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Chairman Giannini called the meeting to order at 7 pm and called for a motion to go into executive session.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Discussion and possible action upon litigation regarding a disciplinary grievance; and discussion and possible action on the legal opinion from the Town Labor Counsel:
Commissioner Viadero made the motion at 7pm to go into executive session for the purpose of discussion and possible action upon pending litigation regarding a disciplinary grievance and discussion and possible action on legal opinion from the Town Labor Counsel. Counsel Fred Dorsey, Chief Michael Kehoe and Captain Jose Rios were invited into executive session.~Commissioner Jacobs seconded~and the motion was unanimously approved.

At 7:55 pm, the Police Commissioners closed the executive session and reopened the regular meeting.

Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, James Viadero, Keith Jacobs, and Chairman Giannini
Absent: none
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee Chairman Michael Floros, 1 member of the press, and two members of the public.

James Walsh, 3 North Branch Road, thanked the Chief and the Board for the Speed Calming Devices and new speed limit signs that reduced the limit by 5 mph. He reported that he has been out on Key Rock Road on a daily basis and was pleased to say that the devices – speed bumps - are working. He said he has interviewed several people on North Branch and Key Rock Road and noted that so far everyone is 100% for the calming devices. According to Mr. Walsh, the only negative result from the new speed devices was that some individuals have been laying on their horn from speed bump to speed bump. He added that this is likely to get them back for having the speed bumps put in place. Mr. Walsh thanked the Department and the Board again and said that it was his estimation that the speed calming devices are working and as a result they have potentially saved someone from getting hurt.

Lisa Wallace, 43 Mile Hill Road South, told commissioners she had come to the meeting that evening because she received a call that they would be discussing the traffic situation on Mile Hill Road South.
She told the Board that she appreciated the police coming to monitor the traffic. According to Ms. Wallace, the Town trucks were constantly using their road. She added that she believed First Selectman Pat Llodra spoke to the Public Works Director and the problem seems to have been addressed. Ms. Wallace asked that the Board get the “No Thru Trucks” reinstated because the number of other trucks still coming through there is disturbing. She added that this has become a various obvious cut through from I-84. Chairman Giannini reassured Ms. Wallace that that the matter was on the Board’s agenda and would be addressed in approximately 30 minutes and welcomed Ms. Wallace to stay.

Michael Floros, 32 Queen Street, speaking as a resident, asked if the speed bumps would be put back on Queen Street again. Chairman Giannini said that the Board was doing additional research to the entire Queen Street area.

CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR: REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2010:  Commissioner Budd made the motion to accept the minutes of the regular meeting Tuesday, October 5, 2010 and addendum to the minutes. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

CHIEF’S REPORT:  Personnel - Chief Kehoe told commissioners that the Department is authorized as reported last month, to have a full staff of 47 with monies currently for 46 and a paid staff of 45. To fill the single vacancy, the Chief suggested the board consider the two lateral applications they have so that the interviews and background checks can be initiated. However, he told commissioners that it is rare they take lateral applications and recommended the board consider testing. Due to the “tough economic times,” the Chief suggested the application fee of $50 be lowered to $25. He believes that the $50 fee might reduce the number of applicants they get. Commissioner Budd expressed his concern that if they lowered the fee they might get a large pool of people who aren’t viable candidates. Chairman Giannini indicated the Board would “go with the $25” fee. Budget – Chief Kehoe reported that he had recently received the budget items from Finance Director Bob Tait. The Chief said that normally the preliminary budget due on December 4, but added that he had asked if they could extend the budget out by two weeks to allow them a little extra time to get the budget together. Fleet – Chief Kehoe indicated that looking at the budget this year they will have to put in to buy four cars in the near future. He told Commissioners that the two cars they did purchase recently are now on the road. The Chief added that they went to a different procedure this year in regards to retiring a car and turning it over to a new company in Chicago for the trade in value.

