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*These minutes are not finalized until approved
At the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Vice-Chairman Brian Budd called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm.

PRESENT: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, Keith Jacobs, and James Viadero
ABSENT: Chairman Duane Giannini
ALSO PRESENT: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios and 3 members of the public.

Aubrey DeWolfe, 117 Boggs Hill Road, told commissioners that his wife, Joyce, had written a letter December 31, 2010 indicating that the speed on their road had increased since the new speed limit signs had been put up.
Mr. DeWolfe urged the commission to lower the speed limit from 35 mph back to 30 mph, reduce the speed limit even further on the curves, and asked if Police Commissioners had made a decision yet.
Commissioner Budd said no.
Commissioner Walczak told Mr. DeWolfe that the Commission had made a recommendation in March that the speed limit be lowered back to 30 mph and sent it to the State Traffic Commission (STC). He added that their request had apparently not been approved by the state. Commissioner Walczak explained that the State had originally approved the road for 35 mph and it had been posted lower by the Town since recently.
Chief Kehoe explained the speed could not be reduced on the curves but noted that advisory signs could be posted. He told Mr. DeWolfe that they would send a request on to the STC, the STC will put it on its agenda and in a couple of months if they approve it, the Town will post the signs. The Chief reassured Mr. DeWolfe that he would call him once the signs were approved by the STC.
James Walsh, 3 North Branch Road, reminded Police Commissioners that he sent his first letter to the Traffic Sergeant October 2009. He added that in December 2009 he made statements, comments and accusations concerning the speed, attitude of motorists, and safety of the residents. Mr. Walsh added that he vowed never to go away at that time. He noted that since that time there were three traffic studies done and an accident study.
Mr. Walsh indicated that he met with the Chief and the Chairman in July 2010. He noted that they plan implemented to put out temporary speed bumps. Mr. Walsh explained that after the third study the speed bumps were removed to allow the roads to be plowed this past winter. He stressed that in the Police Commissioners’ January meeting Officer Ketchum reported that the speed bumps lowered the average speed by 12 mph and the 85th percentile speed by 12 percent.
Mr. Walsh told Commissioners he was there to find out what was happening.
Chief Kehoe explained that a two week study of the area had been earmarked for the spring to give an accurate account without the speed bumps. He noted that this will give the Department a set of data pre-hump and post-hump. The Chief noted that the Sergeant of the Traffic Unit has it on his calendar and is trying to utilize the same two weeks as last year when the humps were in place.
Mr. Walsh stressed that his main reason of concern was for the children getting on the school bus. He added that when Officer Ketchum is out there monitoring the speed motorists slow down but when he is not there the motorists speed up.
Mr. Walsh informed Police Commissioners that when he first moved into the area Key Rock Road was a dirt road. He added that motorists couldn’t do the 30 mph on the road safely, but after the road was paved residents knew the speed of traffic would increase.
Chief Kehoe reassured Mr. Walsh that he would keep him up to date.
Brian Gioiele, 1 North Branch, indicated that they (the residents) had no problems with the speeds. He told Police Commissioners they can’t put the speed bumps back in fast enough for him. Mr. Gioiele added that he thought there were no complaints when the speed bumps were in place.
Chief Kehoe indicated that there actually were complaints regarding the speed humps, one of which was a complaint about the environmental noise.

CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR: REGULAR MEETING MARCH 1, 2011 – Commissioner Walczak moved to accept the minutes of the regular meeting on March 1, 2011. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 2, 2011 AND FEBRUARY 7, 2011 – Commissioner Viadero moved to accept the minutes of the Special Meetings on February 2, 2011 and February 7, 2011. Commissioner Walczak seconded and the motion unanimously carried.
CHIEF’S REPORT: Personnel Report – Chief Kehoe reported that letters were sent out to the three new hires March 23, 2011 and noted that their first day will be April 7, 2011 and they will be sworn in on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 10 am. The Chief indicated that the new hires will start the academy after that. Budget – Chief Kehoe told Commissioners that he and Chairman Giannini had met with the committee of the Legislative Council. He noted that they made a presentation addressing the staffing levels and the effects the cutbacks on staffing would have. The Chief reported that they had stressed that if there was a freeze on the four new hires it would have an impact on the core values of the community. He explained that their presentation last nearly an hour and the committee pushed the Police Department’s budget on with no cuts to the Legislative Council who are scheduled to meet Wednesday, April 6, 2011. Fleet – Chief Kehoe reported that the four cars on order (2010-2011) arrived and the department is beginning the process of changeover. Training Report – Chief Kehoe indicated that it was in the Commissioners meeting packets. Letters of Gratitude – The Chief reported that the department had received letters of gratitude for the following personnel: Officers Flynn and Penna; Officer Hayes; Sgt. Kullgren and Officer Chapman; and, Officers Hayes and McGowan. Correspondences – Chief Kehoe informed Commissioners that the copies of the correspondences received were in their packets. According to the Chief, the department sent one to Danbury Police Department and another to DEA regarding Take Back Prescription Drugs; and received one from STC regarding Glen Road Bridge and another from Danbury Hospital regarding Children’s Day. The Chief indicated that the Department sent a correspondence to the DEA suggesting a permanent receptacle be in place to do Take Back of Prescription Drugs anytime. He added that the department is awaiting approval. Chief’s Goals Update – Chief Kehoe reported that everything was status quo. Draft of Monthly Department Educational Release – Chief Kehoe reported that he spoke with the Traffic group and they have prepared something that talks specifically to distracted drivers. He noted that they haven’t released it yet because he wanted the input from the Police Commissioners first. Student Police Academy (SPA) – the Chief indicated is winding down and the Citizen Police Academy (CPA) he noted is in full swing. Chief Kehoe indicated that CPA is already in week 3 and they have about 26 in the class. He added that Sgt. Kullgren is heading the class. Police Explorers – The Chief reported that he had spoken with Officer Figol and she has about 12 interested kids. He noted that they hope to have the program set up by late summer or early fall.

Incident Analysis Report for March 2011 – Captain Rios reported that there had been a significant increase in burglaries in the area of Boggs Hill Road and South Main Street. He noted that the Detective Division was busy investigating them. Monthly Patrol Motor Vehicle Enforcement for March 2011 – Motor Vehicle activity - The Captain informed Commissioners that motor vehicle enforcement activity was up 21% compared to last month; and he noted that they made 723 contacts compared to 422 last year at this time. DUI activity – Captain Rios indicated that there were 10 DUI arrests for March 2011. Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit (TEU) Report for March 2011 – According to Captain Rios, there were 190 Motor Vehicle Traffic Enforcement stops during March 2011. He indicated that the TEU has been involved in a number of activities including the speed limit sign approval for Boggs Hill Road and for Castle Hill Road. Monthly Detective Division Report for March 2011 – Captain Rios told Police Commissioners that the Detective Division has been involved in the arrests of the two former officers in conjunction with Danbury PD; and the polygraphs and back ground checks of the new police officer candidates. The Captain also noted that the missing man was located, reunited with his family and sent for evaluation by the Tennessee authorities. School Officers – Captain Rios reported that the school officers were involved in narcotics investigations, 3 sexual assault investigations, and incidents regarding alcohol and marijuana possession. Annual MADD Awards – The Captain was pleased to announce that Officers Matthew Wood and John McDermott received MADD awards for the most DUI arrests during the past year. He wished congratulations to both of them.

