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2-2-10 Mins & Addendum
Minutes from the Board of Police Commissioners regular meeting held Tuesday, February 2, 2010, in the meeting room of Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown.  In the absence of Chairman Duane Giannini, Vice-Chairman Brian Budd called the meeting to order at 7:32 pm.  
Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, James Viadero, and Keith Jacobs
Absent: Duane Giannini
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, Joe Casper owner of Newtown Shopping Center, Stephen Ulman of Purcell Associates Consulting Engineers, John Zyrelis, Jr., site planner for TPA Design Group, 1 member of the press and 1 member of the public.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Dan Shea, 44 Queen Street, a Queen Street resident for the last 42 years, expressed his concerns regarding the traffic situation on Queen Street and throughout town. To emphasize his concerns he read a copy of a second letter he had written to the Town- specifically to the Police Commission for that evening - on the speeders and traffic in the borough and some solutions. Mr. Shea noted that whatever is done for Queen Street to solve the problem should be done to all the streets in Town. He stressed that safety was his biggest concern. (See Mr. Shea’s letter attached to minutes.)
Chief Kehoe indicated that commission would be addressing Mr. Shea’s letter written to First Selectman Patricia Llodra November 30, 2009, later in the evening under New Business.
James Walsh, 3 North Branch Road, expressed his concerns about the speed of traffic in Newtown specifically on Key Rock Road.  He indicated this was his third meeting. In the first meeting, Mr. Walsh said he addressed the need for a stop sign, in the second he addressed the school bus and bus stop issue, and now he said he was looking for feedback from the department and commission regarding Key Rock Road and the speeders.
Commissioner Budd told Mr. Walsh that the situation on Key Road was part of an ongoing study and asked if Mr. Walsh had a chance to visit the Traffic Calming Guidelines on the department’s web site.
According to Commissioner Walczak, the traffic calming process begins following a request to address a specific issue. Following the request, the chief and the department will address the issue and report back to the commission in 60-days. If the chief believes the situation can be resolved, a plan will be implemented for the next 120 days. After 120-days, the chief evaluates if their plan has had an impact. If the plan has not had an impact, than they proceed to the next phase – a formal traffic calming. The formal calming would address further needs such as narrowing the road, speed bumps and round-a-bouts.
Commissioner Budd indicated that in order to go to the next step, the commission would have to request funds from the Board of Selectman and the Board of Finance which would presently be a problem given the current economy.
In lieu of the possible lack of available funds, Mr. Shea posted the question of whether residents might be willing to pay a tax to have calming devices put on the street. As another solution, he suggested that streets could hold fundraisers.

CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2010: Commissioner Budd moved to accept the minutes and the addendum from the police commission regular meeting Tuesday, January 5, 2009, as corrected. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

CHIEF’S REPORT: Budget Reports - Chief Kehoe passed out a copy of the Line Item Budget Balances sheet with the adjusted amounts for the commissioners’ review. According to the chief, he is comfortable with the Monthly Police Overtime and doesn’t foresee going over it. He told commissioners to look at the numbers on the report regarding the mid-fiscal year budget adjustments for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. The adjustments were as follows 01310-1004 Civilian Personnel - $8,373; 01310-2015 Recruiting - $10,000; 01310-2026 Miscellaneous - $1,500; and 01310-2035 Professional Services - $6,000. Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Update- Chief Kehoe indicated that he and Chairman Giannini presented their budget to First Selectman Patricia Llodra and the Director of Finance Bob Tait. He noted that prior to the recent meeting they had met with Mrs. Llodra and Mr. Tait and came up with several cuts including reducing their request of six new police vehicles to four, as well as a reduction in recruiting and services.  Fleet– the chief stated that the department is prepping the two new cruisers for full use and they cars are 80% ready. He added that they should be ready by next week. Chief Kehoe told commissioners that the Personnel Report from Sgt. Wisentaner   and the Training Report from Lt. Mooney were in their meeting packets. Letters of Gratitude – The chief said there were several letters of gratitude. Letters for the following officers were received McGowan & Smith, Nosal, Borges & Hayes, and Stinson & Canine Officer Baro. Correspondences – Chief Kehoe reported that he had one correspondence dated January 12, 2010 from State Traffic Commission regarding a certificate for the “Access Way Removal Plan,” at Fairfield Hills dated August 18, 2009. Annual Reports – The chief referred commissioners to their packets regarding the Yearly Statistics and IA’s Administrative reviews report. Community Conversation-Underage Drinking – Chief Kehoe reported that he and Chairman Giannini had received some good information out of the conversation held on January 20, 2010.  The chief said that over 100 people were in attendance and added that there would be a follow up conversation on March 25, 2010.

