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At 10:24 P. M., the Board left executive session.

After reconvening the Board, the Lieutenant candidates and Sergeant Candidates were invited back into the meeting.  Commission Chairman Giannini commended all the candidates on behalf of the Police Commission stating they had all presented themselves in the most professional manner and made the promotional process tough.  Commissioner Giannini stated that all the candidates were worthy of promotion due to their hard work and dedication to the profession.

At  10:26 P. M. Commissioner Giannini moved to promote Sgt. Chris Vanghele to Lieutenant effective 10/6/2010, seconded by Commissioner Budd, unanimously passed by the Board.

At  10:27 P. M. Commissioner Giannini moved to promote Officer David Kullgren to Sergeant effective 10/6/2010, seconded by Commissioner Budd, unanimously passed by the Board.

At  10:28 P. M. Commissioner Walczak moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Budd, unanimously passed by the Board.

Submitted by:__________________________________
Chief Michael K. Kehoe
Duane Giannini, Chairperson


Chairman Duane Giannini called the meeting to order at 7:31 pm.
Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, James Viadero, Keith Jacobs, and Chairman Giannini
Absent: none
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, Officer Felicia Figol, Sgt Dominick Costello and Police Union President Andy Stinson.


CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR: REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, September 7, 2010: Commissioner Walczak made the motion to accept the minutes of the regular meeting Tuesday, September 7, 2010. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

CHIEF’S REPORT:  Chief Kehoe noted that the new meeting packets were light as per the request by the Board.
Budget – The Chief reported that he will be presenting the 2011/2012 Budget in the near future and noted that he wants feedback from the Commissioners on how to proceed, noting he’s looking for feedback. He added that the turn-in date for the budget is December 1, 2010.
Commissioner Walczak questioned whether the department and commission would be moving forward to fill the vacancy in personnel.
Chief Kehoe explained that the department is authorized for 47 sworn personnel with money for 46 and is currently down to 45 with the resignation of Lt. Mooney. He noted that they were presently unable to fill the 46th position due to the fact the money for recruitment was removed from the last budget.
Chairman Giannini urged that the commission make sure they allocate enough time in the November meeting to address the budget and make sure enough money in the it to fund those mandates.
Commissioner Walczak suggested a special meeting on the budget.
Commissioner Budd agreed but suggested commissioners have their November meeting and if they feel like another meeting is necessary to discuss the budget they can have another.
Regarding the 2010/2011 Budget, Chief Kehoe noted that it was status quo.
Fleet – Chief Kehoe indicated that there was nothing significant to report. He added that they were getting to vehicles ready for the road and that one was ready and the other would be ready in about two weeks.
Personnel Report – The Chief reported that there was nothing at this time and noted that he would have the Training Report for the Board at their next meeting.
Letters of Gratitude – The Chief indicated he had several letters of gratitude  – the Health Fair, DEA Take back prescription drugs, and one regarding Officer Guernsey .
Correspondences –  STC re: Carluzzi’s –Regarding the traffic light competency at Carluzzi’s, Chief Kehoe indicated he received a correspondence from Bruce Hillson at Traffic Engineering Solutions in Glastonbury indicating they had received the Town’s submission of  additional site plan information on September 20, 2010 from CCA, LLC.  State Representative Chris Lyddy re: HRRC railroad crossing Rte. 25 State – Chief Kehoe indicated he had received a copy of a letter State Rep. Chris Liddy sent to the Bureau of Public Transportations indicating his strong support of the request for funds from the Fix It First Program to address the at-grade rail crossing at Rte. 25 in Newtown.  He noted that Rep. Lyddy was looking for money for a grant to improve the railroad crossing.
In his letter, Rep. Lyddy noted that “the surface is approximately 24 years old and has been through years of deterioration from DOT snow plows and other sources.”
Chief’s Goals Update – The Chief reported that Space Needs, CAD/RMS, Accreditation, and Management/Labor Relations were all status quo.
Chief’s Challenge Award – 2nd Place Division 5 – Chief Kehoe proudly announced that the department had received 2nd Place in the Chief’s Challenge Award. He explained that the award was based on commitment to education and enforcement for safe traffic movement throughout the community. He noted that Andy from The Newtown Bee would be doing an article on it.
Captain Rios indicated that a handbook was sent to the department with several bullet points to be addressed.
The Chief added that the department sent back a 30 page report with all the documentation.
The Captain noted that the department was up against a number of other departments.
Diversionary Plans – 84 update – Chief Kehoe reported that in the event a section of I-84 had to be closed or blocked off the department had to indicate what roads it would like motorists to use. He added that the department was staying away from particular intersections and once the final plans were done he would let the commissioners know.
Curb Study at 5 Queen Street Completed – Chief Kehoe indicated that the Department had received a complaint from a resident on Queen Street that someone had hit a curb. The Chief stated that the Traffic Unit looked at it and made some recommendations. According to Chief Kehoe, the problem is that the curbs line up but when the road ends the curb moves to the right. He suggested a few possible solutions including painting the curb and putting reflectors up.