Discussion and consideration on subcommittee reports of the Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission –
Crosswalk Safety (Commissioner Walczak & Chairman Giannini) Glover and Queen Street crosswalk and stop sign, Queen St. Traffic Study - According to Commissioner Walczak, he asked for dates to meet with the Traffic Unit and now has them. He noted that he and Chairman Giannini want clarity on the Glover crosswalk either take it out or make it official.
Commissioner Walczak indicated that the question arose a couple of weeks ago when they asked to put the removable raised crosswalk back in.
Chief Kehoe reminded Commissioners that the sidewalk in question was originally approved as a raised sidewalk. He noted that they need to take the warning signs for the sidewalk out that point to the crosswalk that is not there. The Chief explained that he went back to 2007 when Mr. Hurley had indicated that a drainage culvert would have to be relocated to put in a crosswalk in that location. Chief Kehoe stated that the Board voted on a temporary raised sidewalk. The question he added was does the board want a mid-block crosswalk there.
Commissioner Walczak stated that the Vollmer Study recommended a mid-block crosswalk be put in front of the library and the Board of Police Commissioners approved that. He noted that the Board has approved both raised crosswalks and mid-block crosswalks. In addition, Commissioner Walczak believes there is a need to clarify whether or not a raised crosswalk is considered a traffic calming device and if it is it would need to go through the traffic calming procedure. He added that he doesn’t believe people on Glover and Meadow want a raised crosswalk.
To move things along, Commissioner Walczak suggested that the Board either votes to put the crosswalk lines in or they take the crosswalk and signage out.
Having experience with a fatal pedestrian accident that occurred at a mid-block crosswalk, Commissioner Budd expressed his concern and lack of support for a standard crosswalk in such a location. He noted that a crosswalk located at traffic light is better. However, he added that he would be an advocate for a raised crosswalk/traffic calming device in that location.
Commissioner Walczak made a motion to put a crosswalk in on Glover at the intersection of Meadow. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was defeated 1-3. Commissioner Walczak voted in favor.
Commissioner Budd voted against the motion for reasons he mentioned earlier. Commissioner Viadero voted against the motion because he was not familiar enough with the location. Commissioner Jacobs hesitated before casting his no vote, indicating he understood the need for the crosswalk but supported Commissioner Budd’s reasoning and experience.
Commissioner Budd asked that the matter regarding a permanent raised crosswalk be placed on the next agenda.
Chief Kehoe stated that the signs to come down, but suggested that the stripes could remain there because they serve only to slow cars down.
Animal Control (Budd & Viadero) – Commissioner Budd indicated that they needed to set op a meeting with Chairman Giannini.
Labor (Jacobs & Viadero) – Commissioner Viadero reported that he has a meeting set up with the Union President.
Commissioner Budd announced that this was Commissioner Jacob’s last meeting. Commissioner Jacobs indicated he was stepping down because he was moving out of Connecticut. Commissioner Walczak explained that there were a couple of candidates who expressed an interest in filling the vacant seat.
Commissioner Jacobs thanked the Board and Chief and left the meeting at 9 pm.
Discussion and consideration on request for changing Underhill Road to one way traffic - tabled.
Consideration and review of speed limit on Castle Hill Road – tabled.

Consideration and review of speed limit on Boggs Hill Road – Chief Kehoe told Police Commissioners that there were two ways of handling the situation. He indicated that after reviewing the notes of what was done before he found that the Board has not voted its wishes.
The Chief indicated that the two ways to handle the situation were as follows:
  • The Board voted to send it to the STC
  • The STC looks at all the streets
Chief Kehoe suggested that the Board vote on it that night.
Commissioner Walczak questioned what the speed is and the Chief replied that the speed was now posted at 35 mph and suggests it be posted at 30 mph. He also indicated that warning signs be posted before the curves.
Commissioner Walczak recommended that the speed limit be posted at 30 mph on Boggs Hill Road and that the Boards request be sent to the STC. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Consideration and action on budget transfer – Commissioner Budd moved to transfer from Account 01310-1004 Civilian Personnel to Account 01310-1006 Civilian Overtime the amount of $24.16. Commissioner Walczak seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.
According to Chief Kehoe, the reason for the transfer was that one of the civilians had to stay overtime. He noted that they had forgotten that the Board of Selectmen had emptied out the money from the overtime account and so the department was “in the rears” $24.16.



Commissioner Viadero moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:07 pm. Bruce seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Ted Swigart, Clerk