below it. Chairman Giannini asked that the Chief get a calendar together and the Board will start brainstorming to come up with a slogan.  
Update on Safe Routes to School Grant – Commissioner Walczak reported that an application was made through the state for Federal Funds for Safe Routes to School Grant. He indicated that the work needs to be done within a mile radius of the schools. The Commissioner noted that the initial idea was to loop the Reed School and Middle School into a route, but was concerned it was done too quickly. Furthermore he noted that the entire matter concerning the location of the proposed sidewalks on Queen Street has been a self-perpetuating issue. To put the issue to rest, Commissioner Walczak suggested the Board of Police Commissioners sends a letter to Planning and Zoning to clarify the position of the Board. Chief Kehoe suggested a joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, Planning and Zoning, Land Use, the Legislative Council and the Board of Police Commissioners. Chairman Giannini suggested sending a letter stating the Board’s position.
Commissioner Randle moved to draft a letter the Board of Police Commissioners position regarding the placement of the sidewalks on Queen Street, and send it to Planning and Zoning, the Legislative Council, the Board of Selectmen and the Housatonic Valley Council of Elected Officials. Commissioner Viadero seconded.

Discussion and possible action upon strategy and negotiation with regard to pending employee grievances - none

ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Budd moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:03 pm. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Ted Swigart, Clerk