CAPTAIN’S REPORT: Written Monthly Motor Vehicle Enforcement Reports - Captain Rios reported that for January 2010 595 motor vehicle stops were made and 10 DUI arrests. The captain also said he wished to correct a statement he had made at the last meeting saying the DUI arrests were up from the previous year. He noted that the DUI arrests were in fact down 6% for 2009 from the previous year. Incident Analysis Report January 2010- Motor Vehicle Accidents: 53, Sex Offense: 2, Narcotics: 3, Vandalism: 17, Larceny: 7, Fraud: 5, and Alarms: 103. Written Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit January 2010 Report narrative by Lt. Sinko and Vanghele– Captain Rios told commissioners that the traffic unit had been very busy with traffic enforcement in town as well as doing a speed limit sign inventory, investigating a fatal accident in Hawleyville in the area of Exit 9, the review of the Bus Stop on Key Rock Road and the complaints of speeding on the Fairfield Hills campus. Detective Division Report submitted by Det. Sgt Cole – the captain indicated that detectives were busy with several investigations and reported that a Tobacco Compliance check revealed that all 18 businesses selling tobacco in town were in compliance.

  • Discussion and consideration of traffic issues on Key Rock Road – According to Chief Kehoe, the department is continuing their enforcement on Key Rock Road.
Captain Rios reported that he had spoken to Newtown Public School Transportation Director Tony DiLonardo about changing the bus stop. According to the captain, Mr. DiLonardo said that the sight lines are fine where the children are picked up on Key Rock Road. Captain Rios added that the transportation director said he has no plans to change the bus stop in the future. The captain said Mr. DiLonardo further noted that for the bus to turn up North Branch Road and turn around in the cul-de-sac would add time to the route. In conclusion, Captain Rios said he believes that Mr. DiLonardo would be open to talk to or meet with Mr. Walsh regarding the matter.
Commissioner Walczak stated that there should be some kind of evaluation document up front prior to the 120-day evaluation period indicating exactly what the department is going to do.
Commissioner Budd noted that was what the vehicle data box does.
Chief Kehoe added that the data from the box is what state traffic engineers use.
Mr. Walsh said that the critical times on the road were from 6 to 9 in the morning. He added that he has no problem with what the department has done and says the neighbors see the policemen out there.  He concluded by saying he would be contacting Mr. DiLonardo.
Mr. Jacobs questioned whether moving the bus stop farther down the road towards Route 302 would help.
Mr. Walsh said a solution would be if the bus driver came from the other direction in the morning so the children didn’t have to cross the busy road to get on the bus. He added that all he is looking for is that next year that they bring the bus in from the other direction.
Chief Kehoe closed by saying that he should have the report done in May, and bring it before the board in June.

  • Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Commissioner Budd told commissioners that Chairman Giannini asked that the matter be tabled until the next meeting.
  • Discussion and possible action on crosswalk plan regarding the status of the pedestrian activated signage – Captain Rios reported that he had spoken to Public Works Director Fred Hurley. According to the captain, Mr. Hurley indicated that there was really no money in the budget right now for such a plan to be initiated, but that quite possibly at the end of the year if there is money it can be initiated. Furthermore, the captain said that Mr. Hurley said the commission should decide what area they would want to put such a device in.
Commissioner Walczak said he was certain that at a past meeting Mr. Hurley said that there was money in the budget. The commissioner said he was disappointed that the money was there, the commission authorized the work, and now the funds seem to have been spent elsewhere.
Commissioner Budd suggested that the police commission send him a letter regarding the matter.
  • Discussion and possible action on Rte. 25 improvements – Commissioner Budd told commissioners that Chairman Giannini request that the matter be tabled until the next meeting.
  • Discussion and consideration of Strategic Goals/Objectives for the Police Chief - Commissioner Budd told commissioners that Chairman Giannini asked that the matter be tabled until the next meeting.

