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Minutes 6-2-09
Minutes from the Board of Police Commissioners meeting held Tuesday, June 2, 2009, in the meeting room of Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm.
Present:  Carol Mattegat, Bruce Walczak, and Brian Budd
Absent: Robert Connor and Duane Giannini
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Police Captain Jose Rios and 19 members of the public.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Jim Gaston, 18 Main Street, who is an attorney as well as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Finance and Warden of the Borough, indicated that the Borough recently had a meeting regarding the flag pole. He said that 100 people showed up and indicated that there was only one individual at that meeting in support of touching the flag pole.
Mr. Gaston wished to correct a statement that was made at the Police Commission’s meeting May 5 regarding who as the final say about safety issues in the Borough. He said that the Historic District has the final say. In regards to an issue such as the deterioration of the flag pole, he noted that Jean St. Jean, Zoning Coordinator, would have the say.
Mr. Gaston added that the Historic District has control of the structures, houses and Main Street itself, as well as the monument, flag pole and even the trees.
According to Gaston, there was a proposal to put stop signs or stop signals by the flag pole but the pitch of the road presents a stopping and starting problem when there is snow and ice.  In addition, stop signals or stop signs would cause a cue of traffic going south back to the in and going north back to the Town Hall and cause both a noise and aesthetics problem.
As a solution, Mr. Gaston suggested that the town put a police officer at the flag pole during peak hours. Many members of the public in attendance agreed with his suggestion.
In addition, he suggested that police put one or two cones along the southbound edge of the road by the flag pole to prevent motorists from passing on the right as cars attempt to turn left onto Church Hill Road.
Chief Kehoe indicated that even if he put one of his most seasoned officers up at the flag pole they would not be more efficient than a stop light.
Karen Banks, 43 West Street, noted that the speed of traffic was also a problem on Main Street particularly vehicles travelling southbound.
Karen Boyle, 53 Main Street, expressed her concern about the passing on the right and the speeding and said it was worse in the evening
Joan Crick agreed that the police department should try putting an officer at the flag pole and indicated that they tried using a speed bump to slow traffic down on Queen Street and it worked. According to Mrs. Crick, the problem on Main Street was addressed nearly twenty-nine years ago and the first reaction was the flag pole. The Borough wanted to fix it so they suggested a police officer be put there, she noted. The Town knocked down the idea because of the cost.
The Chief commented that the Town chose not to put a police officer at the flag pole because it would require too much time and resources.
Several other ideas that the members of the public favored were a “No Left Turn” sign for traffic coming out of West Street, post a police car at the intersection and larger Speed Limit Signs coupled with signs indicating that the speed limits were strictly enforced.
Commissioners agreed that these were all good ideas.
The Chief added that the department would have their enforcement unit work random hours on Main Street to get the message out that the speed limit was being enforced.
He noted that the department would know more once they review their traffic and speed counts.
CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES: For the regular meeting May 5, 2009 and the addendum.
Commissioner Budd moved that the commission accept the Minutes of the regular meeting May 5, 2009 with the proposed corrections and addendum. Commissioner Walczak seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.
Corrections are as follows:
Under Public Participation -
In the 7th paragraph should read, “What’s not in this (the Traffic Calming Guidelines) is the opportunity for the Board to move quickly through the steps in the process, he said.”
In the 8th paragraph add after “calming devices” the phrase “ . . .that could be used as the process progresses.”
In the 10th paragraph, the word “budgeted,” should be “budget.”
Under Unfinished Business –
In the 1st paragraph after the word “concern” add the phrase, “that if published without the proper notation that it is a `draft` the public may perceive the document as a final copy.”