Report/ Presentation on Police Explorer Program – According to Officer Figol, she has done a lot of research into starting a Police Explorer Program in Newtown and wants the Board’s input. She noted that with the help of Crime Prevention and Sgt. Costello there are pamphlets in the lobby of the Police Department. Officer Figol explained that the program would be for teenagers age 14 to 18 with a class size of 20 students and added that she would like to implement the program in January.
The Officer explained that this would be a good outreach program to the youth with benefits such as scholarships and placement opportunities for those interested in the military.
Chairman Giannini asked what kind of budget would be necessary and Officer Figol replied that there is no funding necessary because it is backed up by the Boy Scouts. She added that the students would need to have the following: insurance from their parents, uniforms, maintain a B average, a background check and an oral interview.
Officer Figol indicated that she is looking at meeting twice a month and to run it like a regular police academy. She added that she wants to keep it just Newtown for now and added that there might be some role play with other towns.
According to Officer Figol, she has five advisors lined up already, a mission statement from the Boy Scouts of America and will be creating an SOP of their own. She added that there are Explorer Posts in Danbury, Fairfield and Manchester that are all doing well and she feels Newtown has a lot to offer.
Chairman Giannini asked what the Board of Police Commissioners can do to help and Sgt. Costello chimed in that any input the Board can give them would be helpful. He added that Officer Figol has worked very hard on this.
The Chairman stated that he would be 100 percent behind anything they do to advance the Explorer Program.
Chief Kehoe noted that Officer Figol was not asked to do this she came up with it all on her own and he noted that the Department was 100 percent behind her.  


CAPTAIN’S REPORT: Captain Rios told Commissioners that there was just an Operational Report in their binders in an effort to go green as recommended by the Board. He reported that Monthly Patrol Motor Vehicle Enforcements were running below last year’s numbers by approximately 9 percent, but added that he was not concerned about that. In addition the Captain reported that there were 5 DUI arrests made in September and a total of 89 motor vehicle stops by the Traffic Unit. According to Captain Rios, the department is participating in an ongoing traffic study and investigating a Fatal Accident on Hattertown Road.

Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Crosswalk Safety (Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini) - Glover and Queen Street crosswalk and stop sign – According to Chairman Giannini, they were still looking into the matter. In a similar safety issue, he brought Commissioners up to date on a recent Board of Fire Commissioners meeting he attended particularly in regards to the speed calming devices on Key Rock Road. The Chairman said the Fire Commissioners were very attentive the point and added that Public Works Director Fred Hurley was there presenting a GIS map. Chairman Giannini said they had a very meaningful discussion about the speed tables and Fire Commissioners didn’t believe the devices would cause a problem. In addition, the Chairman told fellow commissioners that he talked to the Fire Commissioners about the Town Ordinance and Traffic Guidelines.
The Chairman indicated that the presence of the spokesman for residents on Key Rock Road, James Walsh (North Branch Road), was very helpful also.
Chairman Giannini indicated that the devices will be up before the bad weather and said that the Town will go to asphalt speed tables as quickly as they can. He added that he was happy to report he got some positive feedback from them.
In conclusion, the Chairman indicated he has done more research on these speed tables and calming devices and found that many communities are utilizing them.
Animal Control (Commissioners Budd and Viadero) – Commissioner Budd indicated they were still in a holding pattern.
Labor (Employee Relations) (Commissioners Viadero and Jacobs) – Commissioner Viadero said they met with the Union President Andy Stinson and the Executive Board Wednesday night and they have a copy of the survey done for Danbury Police Department in 2009. He added that any changes the Commissioners want to make can be done. Commissioner Viadero said they talked about the concerns regarding discipline and the uniform change. The Commissioner noted that they will be meeting again on October 15, 2010 with the Union to answer questions from the entire union body.
Commissioner Viadero concluded that it’s a good dialogue and going in the right direction.     

Discussion and comments on Plan of Conservation and Development update – According to Chairman Giannini he is continuing to work on it.

Discussion and consideration on request for changing Underhill Road to one way traffic – Chief Kehoe indicated that the traffic study has not been completed and hopes to have it in a report for Board next month.

Comments and discussion on “No Thru Truck” Designation for Mile Hill Road South –
According the Chief, several residents on Mile Hill South contacted the First Selectman regarding what they considered dangerous trucks in the morning travelling at excessive speed. He noted that residents want to designate the road for “No Thru Trucks” Ordinance #57. Chief Kehoe said the “No Trucks” sign which was put up was not enforceable because it was never approved. The Chief indicated that he wants to make sure there are thru trucks there.
Chairman Giannini noted that thru trucks are trucks that do not have a purpose in town, but rather just passing through it.
Commissioner Walczak added that the issue of thru trucks goes way back.
Commissioner Jacobs questioned whether GPS systems might be leading truck drivers down there inadvertently.
Chief Kehoe noted that the Town trucks use the road to go get diesel fuel.
Chairman Giannini questioned whether to move ahead with the application for the “No Thru Trucks” signs or to do enforcement.
Chief Kehoe said he can come up with data in 30 days.
Commissioner Budd suggested the data be collected in two weeks.
Chairman Budd charged the Police Department with getting more data and putting it on the agenda for the December meeting.
Commissioner Walczak suggested the residents use the Traffic Calming Guidelines.
Chairman Giannini said he will draft a letter to the individual on Mile Hill South with a copy to the First Selectman indicating the Board’s plan.


Chairman Giannini invited fellow commissioners to attend a “Round Table” Discussion in Farmington on November 9, 2010 from 8:30am to 1:30pm regarding legal traffic studies.
Second, the Chairman indicated he had a meeting recently with the First Selectman, Captain Rios, and three members of the Borough regarding the Queen Street Traffic Calming process. He said a ten year analysis of the Police Commissioners’ meetings was provided so now every time the Board votes they have to make the first selectman aware of it so she can get them into the right hands.
Chairman Giannini noted that it looks like the Town is going to make a move on Queen Street and Glover and he believes it has a lot to do with the action being taken on Key Rock Road.
Third, Chairman Giannini indicated that Chief Kehoe had given them his self evaluation and goals and  the Chairman indicated that he needs to get it out for some comments.
Chairman Giannini made the motion to go into executive session at 8:27 pm for the following purposes: Interview Police Lieutenant Candidates and review of Performance Evaluation Reports for Police Lieutenant Candidate; and, Interview of Police Sergeant Candidates and review of Sergeant Candidate’s Performance Evaluation Reports. He invited the Chief and Captain to attend. Commissioner Walczak seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.