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In the absence of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman Brian Budd called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, James Viadero, and Keith Jacobs
Absent: Chairman Duane Giannini
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, Officer David Kullgren, Detective Sgt Darlene Froehlich, 2 members of the press and 2 members of the public.

James Walsh, North Branch Road, told the commission he met with the Chief Kehoe and Chairman Giannini the first week of July. He said he was asked to re-petition the residents of Key Rock Road and North Branch and informed them he had brought the signed petition with him. He read the petition which was for Speed Calming Devices – speed bumps - to be located at the intersection of Key Rock Road and North Branch and gave it to Commissioner Budd. Mr. Walsh gave a brief history of the matter and his involvement with the Police Commission and Department. He emphasized how pleased he was with the how efficiently the problem was handled and thanked Police Commissioners, the Chief and the Department.
Commissioner Budd thanked Mr. Walsh and spoke on behalf of the Commission, the Chief and the Traffic Unit, indicating that having the Traffic Unit expedited the process.
Mr. Walsh noted he had obtained 27 signatures on the new petition and explained that in regards to the signatures he wasn’t able to get – 3 were never there, 1 house was in foreclosure and owned by the bank, and four individuals didn’t want to sign. Mr. Walsh added that “overwhelmingly everybody was for it.”
Commissioner Budd stated that even with all the recent traffic enforcement the average speed on Key Rock Road was only lowered by 1 mph, but noted that with the Speed Control Devices in place the problem should be solved.
Commissioner Walczak commented on how the Traffic Calming Process had kept everything flowing well.
Newtown Bee Reporter Andy Grosko asked how many speed bumps would be installed and Commissioner Budd replied that two would be installed across the full street.

CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR: REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 6, 2010: Commissioner Walczak made the motion to accept the minutes of the REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, July 6, 2010, as presented. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Budget - Chief Kehoe reported that he had received the final copy of the Monthly Police Overtime for 2009-2010 and noted that he used only 89% of the $450,000 budgeted. He added that he included a spread sheet of the current overtime for 2010-2011 and indicated that they had used 4.5% to date. Line Item Budget Balances – Chief Kehoe told commissioners that he still does not have the Line Item Budget Balances for 2009-2010 and indicated that the Town will be closing up the books in August so he should have them for the Commissioners meeting next month. Fleet - The Chief reported that the insurance company was working on their insurance claim after Car 9 was destroyed when it burned in the department’s parking lot. He noted that they already had the replacement vehicle for car 9, but were expecting to use the existing equipment. He added they will now have to buy all new equipment for the car. The Chief said he hopes to have the vehicle back in service in about a month and a half. Chief Kehoe told commissioners that they had the Personnel Report from Sgt. Wisentaner and the Training Report from Sgt Vanghele in their packets. The Chief said there were multiple Letters of Gratitude in July for the following personnel: Officer Chapman, Officer McCarthy, Sgt. Costello and Officer Ruszczyk, the Citizen Police Academy and two for the Department. Commissioner Jacobs asked if there were ever any negative letters and the Chief replied that if there are they will be in the packets as well. Correspondences – Chief Kehoe said he received a late correspondence from State DOT Signs and Markings Engineer John Bado regarding the Creamery situation. He said they spoke to the Ferris’ and came up with a preliminary plan. The Chief explained that they don’t want the Police Commission or State Traffic Commission to have to make any decisions. As a result the following preliminary plan was established: the Creamery needs to have an off duty police officer to act as a parking attendant of sorts, they need to go before the various Town boards to see if there can be more internal parking, and finally the Creamery needs to post some kind of a sign recommending customers not park on the road or they could receive a ticket. Department Project Updates: Radio EnhancementChief Kehoe reported that the radio enhancement is 65% to 70% complete and should be ready in the next 60 days. Chief’s Goals Update – Regarding the Space Needs the Chief said Officer Kullgren and he had prepared a power point presentation to show them that evening. Chief Kehoe reported that the CAD/RMS go live was successful. In regards to Accreditation, he said he will be meeting with the Accreditation Team that week or next. The Chief said he had nothing new to report on Management/Labor Relations.

