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Vice-Chairman Brian Budd called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, and Keith Jacobs
Absent: James Viadero and Chairman Duane Giannini
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, 1 member of the press and two members of the public.

ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS: Approval of Police Commission Dates for 2011:
Commissioner Walczak moved to approve the Police Commission Dates for 2011. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

January 4, February 1, March 1, April 5, May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6, and January 3, 2012

Andy Groskow, a reporter for the Newtown Bee, asked if the budget had been addressed yet. Chief Kehoe indicated that the Board of Police Commissioners would have a special meeting for that and would decide on a date later that evening.
James Walsh, North Branch Road, wished everyone a Happy Holidays. He said he had originally come to see if there was any data from the Key Rock Road Traffic Study and that Chief Kehoe said not yet. Mr. Walsh explained that he had read an article in the New York Times a few weeks back that referred to traffic circles and round-abouts. He submitted a copy to the Board for their reading.
Madeline Bunt, 12 Castle Hill Road, asked if the Chief, Police Commissioners, and the Department could help her out. She addressed the fact the posted speed limit on her road had been recently changed from 25 mph to 35 mph and indicated that it has had a significant impact on the speed at which cars travel. Ms. Bunt noted that the road sounds like a race track now and she stressed that the safety issue is critical.
She asked that the speed limit be reduced back to 25 mph and questioned whether a speed bump could be put in place like there was on Queen Street.
Commissioner Budd explained that the process was a three step process with the engineering being the most expensive part.
Chief Kehoe told Ms. Bunt that engineering and the Department of Public Works had a project to redo that particular area of the road.
Ms. Bunt said they already had; and, once the line was painted and the signs were posted, the speed of the traffic increased.
The Chief noted that the changes may have made drivers travel faster, but suggest that it’s safer.
Ms. Bunt indicated that she understands the changes were all about safety but asks if there was a way the speed limit could be lowered back to 25 mph.
Chief Kehoe suggested that although the speed limit was posted before at 25 mph, the reason it was changed was because it might have been originally approved by the State Traffic Commission for 35 mph. He told Ms. Bunt, they would look into the matter again.
Ms. Bunt thanked the Chief.
Commissioner Budd said the Chief would look into possibly lowering the Speed Limit and the Chief told Ms. Bunt that someone would be contacting her.

CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR: REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2010: Commissioner Jacobs made the motion to accept the minutes of the regular meeting Tuesday, November 2, 2010, as corrected. Commissioner Walczak seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Changes: Commissioner Walczak was absent from the November 2 meeting; and, Officer Silver’s name had been misspelled on page 3 as Silva.

Personnel - Hiring - Chief Kehoe informed Commissioners that the department will be holding a written test January 15, 2011 at Newtown High School and said he has already received applications from several certified officers also. Redeployment of Baro – the Chief indicated that the assignment of a new K-9 officer will occur in several weeks.
Budget – Chief Kehoe told Commissioners that they need to set date for Budget Review and indicated that he had included a copy of the Draft for FY 2011- 2012 in their packets for them to review.
Commissioners decided on a tentative date of Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 7:30pm to hold a Special meeting to go review the budget.
Fleet – The Chief indicated the department had just ordered 4 cars for 2010- 2011 and indicated that they were the last year of the Ford Crown Victorias. He explained that in the upcoming future the new cars would be based on a Ford Taurus platform and would have a variety of features including controls on the steering wheel and all-wheel drive.
Training Report – Chief Kehoe noted that the department completed their “Low-Light Shooting” training last month.
Letters of Gratitude – The Chief said he received one letter of gratitude for Officer Siecienski and Lt. Vangehele for their combined efforts with Department of Children and Families’ open house and Toy Drive.
Correspondences –
STC – Center Street Bridge Project – According to Chief Kehoe, there will be a Public Information meeting held on the project December 17, 2010. He said he will try and get Officer Ketchum to that meeting as he is very familiar with that area.
Captain Rios- LTA program - The Chief announced that Captain Rios graduated all required workshops for the Local Traffic Authority Program at the University of Connecticut, School of Engineering.
Pedestrian Safety Citation – Chief Kehoe reported that the Town had received a Pedestrian Safety Citation from AAA for not having any pedestrian fatalities..
Key Rock Report – Officer Ketchum – Chief Kehoe told commissioners that he had received a preliminary report from Officer Ketchum regarding Key Rock Road. He noted that it was raw data and didn’t provide a lot of information. The Chief explained that he would like to have Officer Ketchum make a final report with actual data for the commission before they make their final decision.
Edmond Road Relocation Meeting – The Chief reported that he received the date of the Edmond Road Relocation meeting from the First Selectman which will be held December 17, 2010. He noted that the project had been put aside because the State money was dwindling. Chief Kehoe stated that they were trying to address the matter again, noting that the Shell station has closed down.
Chief’s Goals Update – The Chief told commissioners everything was status quo regarding Space Needs,
 CAD/RMS, Accreditation, and Management/Labor Relations.

