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Minutes 7-7-09
Minutes from the Board of Police Commissioners regular meeting held Tuesday, July 7, 2009, in the meeting room of Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown.  Ch airman Carol Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.
Present: Carol Mattegat, Robert Connor, Duane Giannini, Bruce Walczak and Brian Budd
Absent: none
Also Present: Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, Lieutenant George Sinko, and Fairfield Hills Authority Chairman Robert Geckle, 10 members of the public and one member of the press.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Ten Sandy Hook residents came before the police commission suggesting that a specific left turn signal, for vehicles attempting to turn off Washington Avenue on to Church Hill Road, be added to the existing traffic light for safety.
Susan Lechowicz, 22 Watkins Drive, Sandy Hook, said she travels through the Washington Avenue/ Church Hill Road intersection every morning with “in trepidation” and told commissioners that making turn off Washington Avenue onto Church Hill was “risky.”
Nancy Constantino, 34 Watkins Drive, suggested “for safety” that there be some kind of an arrow light for a left hand turn off of Washington Avenue onto Church Hill Road.
Stephen Rosenblatt, 50 Watkins Drive, informed commissioners he had sent a letter to the Town asking whether a left turn light would be considered. He said was told it was a state intersection and that it was possible if concerned residents came to a meeting and petitioned for such a signal.
According to Mr. Rosenblatt, those attending the police commissioner’s meeting were not alone in their concerns and noted that there were many other people with the same problem who all get stuck in the same place.
Tony Oronato, 16 Watkins Drive, agreed with fellow residents that making a left hand turn off Washington Avenue onto Church Hill Road was dangerous and also referred to the lack of a clear sight line indicating that it was “kind of a blind spot.”
Mr. Constantino, 34 Watkins Drive, concurred with statements made by the other residents and said that the intersection is “a little dangerous.”
Chief Kehoe addressed the residents’ concerns and said the department and commissioners have long recognized the problem with the intersection.  He assured residents that the Ct. State Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) has been notified and that the intersection is on a project plan for an upgrade of the traffic light only. However, the Chief informed residents that the project may not happen right away due to the economic situation.
Commissioner Giannini reassured residents that the light was moved up to the second highest on the list.
Joan Day, 40 Watkins Drive, asked the Chief and commissioners if there was anything they could do as citizens.
The Chief suggested that they write new state representative Chris Liddy.
Bob Geckle, Mile Hill Road, indicated that he had three items to discuss.
The first was an item listed under New Business on the commission’s agenda regarding the discussion and possible action on the proposal to close the unused entrance to Fairfield Hills off Wasserman Way.  
The second and third items were under old business.
For his second item, Mr. Geckle reminded commissioners that in their last meeting there was some discussion regarding a pedestrian crosswalk in front of the Middle School on Queen Street. He noted that area was not where the original pedestrian study was done.
According to Mr. Geckle, there were two studies done – 2004 and 2006 – which suggested two crosswalks, one in front of the reconstructed entrance and the other in front of Big Y.
The third item he wanted to discuss was the latest speed readouts for Queen Street and Glover Avenue. Although there was a slight improvement in 85th percentile speed, Mr. Geckle said it was still not good enough. He concluded that there was still time and the Town needed to push forward with their efforts to slow down traffic.
Discussion and possible action on proposal to close the unused entrance to Fairfield Hills off Wasserman Way – Mr. Geckle updated commissioners on the current process to continue the walking trail around Fairfield Hills. Phase I – the trail through the campus at Fairfield Hills. Phase II – the engineering and planning for that trail.
According to Mr. Geckle, it was recommended by the designers to abandon the road and former entrance off Wasserman Way and the Fire Marshall has no problem with the closure. In addition, he noted that Planning and Zoning recommends the change.
Once the police commission signs off on the change, the approvals will be sent to the State Traffic Commission (STC) for a curb cut.
According to Mr. Geckle the trail will end where there is a crosswalk and a light by the Reed School.
Commissioner Walczak made the motion to close the unused entrance to Fairfield Hills off Wasserman Way and remove the midblock crosswalk at that unused entrance in front of the Reed School. Commissioner Connor seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Mr. Walzak made the motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting June 2, 2009 and the addendum. Commissioner Budd seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.
The addendum was comprised of clarifications and corrections by Jim Gaston to the posted minutes from June 2.  Mr. Gaston wishes to note the following: 1) He indicated NOT one individual wanted to touch the flagpole area or road contour, not only one wanted to; 2) He did indicate his Official positions but he expressly stated that he was speaking as Warden of the Borough and not on behalf of the Board of Finance or within that capacity. 3) He indicated that the structures, flagpole and roadway were within the purview and jurisdiction of the Historic District, not under the “control” of it. 4) The reference to Jean St. Jean has to do with the “deterioration of a structure,” which is clearly the only safety exception. He noted he would probably leave Jean St. Jean out and report it as: Mr. Gaston wished to correct a previous statement found in the May minutes of the Police Commission and report that a safety exception was permitted only as to the deterioration of a structure, which is clearly not the situation involving the flagpole area. 5) He also suggested we include that Mr. Gaston indicated that the crosswalk light stanchion proposed for Main Street at Edmond Town Hall would require Historic District approval. An application for Certificate of Appropriateness would be provided upon request.
