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Last Updated: 2010/9/9

Chairman Duane Giannini called the meeting to order at 7:32 pm.
Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, James Viadero, Keith Jacobs, and Chairman Giannini
Absent: none
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, Special Officer James Mooney, 1 member of the press, and 4 members of the public.

Kevin Kohn, 75 Taunton Lake Road, representing the Taunton Lake Association as Acting President, request no parking signs along the North end of the lake where Town of Newtown has open space property. He noted that people park along the sides of the road making it dangerous to pedestrians and difficult for traffic to pass. After giving a brief history of the area in question, Mr. Kohn told commissioners that they are seeing a lot more cars parking there and it poses a danger to residents in the area. He explained that they thought guardrails should be put there. Mr. Kohn indicated that the First Selectman Pat Llodra suggested they speak to the Conservation Commission and added that they had met with the Chairman Joe Hovious and member Mary Gaudet-Wilson. He said that both had envisioned limit access and they thought they could fulfill that vision by limiting parking to 2 spots. Mr. Kohn said he was hoping Police Commissioners would agree to limit the parking in the area in question. So town could have its access and rest of road could be posted with “no parking” signs. To better clarify the situation, he showed commissioners photographs of the area and a simulated situation.
Commissioner Walczak asked if they thought additional cars could be accommodated there so the public has more access to the Town open space. Mr. Kohn noted that there were only 2 spaces for parking unless some of the area was developed.
Chairman Giannini asked if there group had any affiliation with the Taunton Lake Fish and Game and Mr. Kohn said no direct affiliation.
Mr. Kohn noted that Newtown Fish and Game was on board with the situation.
Chairman Giannini asked how it became open space. Mr. Kohn said it was unclear, but suggested that the best thought was that it was just a right of way that the Town claimed as open space.

CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR: REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, August 3, 2010: Commissioner Walczak made the motion to accept the minutes of the regular meeting Tuesday, August 3, 2010, as corrected. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was approved. Chairman Giannini abstained as he was not present at the August meeting.