Incident Analysis Report for November 2010 – Captain Rios stated that there was nothing significant to report.
Monthly Patrol Motor Vehicle Enforcement for November 2010Motor Vehicle activity – The Captain reported that motor vehicle activity had increased 81% this past month and he attributed it to the departments more concentrated efforts on the activity.
DUI activity – Captain Rios informed Commissioners that there had been 8 arrests since his last report.
Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report for October 2010 – The Captain reported that the unit was down one traffic officer and said everything is being handled mainly by Officer Ketchum.
Monthly Detective Division Report for 2010 – Captain Rios indicated that there was nothing significant to report other than the fact the unit was handling a wide variety of investigations and the school resource officers were busy.
DUI Grant – The Captain concluded his report by emphasizing that as a result of the grant the department had extra holiday patrols through December and New Years.

Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Crosswalk Safety (Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini) – Commissioner Walczak reported that they had not been able to meet regarding Crosswalk Safety, but said that they were ready to move forward with the Glover/Queen Street Crosswalk. He explained that the Chairman wanted to check with the First Selectman.
Commissioner Walczak moved to approve the Glover/ Queen Street Crosswalk. Commissioner Jacob seconded the motion.
Commissioner Budd suggested the matter be tabled as Chairman Giannini – co-chair of the Crosswalk Safety Committee with Commissioner Walczak – was not present.
Commissioner Walczak withdrew his motion and Commissioner Jacobs withdrew his second to the motion.
Animal Control (Commissioners Budd and Viadero) – Commissioner Budd tabled the discussion.
Labor (Employee Relations) (Commissioners Jacobs and Viadero) –Commissioner Jacobs indicated that there was nothing new to report.

Discussion and comments on Plan of Conservation and Development update –
Chief Kehoe reported that there was nothing yet.
Commissioner Walczak suggested a special meeting on the matter.
The Chief indicated that they were trying to get more community involvement and a plan that looks at all the assets.
Commissioner Walczak noted that planning and zoning has a piece on the traffic. He believed that the Police Commission would need to look through the existing plan and see what changes need to be made such as road classifications.
Chief Kehoe told Commissioners that the Commissioners before them also had a difficult time with the plan.

Discussion and consideration on request for changing Underhill Road to one way traffic –
Chief Kehoe informed Commissioners that as they got further into this issue it was getting more complicated. He told the Board that Officer Ketchum was doing a good job on it. The Chief said that the Town will take over some of the private road and there are questions as to whether it will meet the road ordinance requirements.

Comments and discussion regarding STC Preliminary Recommendations and Report for the establishment of speed limits on various Newtown Roads –
Chief Kehoe reminded Commissioners that several months ago the Board took the matter up of addressing the speed limits in Town. He noted that there were two parts to the departments inquiry: First, they looked at all the roads in town that were already STC approved and second, they looked at all the roads not signed or should be, but not approved by the STC yet.
Chief Kehoe said now the Board has the report in front of them with all the roads identified. He indicated that what he was looking for was some kind of response from the Commissioners so they can push it on to the STC.
The Chief said he notified Director of Public Works Fred Hurley that he should budget for the extra signs.
Commissioner Walczak reiterated the concern addressed earlier by Ms. Bunt and stressed that they should not keep the speed limits around the Town and Boroughs at 25 mph and not be jumping up to 30 mph.
Commissioner Budd agreed.
Commissioner Walczak moved to accept the State Traffic Commission’s Preliminary Recommendations and Report for the establishment of speed limits with the exception of the speed limit on Riverside which will be dropped as discussed to 25 mph. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Discussion and comments on Budget Transfer –
Commissioner Walczak made the motion that the Board approve the transfer of $15,000 from account 01310-1003 Sworn Personnel to account 01310-2015 Police Recruitment, which was necessary to cover the expenses of hiring and recruiting. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Discussion and comments on Traffic Calming Education –
Commissioner Walczak said that the department has done a good job on enforcement and used engineering as a specific tool. He added that now it was time to organize education and put up new signs.
He suggested that the Commission encourage the Chief to come up with a more robust Educational side.
Commissioner Budd suggested that a large piece of this is financial, providing such things as signs and bumper stickers.

Discussion and comments on request for crosswalk at the Library, Main Street –
Chief Kehoe reported that he had received an email from former Board of Police Commissioners Chairman Carol Mattegat suggesting that a block crosswalk be put in. The Chief noted that this was a good starting point.
Commissioner Walczak said he thought it was a good idea and that it would get people to cross in one spot.
Chief Kehoe added that the crosswalk would need to meet STC specs. He expressed his concern about mid-block crosswalks where speeds can reach 45 or 50 mph.


Commissioner Budd read a letter that was sent to Chief Kehoe from John Godin, Co-Race Director and member of the Cyrenius H. Booth Library Board of Trustees. The letter thanked the Newtown Police Officers for their efforts making the Turkey Trot a success. Commissioner Budd asked that the letter be attached to the minutes.

EXECUTIVE SESSION:  Discussion and possible action upon strategy and negotiations with regard to commencing a disciplinary action against an employee –
Commissioner Budd moved to go into executive session at 8:45 pm for discussion and possible action upon strategy and negotiations with regard to commencing a disciplinary action against an employee. Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios were invited to attend. Commissioner Walczak seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

The Clerk left the meeting at this time.

Police Commissioners exited executive session at 9:25 pm and adjourned the meeting.

Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.