Captain Rios reported that there was nothing remarkable in the Written Incident Analysis Report – July 2010 or the Written Monthly Patrol Motor Vehicle Enforcements Reports for July 2008 to July 2010- and noted  both reports were in their packets. Regarding the Written Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report - July 2010 – by Sgt. Vanghele Captain Rios noted that the Unit was very active. Written Monthly Detective Division Report – April 2010 – by Sgt. Froehlich – Captain Rios indicated that the Detective Division had been very busy with several investigations and had recently made an arrest of an individual responsible for several thefts in the area. In addition, the captain called commissioners’ attention to an article in their packets on the Bike Patrol and a report concerning the Marijuana Grove in Botsford. DUI Check Point - Captain Rios reported that the department had held a DUI check point on Rte 25 near Chints and Prints recently. He noted that no arrests were made but added that they do not measure a checkpoints success by the number of arrests. The Captain reassured commissioners that the word is out - police officers are out there.

Facility Space Needs Presentation – For the next hour, Captain Rios and Officer Kullgren gave commissioners a power point presentation outlining the NPD Facility Needs Assessment that was done by Jacunski Humes in 2008, and comparing it with two new facilities in the similar sized departments of Wethersfield (47 sworn officers in 2003) and Farmington (44 sworn officers in 2003). Both Wethersfield and Farmington have new buildings similar in size to the proposed 29,491 square foot building Newtown needs. Captain Rios noted that there were several reasons Newtown needs it’s a new facility – security deficiencies, safety issues, space deficiencies – Newtown currently is cramped into 8,548 square feet, HVAC deficiencies, and parking deficiencies. He noted that the current facility and property will not accommodate a larger facility.
Chief Kehoe noted that many of these needs were actually recognized in the 1990’s and they became critical when the department discussed how to improve space needs.
Officer Kullgren compared each area of the department with those of Farmington and Wethersfield highlighting Newtown Police Departments needs.
Areas in current facility and their deficiencies:
  • Rear Parking / front parking – lack of space
  • Lobby – small multi-purpose room off lobby, overused, not sound proofed, lack of privacy, only large enough to interview one person
  • Training/Roll Call Room – over-used, should have separate report writing rooms, met capacity years ago, tables and room used 24/7
  • Records Division – unsecure area, cut through area when training/roll call room is in use, cramped quarters, close proximity to prisoner processing area
  • Communications Center – small area, space is already filled, no rest rooms nearby, no mailroom
Break Room/ Kitchen – small room, no place to sit and eat, not a secure area very close to prisoner processing area
  • Evidence Room – cramped quarters, need work tables and up to date rolling shelf filing system
Sally Port – vehicles can pull in to drop off prisoner but must to back out to leave, too small need secure storage area, snow and water on vehicles can leak into lower offices below
  • Prisoner Processing Area 1 – should be more secure area, very small room if things go wrong
  • Prisoner Processing Area 2 – very small room where booking and fingerprints are done, houses AFIS system, noted by officers as being not safe enough or secure  
  • Cell Block – too small, need separate area for juveniles, no fire suppression system
  • Sgt’s Office – six patrol Sergeants share office, too cramped and cluttered
  • Administrative Work Area – need area that is not right on top of line officers
  • Chief’s Office – need enough space to hold meetings
  • Lieutenant’s Office – both operation and administration share same office – should have separate offices
  • Captain’s Office – no conference area, no privacy, no room to have meetings
  • Detective Bureau – cramped quarters, houses 3 Detectives, 3 School Resource Officers and Detective Sergeant , Detective Sergeant should have own office
  • Locker Rooms – officers need to double up lockers, close cramped quarters, only two sinks
  • Storage Area – need more space
  • Impound Area – not secure enough, share with two other agencies
  • Administrative Sergeant’s Office – very small, was a closet, has no window or ventilation
  • No Fitness Center – department has no fitness center, having center would provide for healthier personnel
  • No Fire Arms Training area – department has no fire arms training area, needs to go to Monroe to use their range
Commissioners were all impressed by the presentation and were taken back by the obvious pressing need for a new updated larger facility.
Commissioner Budd commended Captain Rios, Officer Kullgren and the chief for “nailing” all the things discussed over the last two years. He added that moving forward they had a very influential document for future CIPs.
Commissioner Jacobs questioned whether moving the other agencies into the new Municipal Center would give the department more space. Officer Kullgren noted that as soon as the department begins to renovate the open themselves up to a host of problems and codes currently grandfathered. He added that in May 2009 Zoning wouldn’t allow what the department would need.
Captain Rios explained that the department is very sensitive to the other needs in Newtown and said the department is very willing to work with the Town, but stressed that this is very important to them.
Chief Kehoe told commissioners that he had met with the First Selectman and other department heads that had space needs. He noted they were looking at five years down the road for money. The Chief noted that one are suggested as a possible location for the new police facility would be up at Fairfield Hills in the area of Keaton Road and Mile Hill Road South. To better explain the location, Chief Kehoe rolled out a map to show commissioners the area.

Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Crosswalk Safety (Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini) and Redesign of Monthly Packets (Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini) Commissioner Budd tabled the discussions until Chairman Giannini would be present.
Animal Control (Commissioners Budd and Viadero) – Commission Budd indicated that they are waiting for updates.
Employee Relations (Commissioners Viadero and Jacobs) – Commissioner Viadero indicated that there meeting was cancelled and that they will do something next month He added that they still need to get sample questions from the Police Union.
Discussion and comments on 6 month review of Key Rock Road enforcement initiatives – Commissioner Budd relayed Chairman Giannini’s thoughts that they should get Mr. Bolmer, Mr. Hurley and the Chief together to decide placing and spacing of the Speed Control Devices (speed bumps).
Chief Kehoe informed commissioners that he must do their due diligence and make sure the signatures on the new petition are the majority. He noted that can be done in the next couple of day. The Chief added that then they can go up and look at the locations for the devices and subsequently Mr. Hurley’s men can install the devices
Commissioner Budd noted that the goal is to have the devices installed as close as possible to the opening of school.

Discussion and comments on Plan of Conservation and Development update – Commissioner Budd said he would like to discuss the matter when Chairman Giannini can be present.

Discussion and consideration of the retirement of Lt. James Mooney – Chief Kehoe told commissioners that Lt. Mooney’s request and retirement happened very quickly. The Chief added that the Lieutenant had taken a job as a dispatcher in Brookfield. Chief Kehoe stated that Lt. Mooney has certainly put in his 25 years of service and had a pension. He wished him well and said the department would miss him and his knowledge of, and passion for, police work.
Commissioner Budd asked the Chief if he already had a promotion list and the chief replied that he already received letters from 7 eligible candidates to take the test.
Commissioner Walczak made the motion to accept the retirement of Lt. James Mooney. Commissioner Jacobs second and the motion was unanimously carried.

Discussion and consideration on the evaluation of the Chief of Police – Commissioner Budd asked that the matter be tabled until Chairman Giannini could be present.

Discussion and consideration of No Parking signs on Taunton Lake Road – Chief Kehoe told commissioners he had received reports from several concerned residents about people parking on certain of property  that had has access to Taunton Lake. He noted that the resident’s are concerned because the vehicles are parked hazardously out in the road on a blind curve.
The Chief suggests guardrails or wires be put up, but noted that he is preliminarily looking to put up “no parking” signs.

Additional new business -
Chief Kehoe informed commissioners that a received a request from Lt. Mooney asking to be carried on as a Special Police Officer with the Town of Newtown. The Chief gave out copies of the policy to commissioners for their review. He noted that a this point in time the department was down to one Special Police Officer. Chief Kehoe added that it was a decision the Board of Police Commissioners has to make as to how they want the program to look down the road. He emphasized that the Special Police Officers have no authority to make arrests, but are able to do side jobs.
Commissioner Walczak noted that Lt. Mooney was a valuable person to the Police Department and that he believed it was beneficial to keep him on.
Commissioner Budd agreed and noted that if Lt. Mooney was willing to keep up his certification he didn’t see a problem with it.
The Chief said he would like to see the program take a more active role.
Commissioner Budd asked that they table the matter until the Board’s meeting next month.
Commissioner Walczak said he felt they should reach a conclusion next month.
Chief Kehoe noted that all the agencies that had Special Police Officer programs are now defunct due to risk and liability issues.

Detective Sgt. Froehlich questioned who supplies the weapon for Special Officers and the Chief responded that it’s their personal firearm and they must be qualified.

Commission Walczak question the letter sent by Human Resources Director Carole Ross concerning the performance of the Chief. Chief Kehoe noted that this was a form letter she sends out to all department heads.

Commissioner Budd questioned the $8500 transfer from the Police Department to off-set the budget of the Canine facility had ever happened before. The Chief said no and added that he doesn’t recall it ever happening before.

Commissioner Walczak suggested that the Chief and Commission let the Town know that when they have to fill the vacancy in the officer’s spot when the Sergeant’s and Lieutenant’s positions are both filled.

Commissioner Walczak suggested Captain Rios use a traditional graph as opposed to bar graph in their meeting packets and offered a sample to the Captain.

Commissioner Viadero personally thanked Captain Rios and Officer Matt Wood for recovering his mailbox and post which was recently removed by unknown individuals. He said he especially appreciated the fact that the officer not only returned it but put it back up for him.

EXECUTIVE SESSION (if necessary): none
ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING:  Commissioner Jacobs moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 pm. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.