  • Discussion and possible action on a letter to the First Selectman from Dan Shea regarding Queen Street Traffic Issues – Chief Kehoe asked that a copy of the letter Mr. Shea read to the Police Commission be attached to the minutes of the meeting. In regards to truck traffic, the chief said the department asked business owners to direct truck drivers up Church Hill Road instead of Queen Street and Wasserman Way. The chief added that what is taking place today is from a couple of new businesses that need to be notified.
Mr. Shea asked if putting up a “No Trucks” sign would help. The chief noted that unless it meets state regulations - such as a bridge that can’t sustain more than 4,000 pounds – the sign would not be legal.
Mr. Shea told commissioners that in addition to the speeding truck he has a problem with the buses stating that they are traveling too fast and traveling in caravans. He also questioned just how many of them had to travel down Queen Street. Although exceeding the posted speed limit would be a problem, the chief said the buses were free to go wherever they want.
Mr. Shea stressed that it was speed more than the traffic he was concerned about.
Commissioner Walczak suggested that curb side plantings have been used successfully to create a feeling of a narrower road. Furthermore, he also suggested that a culture of zero tolerance to speeding needs to be created in Newtown.
Chief Kehoe said that he just got the results of an updated study on Queen Street south and in comparison to the other two studies it shows the average speeds have come down. He noted that if you try pulling everyone over you might pull someone over for going 27 mph and miss the person going 45 mph.
Commissioner Walczak suggested signs be put up on the town lines indicating that Newtown enforces its speed limits. Commissioner Budd agreed the signs were a good idea. Chief Kehoe noted that the signs would need to be approved by the STC. Commissioner Budd concluded by asking that the signs be put on the next agenda.

  • Discussion and possible action on the upgrade of the traffic light and pedestrian crossing on Queen Street as it relates to Eton Plaza Renovations – Mr. Zyrelis gave a brief presentation on the history of the adjustments to the access and egress to the Eaton Shopping Plaza as well as the changes to the traffic signal.  Mr. Ulman continued by noting that they were asked to put designated left turn signals from both the Eaton Plaza and the Big Y shopping center as well as place pedestrian signals on opposite sides of the street for the crosswalk. Based on the study, Mr. Ulman noted that the traffic would be stopped in all directions whenever the pedestrian signal was activated. He said he had no problem with this but added that the delays of the additional “left turns protected only” signals would be considerable. Since traffic did not appear to be a problem at the moment, Mr. Ulman asked the commissioners if it would be possible for them to wait to put up the left turn protected only signals in June if it was deemed absolutely necessary. Mr. Casper said he would not have a problem with this either, but asked that traffic leaving his shopping center still be allowed to make a right turn on red.
Despite the suggestion, Chief Kehoe and commissioners agreed that the left turn signals should be put up now as recommended.
Commissioner Budd questioned whether it was ever in the design of the Newtown Shopping Center to put a marked sidewalk across their entrance and exit on to Queen Street. Mr. Casper said no.
Mr. Ulman reiterated the delay the left turn signals would cause and noted they could be put in place easily.
Once he discovered the additional delay with the left signals was only about 5 seconds, Mr. Casper recanted his first opinion and said that “if the chief wants it than let’s do it.”
Mr. Ulman said they would add yield to pedestrian signs for the crosswalk and Mr. Casper said he would pursue adding a delineated crosswalk across their driveway.
Commissioner Budd moved that the protected left turn signals be in place coming out of both plazas and pedestrian heads be installed with 4-way red lights when the pedestrian signals are activated; and “yield to pedestrian” signs be posted coming out of Big Y plaza. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
  • Discussion and possible action on the town owned traffic light on Queen Street as it relates to maintenance and electricity – According to Mr. Casper, he has owned and maintained the traffic signal in front of the Newtown shopping Center’s driveway since he was asked by the legal traffic authority to be responsible for it in 1997. Now that it is a shared turn signal with the Eaton Plaza and additional lights are being installed, he believes the cost to maintain them and pay for their electricity should be shared as well. To resolve the problem, he would like the two sentences regarding the matter to be deleted on the application Purcell makes to the STC.
Mr. Casper stressed that no one in the State of Connecticut can own a traffic light the signals can only be owned by the Town and he added that the chief agreed with him.
Commissioner Walczak moved to eliminate from Eaton Plaza’s application, the verbiage, “Signal maintenance to be paid for by the owner of the Newtown Shopping Center. Energy for the signal to be provided by the owner of Newtown shopping Center.” Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.    


COMMISSIONER’S DISCUSSION AND PARTICIPATION: Commissioner Walczak reminded commissioners that there was going to be an FOI meeting held March 11, 2010 at Newtown Municipal Center.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Commissioner Budd moved to go into executive session at 9:41 pm to discuss pending litigation in reference to union grievances and invited both the Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

At this time, the clerk left the meeting.

Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.



At 9:57 P. M., the Board left executive session.

At 9:57 P. M. Commissioner Walczak moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Viadero, unanimously passed by the Board.

Submitted by:__________________________________
Chief Michael K. Kehoe
Brian Budd, Vice-Chairperson