  • Page 1, under Chief’s Report, Budget, Monthly Overtime, the amount should read “he used only 89% of the $150,000” not “89% of the $450,000”.
  • Page2, 4th sentence, under Chief’s Report, Correspondences, “the Creamery needs to assign staff as a parking attendant of sorts” not “to have an off duty police officer”.
  • Page 2, under Captain’s Report, Written Monthly Detective Division Report, should be “July 2010”, not “April 2010”.
  • Page 4, 2nd paragraph, under New Business, Discussion and Consideration of the Retirement of Lt. James Mooney, should read “the Chief replied that he already received three of the seven letters of eligible candidates to take the test” not “several letters”.
  • Page 4, under New Business, the addition of information which was omitted regarding the special officer. “Additional New Business Chief Kehoe informed commissioners that a received a request from Lt. Mooney asking to be carried on as a Special Police Officer with the Town of Newtown. The Chief gave out copies of the policy to commissioners for their review. He noted that a this point in time the department was down to one Special Police Officer. Chief Kehoe added that it was a decision the Board of Police Commissioners has to make as to how they want the program to look down the road. He emphasized that the Special Police Officers have no authority to make arrests, but are able to do side jobs. Commissioner Walczak noted that Lt. Mooney was a valuable person to the Police Department and that he believed it was beneficial to keep him on. Commissioner Budd agreed and noted that if Lt. Mooney was willing to keep up his certification he didn’t see a problem with it. The Chief said he would like to see the program take a more active role. Commissioner Budd asked that they table the matter until the Board’s meeting next month. Commissioner Walczak said he felt they should reach a conclusion next month. Chief Kehoe noted that all the agencies that had Special Police Officer programs are now defunct due to risk and liability issues.”
Budget – Year End Police Budget (’09-’10) Chief Kehoe reported that he had received the 2009/2010 final budget showing all the expenditures through the fiscal year. Monthly Police Overtime the Chief said he has that in the report and the department is doing “O.K.”. Line Item Budget Balances – Chief Kehoe told commissioners that there is nothing remarkable. GL Accounts – Chief Kehoe told commissioners he could finally give them all the GL accounts and indicated that the information was in their packets. Fleet – According to the Chief, commissioners had a document indicating the mileage of each and every vehicle in the fleet.  Personnel Report – Chief Kehoe said the Lieutenant’s Test will be given in September and said that hopefully they will have candidates for interviews in October. He also informed commissioners that Officer Colin Richter submitted his resignation and had withdrawn his request for a leave of absence. Training Report – The Chief said the written report from Sgt Vanghele was in their packets. Letters of Gratitude – He said there were none. Correspondences – HVCEO Diversion Plan - Chief Kehoe said he received a letter from HVCEO regarding the Diversion Plan. He explained that there is a Diversion Plan for all major highways and said the last section was the corridor from Southington through Danbury. Memo re: Breakout of Queen Street accidents – Following a request by Commissioner Walczak, the Chief told commissioners he had provided them with a copy of a memo regarding the breakout of Queen Street accidents. DOT regarding Signal Light Plan for Queen Street – The Chief said the plan is expected to be complete by the end of the summer and added that they are trying to push it through as quickly as possible. 1st Quarter UCR – The Chief said he has the first quarter report. Department Project Updates: Radio EnhancementChief Kehoe reported that the department is now on a digital system. He added that the biggest change is the clarity and the degree of communication. Chief’s Goals Update – Space Needs – The Chief said the power point draft was completed and reviewed.  CAD/RMS – he said they are still tweaking the system and adding modules. Accreditation, - Chief Kehoe said they are building files on Tier II and Tier III. Management/Labor Relations – He said that the commission’s outreach committee is still conducting survey research.  Report/ Presentation on Police Explorer Program – Due to a personal conflict, Chief indicated that Officer Figol could not be present to do her presentation on the Police Explorer Program. The chief told commissioners that several officers were interested in developing a Police Explorer Program in Newtown and said he thought it was a great idea. He said they had done a lot of research over the last 4 or 5 months. Chief Kehoe noted that Officer Figol was heading the program.

Captain Rios reported that the Written Incident Analysis Report for August 2010 was summarized by incident type. The report contained some of the following: 911 checks – 32, Accidents – 35, Alarms (Burglar) – 125, Animal Nuisance – 73, DUI – 2, Dumping/ Littering 27, Larceny – 4, Traffic Enforcement 13, Traffic Stops – 549, and Vandalism 41. He indicated that the Written Monthly Patrol Motor Vehicle Enforcements Reports which included the Motor Vehicle activity August 2008 to August 2010 was in their packets. Captain Rios called commissioners’ attention to the new linear graph in their packets which Commissioner Walczak had requested. DUI activity August 2010 – According to Captain Rios, the information in the report was not a mistake. The information was the same as last month. Written Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report - August 2010 – by Sgt. Vanghele –Commended the Sergeant stating that he always does a nice job with the report. The Captain also complimented Officers Kullgren and Ketchum on the Taunton Lake Road Parking Study they had prepared. Written Monthly Detective Division Report – August 2010 – by Sgt. Froehlich – The Captain indicated the report was in their packets. DUI Enforcement - Captain Rios reported that the department had held a final DUI check point on Church Hill Road August 14, 2010. He noted there were 2 DUI arrests and 1Operating Under Suspension. According to the Captain, they are applying for a Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve grant. Finally, Captain Rios reported that on September 3 through September 6 over the Labor Day Holiday the department performed 139 motor vehicle stops, 2 DUI arrests, 6 accidents, and, thankfully, had “zero” fatalities.
Commissioner Giannini asked about a plan for the Road Race and Chief Kehoe said that the department was trying to work out an operational plan.

Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Crosswalk Safety (Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini) - Glover and Queen Street crosswalk and stop sign – According to Chairman Giannini, he and Commissioner Walczak were revisiting the stop sign at the intersection of Glover and Queen Street.
Commissioner Walczak told commissioners that the original Bolmer study suggested a reconfiguration of that intersection, but he added that there has been historical resistance to any changes.
Commissioner Walczak said he met with Borough Warden Jim Gaston discussed it and raised the idea of the planned sidewalk configuration.
To better convey their message, Commissioner Walczak handed out two diagrams. He noted that if the sidewalks are put on the Westside of Queen Street as proposed by the Borough and the Town, it poses the problem of how children can safely cross the intersection with Glover Avenue.
The Commissioner suggests that an additional stop sign be put up to make the intersection a three-way stop with crosswalk crossing at the intersection. He added that the Borough indicated that if the approved that they would like the Police Commission to approve sidewalks on the Westside. Commissioner Walczak reminded fellow Commissioners that their Board had suggested putting the sidewalk on the Eastside for public safety as it would located on the safe side of the road as the schools, however he noted that the Board of Selectman suggested the sidewalks be located on the Westside and the Borough backed them.
Chairman Giannini noted that former Police Commissioner Bob Connor suggested putting a stop sign at the intersection.
According to Commissioner Walczak, the biggest problem with adding the third stop sign would be that it would back traffic up. If doesn’t work it’s just the cost of a stop sign and some paint and then the town can look at the Bolmer study to reconfigure the intersection.
Chairman Giannini noted that the Board of Police Commissioners has not revisited the study since Mrs. Llodra has been in office as First Selectman.
In conclusion, the Chairman suggested that the Commission run it by Mrs. Llodra and possibly seek out traffic engineer Mike Galante’s professional advice.
Redesign of Monthly Packets (Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini) According to Chairman Giannini, they have the information in and he thinks they’re close. The Chairman discussed the possibility of sending the packet as a PDF and also discussed the concept of duplex or two-side printing significantly cutting down the amount of paper used.
Special Officer Mooney suggested the Commission PDF all non-security issue, public documents per FOI and duplex all documents that are security sensitive – i.e. labor and Union related matters.
Commissioner Walczak agreed that there were certainly some reports that could be eliminated in the packets, and done verbally
Chief Kehoe noted that the department is collecting that data already and just bringing it before the Police Commission. He added that if Commissioners don’t want that information, the reports could just be done verbally.
Chairman Giannini suggested that some of the reports could even be done quarterly and the Chief agreed.
The Chairman suggested that he and
Animal Control (Commissioners Budd and Viadero) – Commission Viadero indicated that they are in a “holding pattern.”
Employee Relations (Commissioners Viadero and Jacobs) – Commissioner Viadero indicated that Union President Officer Stinson was holding a meeting the end of the month. He added that Dr. McCabe at Sacred Heart University will have two sample surveys for the next Police Commission meeting and noted that the Union President will have his questions put in by then also.

Discussion and comments on Plan of Conservation and Development update – Chairman Giannini said he has gone through the 4-inch stack of information the Chief gave him and he will have a draft of their response for everybody next month.

Discussion and comments on Special Officer Program – Chairman Giannini asked Special Officer Mooney if he had come up with some ideas regarding the program.
Special Officer Mooney said no. However, he indicated that the program had been around forever but took a “hit” when Special Officers had to be certified police officers.
He said he sees his role as working directly with the Police Explorer Program. He noted that the direction of the program has to change and thinks a review of the Statutes has to be done.
According to Special Officer Mooney, the program is never going to be what it was in the past.
Chairman Giannini asked the Chief what the cost is and Chief Kehoe indicated the cost is basically for the uniforms – re-certification is paid for by the Special Officer.
Commissioner Viadero noted that Special Officers typically supplement on holidays and special events in Town. The chief added that they would fill a side job if no one else wants it.
After a brief discussion, Commissioner Giannini congratulated Special Officer Mooney and told him he was officially a Special Officer. The Chairman also told him he needs to get together with the Town’s other Special Officer to discuss what their role should be in regards to minimum requirements and the Police Explorer Program.