CHIEF’S REPORT: Budget Reports – As of June 30, Monthly Police Overtime for the past month (MTD) was $10,743.31 and year to date (YTD) was $118,758.03 (95% used with $6,241.97 remaining in budget). Line Item Budget Balances was $317,954.60 (MTD) and $3,817,079.45 (YTD) (96.7% used with $130,868.55 remaining in budget). Fleet – the Chief indicated the fleet was “Status Quo” with two cars on order (‘08/’09 Budget). Personnel Report -  Sgt. Wisentaner’s  FTEP Report noted that Officer Guernsey is currently in Phase II of the Field Training and Evaluation Program and is assigned with FTO Flynn on the Evening/Day Shift. He is scheduled to complete Phase II on 7/17/09. He will start Phase III on 7/19/09 with FTO McGowan on the Day Shift. According to the Chief, the PPO’s are all on independent police work except for PPO Guernsey in FTEP. Training Report – Written Report by Lt. Mooney – the following officers received training for the month of June 2009: Sgt. Vanghele attended the IACP’s National Trainer Development Program on Violence Against Women in Portland, ME; Det. Frank attended a week long Internet Crimes Against Children Class as well as a one day FBI-CART Image Scan System Version 3 Class; PPO Guernsey is attending Domestic Violence Investigation training at the Police Academy; and Officer Stinson/Baro attended two days of monthly police K-9 training. His report went on to list several other officers who received training as well.  Letters of Gratitude – the Chief called commissioners attention to three letters that were received. One letter was to Off. Kullgren, Off.  Ketchum, and SRO Penna; another was to the Department and a third was to SRO Penna. Correspondences – the Chief informed commissioners the speed limit signs requested for Pearl Street were approved by the STC. Updates -  Town Road Speed Limits as presented by the STC – the study is ongoing; Curb Cut Study, Rte. 6 – no report; Hattertown Road and Rte. 302 – still being reviewed; and Review of Town-wide No Thru Trucks.  In a Review of Parking Situation across street from Hilario’s on Mt. Pleasant Road, the Chief told commissioners that when he went up to see the site with Reps the signs they put up were no longer there. He reported that they will look into his request to put up a slight “berm” to prevent parking. DARE Graduation was held on June 16, 2009.
On a side note the Chief told commissioners that the Department received an award from the Governor’s Prevention Partnerships for the Prevention of Under-aged Drinking. He added that they were the only department to receive the award.
CAPTAIN’S REPORT: Motor Vehicle Enforcement Reports - Capt. Rios discussed the June 2008 and June 2009 reports. He noted that for June 2009 there were two DUI arrests. Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report narrative – Lt. Sinko reported that the traffic unit conducted approximately 181 motor vehicle stops in June. He also noted that in addition to general patrol the Traffic Unit focused their enforcement on South Main @ Mile Hill Road, Pole Bridge Road @ Jeremiah Road, Boulevard @ School House Hill Road, Church Hill Road, Pine Tree Hill Road, Wasserman Way, Main Street, Swamp Road, Currituck Road, Poverty Hollow Road, Rte. 34, and Glen Road. Incident Analysis Report June 2009 – Motor Vehicle Accidents: 70, Burglary: 7, Narcotics: 4, Vandalism: 32, Larceny: 14, Fraud: 3, Assault, 2, and Sexual Offenses; 4. Capt. Rios also highlighted the Monthly Detective Division Report for June 2009, DUI Patrol’s on July 4th Weekend, and the upcoming DUI checkpoint with a tentative date of Friday night, July 24, 2009 or Saturday night, July 25, 2009.
Discussion and Possible Action on Town-wide Traffic Calming Guidelines regarding Traffic Calming Ordinance (Commissioners Budd and Walczak)- According to Commissioner Walczak, the Legislative Council moved the Traffic Calming Guidelines off their agenda and didn’t comment on it. Furthermore, he noted that Legislative Council has had the issue on their agenda for the last three months.
Commissioner Walczak said the Police Commission has done their job, updated the Council and believes the Legislative Council has no issues with the matter.
Commissioner Giannini made the motion to approve the Calming Procedures as submitted to the Legislative Council. Commissioner Connor seconded and the vote was unanimously carried.
Discussion and Consideration of New Strategies for Police Department Space Needs – Chief Kehoe said that Brian Humes was unable to meet with Commissioners that evening, but indicated he could meet with them Tuesday, July 14, 2009. According to the Chief, Mr. Humes looked at the foot print of the existing building to see if it could handle the department’s space needs. He did two studies to assess the situation.
Study I – Mr. Humes found that the some of the parking spaces encroach on the State right of way. Those spaces are all the spaces in the front of the building closest to Main Street. According to Chief Kehoe, it’s a big issue whether the department has enough parking and Mr. Humes believes it lacks what the department will need.
Study II – The Chief said that Mr. Humes looked a completely taking the existing building away and noted that was the only way to fulfill the Department’s parking needs. Mr. Humes reported that the space needs of the department are bigger than what the footprint is.