Training Report – The training report is closed. The Chief reported that firearms’ training is underway. Letters of Gratitude – The Chief indicated he had received a letter of gratitude for Officer Hayes. Correspondences – Bullet Proof Vest Partnership (BVP) The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) informed Chief Kehoe that Newtown Police Department will receive an award under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Bullet Proof Vest Partnership (BVP) solicitation. The award funds may be used for national Institute of Justice (NIJ) compliant armored vests which were ordered on or before April 1, 2010.  Chief Kehoe reported that the department received a 50% grant and would be getting $2300 or so for new vests. He added that the vests are replaced every five years. Officer Ketchum Regarding the flagpole- According to Chief Kehoe, Officer Ketchum and Sgt Kullgren met with Gina Greenalch, Transportation Engineer for the State Dept. of Transportation, regarding some of the things they want to do around the flag pole. According to Officer Ketchum’s report, the engineer expressed concern about the current signage and markings at that intersection and suggested the following changes: Replace “Go Right” signs with striped “object markers” signs; Creation of circular pavement markings several feet in diameter around base of flagpole to better guide the traffic; Elimination of “inappropriately painted” crosswalk extensions on southbound shoulder of Main Street at the Northern intersection of West Street; and, the addition of better signage at crosswalks on Main Street North and South of the flagpole. Chief’s Goals Update – Chief Kehoe reported that the Space Needs, Accreditation, and Management/ Labor Relations were all status quo. In regards to the CAD/RMS, he told commissioners that they were currently improving the system, adding modules, the version update, and initiating the data conversion. Diversionary Plans – I-84 update – Chief Kehoe reported that he has the plans with him at the meeting and will explain them as presented. The Chief told commissioners that the diverting plans for I-84 were intended to be used if the interstate had to be shut down at a specific location focusing on Newtown Exits 9, 10 and 11. He added that if both sides are shut down, diversionary plans should match up so traffic paths don’t cross. Chief Kehoe noted that they are getting close to the final plans which include having officers and temporary signage. He added that if Exit 8 or Exit 13 is closed they could have traffic flow through Town, so the plans he has are for 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13. The Chief recommended commissioners look at the plans after the meeting and Chairman Giannini suggested it be done during Commissioners Participation. Halloween Night – According to Chief Kehoe, Halloween night went very well – so many people, so much traffic and nobody got hurt. Captain Rios showed commissioners a picture of the four buckets filled with candy the department handed out. The Chief thanked all the officers who were involved. The Captain added that they will be starting closer to 4 pm next year.FHH Security – Chief Kehoe told the Board that at a meeting with the Fairfield Hills Authority on October 20 the First Selectman recommended turning over some of the contractual management at Fairfield Hills. The Chief noted that the monies they currently have for security will be turned over to the Newtown Police Department to hire their own security. Chief Kehoe explained that he had met with the Captain and the Lieutenants last week and they are starting to put things together and look at cost factors.

CAPTAIN’S REPORT: Captain Rios told commissioners that there was nothing significant to report as far as Incident Analysis for the month of October. He reported that there was a 35% increase in contacts from October to November and 4 DUI arrests. Monthly Patrol Motor Vehicle Enforcement for October 2010 – The Captain reported that Motor Vehicle activity: Year to date revealed a 35% increase in contacts and he added that there 4 DUI arrests for the month of October. Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report for October 2010 (Lt. Vanghele) – Captain Rios told the Board that the DMV and the State Police in conjunction with Officer Ketchum and Officer Silva performed a roadside commercial vehicle inspection. He reported that 32 commercial vehicles were inspected, 5 placed out of service due to serious violations. The Captain indicated that 62 violations were issued including 2 overweight vehicles. He noted that in various areas throughout Town, the department put up speed detectors and Sgt Kullgren is working with the computer system. According to Captain Rios, the department will be involved in a number of various road races including the 5K run at St. Rose, the Turkey Trot and the Pumpkin Road. Monthly Detective Division Report for 2010 (Det. Sgt. Froehlich) – Captain Rios told commissioners that the Detective Division was currently investigating several burglaries. He also explained that the Youth Officers were doing presentations on internet safety.
The Captain said they are looking to implement a Juvenile Review Board. The Board would be diverting youths and juveniles instead of going to court. In addition, Captain Rios told commissioners they were working on a couple of cold cases.

Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Crosswalk Safety (Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini) – According to Chairman Giannini, he and Commissioner Walczak have not met this month due to their travel schedules. Animal Control (Commissioners Budd and Viadero) – They are in the process of getting a meeting set up.

Discussion and comments on Plan of Conservation and Development update – Chairman Giannini indicated they are still working on it.

Discussion and consideration on request for changing Underhill Road to one way traffic – Chief Kehoe and the Chairman asked that the matter be tabled.

Comments and discussion on “No Thru Truck” Designation for Mile Hill Road South – According to Chief Kehoe, “Thru Trucks Prohibited” (Section 14-298 of the statutes) means that a truck coming from outside of Newtown to another community without any stops in Newtown at all. The Chief noted that most of the state road ways are designed to handle truck traffic and added that it’s when shortcuts are taken the department usually makes a recommendation.
Chairman Giannini addressed Officer Ketchum’s report indicating that to the officer on the street it didn’t appear that any trucks on the road were cut through trucks. He said that the Captain and the Chief went out one afternoon to see what a truck would do.
The Chairman indicated that he didn’t think the issue was a thru truck issue but rather the issue is Town trucks and quarry trucks.
Chairman Giannini recommended the following strategies: to step up enforcement and get more data. He suggested that the officers make that a required part of traffic enforcement and look at vehicles going North and South.
Ms. Wallace recalled there was once a “No Thru Trucks” sign posted and questioned where it went.
According to Chief Kehoe, Ordinance 57 was passed in the 80’s regarding “No Thru Trucks”. He noted that after it was passed, it was brought to the Legislative Council’s attention that they could not pass that law unless they go through the state. Chief Kehoe explained that the recently took the “No Thru Trucks” signs down because they couldn’t enforce them.
Ms. Wallace said she questioned the safety issue and spoke to the First Selectman and Director of Public Works. She indicated that they said they would try to eliminate as many trips as they can.
Chairman Giannini reassured Ms. Wallace that police commissioners were not going to drop the issue and said they would provide additional oversight on the road.
Ms. Wallis noted that she has seen a reduction in the number of town trucks on that road.
Chief Kehoe added that he had spoken to the Warden of the prison who said some of the workers used that area as a cut through. The Chief indicated that the Warden would communicate it with his people.
Comments and discussion regarding the FHH review board and the placement of a new Police Department at FHH – Mr. Floros, Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee, asked if the plan to put a new police department at Fairfield Hills is a viable option.
Commissioner Budd noted that from a taxpayers stand point the land is already paid for and from a strategic stand point it’s more beneficial than the current location. From a security stand point, he added. It will try to help deter people from going onto the complex.
Commissioner Budd concluded saying it’s a win win for the Department and the Town.
Mr. Floros questioned whether, (A.) the new police department needed to have immediate access, or (B.) if it could be located in the center.
Commissioner Budd replied “Choice A” somewhere along Wasserman Way.
Chief Kehoe stated that many times people pull into the lot feeling threatened or in another emergency situation. He added that if its located in the center by the Newtown Youth Academy, people might not find them. The Chief stressed that the department has to be easily accessible.
Mr. Floros asked if there was a more recent space needs study indicating the one he had was from 2000. Chief Kehoe replied that yes the latest one was done in 2008 and could be found on the police department’s website.
Mr. Floros asked who decides where the police department goes and the Chief replied that the Master Plan will show what parcels can be used.

Discussion and comments regarding stop sign on Jo-Mar Drive –
Commissioner Viadero made the motion to accept Officer Ketchum recommendation dated 10-24-10 to put a stop sign at the uncontrolled junction of Jo-Mar Drive. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.


COMMISSIONER’S PARTICIPATION:  Chief Kehoe broke out the maps of the I-84 Diversionary Plans as discussed earlier and went over them with the Board for the next 20 minutes answering any questions they might have

ADJOURN THE MEETING: Commissioner Budd made the motion to adjourn at 9:27 pm. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.