Discussion and consideration of No Parking signs on Taunton Lake Road -
Along with a copy of  a report done by Officers Kullgren and Ketchum, Commissioners referred to the earlier public participation as well as their own personal experiences with the area in question.
According to Chairman Giannini, guardrails will not work on that road because if a large truck were to come in the opposite direction there would be nowhere to pull off the road. The Chairman also questioned the location of where the “no parking” signs would go and where parking would be allowed.
The Chief told commissioners there are two parts of Statute 14-251:
  • Violate No Parking signs – an infraction is issued
  • Hazardous Parking – it’s up to the judgment of the officer.
Chairman Giannini said with the exception of opening day, the day and week after for fishing, there really isn’t a problem.
Commissioner Walczak moved to watch the situation for six months and to ask the Department to pay attention to what is going on and report back. Commissioner Viadero seconded the motion.
Commissioners agreed that something needed to be done and Chairman Giannini referred to the “good” report done the officers.
Chairman Giannini offered a friendly modification/amendment to the motion so it reads:
Commissioner Walczak moved to keep an eye the parking situation on Taunton Hill Road through the end of the year and revisit it at the January meeting.  Commissioner Viadero seconded the motion as amended and the motion was unanimously approved.   

Discussion and consideration on request of changing Underhill Road to one way traffic –
Chief Kehoe informed Commissioners that they all received the same letter regarding Underhill Road.
According to Chief Kehoe, it’s a precarious roadway, noting that one area where there is actually a blind curvy drop. He noted that you could have a potential accident there, but added that there were none as of yet.
Chairman Giannini asked if it’s made one way what it would do to traffic. Chief Kehoe responded that to make it one way they would need some input from the fire departments on this.
The Chairman reiterated that they needed more information.
Chief Kehoe told commissioners that at the moment they only have the one opinion and they would have to poll people on the roadway.
Chairman Giannini concluded commissioners need more information on it and they need to get Traffic Council on it.

Consideration of utilizing asset forfeiture funds for future expenditures – Police Canine Program –
Chief Kehoe explained that they need money every six months and they are running out.
The Chief said they have $4300 left and need about $1500 more.
Commissioner Walczak moved to allocate $1500 from the assets forfeiture fund GL 183 to the Police Canine Program. Commissioner Jacobs second and motion was unanimously carried.

Discussion and consideration on the evaluation of the Chief of Police –
Commissioner Giannini asked Chief Kehoe to give each member of the Police Commission a copy of his goals and achievements and then outlined the rest of the process as follows:
  • Members of the board will put their thoughts down, evaluate it and send it back.
  • It will all be put together and discussed at a Commissioners’ meeting.
  • And, finally the evaluation, together with the commissioners’ input and their decision will be forwarded to the First Selectman.
The Chairman noted that they will try to do it in one month.


Chairman Giannini read into record a letter from Irene Mele suggesting that a traffic light be put in place at the flag pole. Chief Kehoe asked that the letter be attached to the evening’s minutes.
Commissioner Viadero asked the Chief what the process was for the Lieutenant’s after the written exam is completed. According to Chief Kehoe after the written exam (60% of the value), the candidates go before an oral panel (40% of the value). He told commissioners that the top three candidates will come before the Board of Police Commissioners and the Board will pick the final candidate.
Commissioner Walczak asked if Public Works Director Fred Hurley made the deadline for the Speed Tables to be put in place on Key Rock Road. Chairman Giannini said “no he did not” and indicated it was supposed to be done before school started. He noted that there was an Issue from Public Safety regarding how it was going to affect response time. The Chairman indicated that was a “non-event” noting that few emergency units would travel through that area unless they were going to a call specifically in that area.

EXECUTIVE SESSION (if necessary): none

Commissioner Budd moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:26 pm. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.