On the last page, Chief Kehoe told commissioners Mr. Humes suggested a solution to the parking problem would be a multi-tiered parking garage/building that would go down two levels and up two levels, but the chief noted it would cost a considerable amount of money.
Discussion and Comments from the Board on the Chief’s Evaluation ’08-’09 (Chairman Mattegat and Commissioner Giannini)- After discussing the various components of the Chief’s Evaluation for several minutes, Commissioners decided table the matter until their meeting on Tuesday, July 14, 2009.
According to Commissioner Giannini, the steps of the evaluation process are as follows: The Chief submits his self-evaluation using the goals the commission set (which was done already). Each Commissioner would comment on the Chief’s self-evaluation and submit their own reviews/evaluations to Chairman Mattegat.
Chairman Mattegat added that she would then review the Commissioners opinions and sent her review to the First Selectman. The First selectman would meet with the Chief and review everything.
Discussion and possible action on request for stop signs on Sugar Hill Road – Commissioners agreed to move up the Sugar Hill Road matter on the agenda for Lt. Sinko.  Lt. Sinko stated that residents have expressed their concerns to have stop signs on Sugar Hill Road near a sharp turn before the dead end. According to the Lieutenant, the matter was brought to the attention of the department when a stop sign on the road was reported missing and residents wanted it replaced. Upon further investigation, Lt. Sinko discovered the stop signs were put in without going through the LTA.
According to Sinko, he did a study based on state guidelines and traffic codes to warrant a stop sign and concluded that stop signs are not appropriate as speed controls.
The Lieutenant informed commissioners based on his findings that the appropriate signage is a curve sign with a sign warning “sharp curve ahead”, not a stop sign.
Discussion and Action on the request for installation of left hand turn signal on Washington Avenue and Church Hill-  According to Chief Kehoe, four or five years ago the gap between the lights was increased for a period of time in the morning. More people are coming down Washington Avenue (now), he added.
However, the Chief noted that the State probably will not fund any of these projects for two years due to the budget crisis.
Discussion and action on the Town CIP request for the Police Department – According to Chief Kehoe the Town CIP request for the PD coincides with the Space Needs.
The Chief said he spoke to Finance Director Bob Tait who recommended that the department do what it did last year and address the issue in two parts: 1) Engineering Design; and 2) Renovation of the Building Itself or a new building.
The cost, the Chief noted will be based on the space needs and what is constructed.
Discussion and Possible Action on Sexual Offenders Ordinance (Commissioner Walczak) – Commissioner Walczak told commissioners he had the matter put on the agenda for discussion because several surrounding towns have already adopted Sexual Offenders Ordinances.
According to Chief Kehoe, his first concern is to make sure the ordinances have been scrutinized at a Constitutional level as being legal. He added that there is always a balance with this type of law: the interest of moving freely in society vrs. Limiting the free movement of sex offenders.
After several minutes of discussion with police commissioners, the Chief said he would contact the Chief’s of the surrounding towns and/or The Town Attorney  and get back to the commission next month.
Discussion and possible action on transfers within Police Budget ’08–’09 –
Commissioner Connor moved to transfer from four accounts: Account 01310-1006 Civilian Overtime the amount $1,000.00, Account 01310-1008 Police Overtime Grant the amount of $7,000.00, Account 01310-1007 Traffic Guard the amount of $950.00, and Account 01310-1004 Civilian Personnel the amount of $2,000.00 for a total of 10,950.00 to Account 01310-1003 Sworn Personnel the amount of $10,950.00.  Commissioner Budd seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Discussion and possible action on the role of the Police Commission as it relates to the Animal Control Operations (Commissioner Walczak) – Chief Kehoe informed commissioners that the job description of the animal control officer specifies that they are under the direct supervision of the First Selectman, the Chief of Police or his designee for law enforcement purposes only.
According to Commissioner Giannini, prior to now the role of the Police Chief had been for enforcement purposes (reports), but the Chief had no control over how the pound was run and its budget.
Chief Kehoe added that the Chief’s role has temporarily changed and says that the question now is whether to return to the way it was or modify it in some way.
Discussion and consideration on the role of Public Works and traffic data (Commissioner Walczak) – Commissioner Walczak expressed some concern over some confusion as to Public works role with the collection of traffic data. According to Chief Kehoe, with the stimulus money out there the public works asked the department to do some traffic studies for them.
Discussion and consideration of Queen Street sidewalk safety (Commissioner Walczak) – According to Commissioner Walczak the current plan is to put sidewalks down the Westside of Queen Street. His concern is the end of Queen Street at the intersection of Mile Hill Road; there is no way to safely get from Queen Street to the Reed School.
Chairman Mattegat suggested that the commission needs to send a letter to the Board of Selectman that the sidewalks should be on the eastside of Queen Street.
Commissioner Connor made the motion to Board of selectman recommending that the sidewalk be moved to the eastside of Queen Street from the Westside in the interest of public safety. Commissioner Giannini seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.
With no further business, Commissioner Conner moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:43 pm. Commissioner Walczak seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
 Ted Swigart, Clerk