CHIEF’S REPORT:  Budget Reports – The chief said there is nothing remarkable there. However he noted that amount for sworn personnel would likely fall short and said he would discuss the matter with the Town’s Director of Finance, Bob Tait. The Fleet – Chief Kehoe noted is Status Quo and it may take from one to four months to receive the two new patrol cars. Personnel Report from Sgt Wisentaner noted that all but PPO Guernsey have finished the academy. Letters of Gratitude - The Chief said that PPO Guernsey has done very well. The chief noted that the department had received several letters of gratitude over the last month. Correspondences - The Chief told commissioners to look at the letter regarding the STC at Highland Plaza and the letter from  the State OPM regarding the funding available to the Newtown Police Department through the Connecticut Local Pass-Through Justice Assistance Grant (CT Local JAG). Updates – the Chief said the Traffic Counts on Queen St. and Glover will be ready for discussion at the Boards’ meeting next month.  The Town Speed Limits, Curb Cut Study, Pearl Street Speed Limit and the intersection at Hattertown Road and Rte. 302 are still being reviewed.  The Town-wide truck signs on Nunnawauk and Mile Hill South are being reviewed and the Chief noted that part of Nunnawauk is a State road. Mock Crash- the Chief said the Mock Crash was a very involved event and it went very well. DARE Graduation - DARE Graduation is scheduled for June 16, 2009.
CAPTAIN’S REPORT: Motor Vehicle Enforcement Reports – Captain Rios presented Commissioner’s with the reports for May 2008 and May 2009. In May 2009, he noted that there were 7 DUI arrests. Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report – the Captain presented commissioners with the report for May 2009. Incident Analysis Report for April 2009 – Highlighted the following:  Motor Vehicle Accidents - 75, Burglaries - 6, Narcotics - 3, Vandalism - 13, Larceny - 19, Fraud – 8, Assault – 5, and Sexual Offenses – 2. Monthly Detective Division Report – Captain Rios present commissioners with the report for May 2009. DUI Check Point – According to the Captain, the May 2, 2009 DUI check point by the Commuter Lot went very well. There will be another check point on June 20, 2009. MADD Award 2008 – MADD gave awards to Sgt Wisentaner, Officer McGowan and Officer Wood for having the top DUI arrests. In addition, Youth Officer Pisani was given an award for her role with DARE.
Discussion and possible action on Town-wide Traffic Calming Guidelines regarding the Traffic Calming Ordinance (Commissioners Budd & Walczak) - Commissioner Walczak indicated that they had sent a copy of the guidelines to the Legislative Council.
The Chief indicated that this was done because they wanted to update the Council on the Commission’s progress.
Commissioner Budd indicated that he was told by one of the council members that they did not take any action on the guidelines because there wasn’t a member of the Police Commission present at their meeting.
Discussion and re-consideration of the Vollmer Greater Queen Street Traffic Study specifically at the Flagpole – discussed earlier with public.
Discussion and consideration of the new strategies for Police Department Space Needs – Chief Kehoe presented commissioners with a detailed report prepared by Officer David Kullgren. The Chief said he sent a copy of the report to Brian Humes.
Discussion and comments from the Board on Chief’s evaluation 08-09 – Chairman Mattegat said she would like to put off discussing the Chief’s evaluation until the next meeting.

Discussion and action on application of Edward Falkengerg of Acme Realty for a special exception to construct mixed use and retail /office building at 164 Mount Pleasant Road, Newtown - According to Chief Kehoe, Mike Galante presented the application already and there is nothing new. They are just going through the proper boards.
Discussion and action on applications for 25 Church Hill Road, Borough of Newtown – According to Chief Kehoe, the application is to expand an existing office building to allow for medical occupancy and to expand the existing parking area to provide an additional 13 spaces.
After looking at the plans, Chairman Mattegat, fellow commissioners and the Chief agreed the expansion was nominal and was not going to affect traffic much.
Chief Kehoe noted it would only mean a few more trips.
Commissioner Walczak made a motion to accept the application for 25 Church Hill Road, Borough of Newtown with no objections to the plan as presented. Commissioner Budd seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Commissioners agreed that the public participation regarding the intersection on Main Street went very well.
Commissioner Walczak believed everyone left very happy. He brought up their concerns and recommended that Newtown should post signs such as the ones in Redding warning motorists that “Speed Limits are Strictly Enforced.”
The Chief agreed that signs do have an immediate impact and indicated that the signage needs to be backed. Finally, he added that he would look into signage.
As there was no need to go into executive session, Chairman Mattegat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 pm.  Commissioner Budd made the motion, Commissioner Walzak seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Ted Swigart, Clerk