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Minutes 5-5-09
Minutes from the Board of Police Commissioners Meeting held Tuesday, May 5, 2009, in the Conference Room at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.
PRESENT:  Bruce Walczak, Brian Budd, and Duane Giannini
ABSENT:  Carol Mattegat and Robert Connor
ALSO PRESENT:  Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Police Captain Jose Rios, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, 1 member of the public and 1 member of the press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Bob Geckle, 30 Queen Street, addressed the Town’s Traffic Calming Ordinance.
According to Mr. Geckle, the ordinance is well thought out but seems overly bureaucratic and costly.
The resources in Newtown are very limited, he said. And he indicated that the commission should look for “faster track solutions.”
Mr. Geckle explained that his comment was not directed at the Queen Street area – as a traffic study has already been done, but rather other busy roads.
He believes the police commission is relinquishing some of its authority and states several ways of putting the entire process on a faster track:
-       Request for traffic engineers for every project
-       Find ways to get things done with the resources we have
-       And try some things to see if they work
We do have some expertise in the Public Works Department to move things forward without doing a traffic study, Mr. Geckle added.
According to Commissioner Giannini the Board has struggled significantly when they discussed the actual work flow.
What’s not in this (the Traffic Calming Guidelines) is an opportunity to go through it, he said. The commission wouldn’t use a State licensed engineer unless absolutely necessary.
“The Chief has a tool chest of calming devices,” he added.
Furthermore, Commissioner Giannini disagreed with the comment that the Board was relinquishing some of its authority and noted that police commissioners look at each issue systematically and fairly.
According to Commissioner Giannini, Mr. Hurley will have to be budgeted for the projects and that is where the bog-down will happen.
Mr. Geckle responded that he was insinuating the bog down would be on the police commission’s part when he referred to the commission relinquishing some of its authority, but rather the individuals that would second guess the commission every step of the way.
According to Commissioner Giannini, the commission has agreed to what is in the new draft of the ordinance as a team and has taken some of the complexity of the process out of it.
Commissioner Budd added that the process of the Traffic Calming Ordinance was hard to deal with before and the commission continues to work hard with all the new items being added to the existing ordinance in the new draft.
According to Mr. Geckle, one of the benefits of an ordinance is that if the commission feels that it is “boxing” them in they can change it.
Commissioner Walczak stated that the commission has taken on the job of reviewing the ordinance line by line. He mentioned that most of the things that were put in were required.

CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR:  The regular meeting April 7, 2009 and addendum.
Commissioner Budd made the motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting April 7, 2009 and addendum. Commissioner Walczak seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.
Before the motion was approved Captain Rios asked that the correction be made under the Captain’s report in the minutes. Officer Silver’s name was misspelled Sylva. The correct spelling is “Silver.”
The addendum to the minutes was added regarding the adjournment of the meeting. “At 11:09 pm Commissioner Walczak moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Giannini, unanimously passed by the Board.”

Budget Reports – the Chief noted that the entire budget was passed.
Fleet - status quo. According to Chief Kehoe, the department is going out to look for two more cars under the supervision of Lt. Sinko.
Personnel Report – the Chief noted that commissioners had a copy of the FTEP Report by Sgt Wisentaner. According to the Chief, the PPO’s are all on independent police work except for PPO Guernsey. PPO Guernsey graduates, May 12, at Sheehan High School.
Training Report – the Chief presented commissioners with a written training report by Lt. Mooney. Additionally, the Chief noted that Det. Frank was accepted into the ICAC training through COPS CSPP. In addition he added. Det. Frank will be supplied with some equipment. The training lasts six months and will enable Det. Frank to forensically examine electronic items such as PDA’s and computers.
Letters of Gratitude – the Chief gave seven different letters commissioners praising the work done by the Department and various officers.
Correspondences –the Chief noted that the STC for Plaza South was given a 1 year extension;  Karen Banks issue regarding the Flag Pole was tabled as she was not present; POCD;  the commission sent a letter to the Legislative Council regarding the Traffic Calming Ordinance; and the pre-emption device in Sandy Hook Center.
Updates – The traffic unit has found some discrepancies in what was approved by the STC and the “No Thru - Trucks” Signage.
The Chief told commissioners that the department is trying to see whether defacto “No Thru-Trucks” signage is illegal (ie.) signs on Mile Hill Road South.
No thru-truck signage would be limited to size and weight for a bridge, he added.
The department is waiting for the STC to review their request for the Pearl Street speed limit as well as Hattertown Road and Route 302.
NIBRS for 2008 – Chief Kehoe reported that the larcenies are up with a spike in break-ins between February and June of last year. According to the chief, those break-ins are what spiked the crime not violent crimes. The violent crimes went down.

Motor Vehicle Enforcement Report – 2 DUI arrests
Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report (narrative) - According to Captain Rios, Lt. George Sinko reported that the traffic unit assisted the Highway Department with traffic data for a study they are reviewing. The department’s Speed Century Units were utilized to collect the data on Castle Meadow, Hattertown and Castle Hill Road.
He added that the officers did go down to Great Quarter Road following up on a speeding complaint. There was a very limited amount of traffic, Captain Rios stated. And no one was really driving recklessly.
Incident Analysis Report - The statistics reported were as follows Motor Vehicle Accidents: 61, Burglary: 1, Narcotics: 1, Vandalism: 26, Larceny: 18, Fraud: 9, Assault: 4, and Sexual Offenses: 3.
Monthly Detective Division Report (narrative) – Captain Rios furnished commissioners with a report by Detective John Cole. The report outlined two teens charged with burglarizing two Newtown homes, two Internet Investigations, an arrest warrant for a Robbery suspect that occurred in Sandy Hook Center, Warrants served, and the activities of S.R.O. Schubert and S.R.O. Penna.


DUI Checkpoint – According to Captain Rios, the DUI check point initiated May 2, 2009, went very well yielding close to 60 tickets.
Although the DUI checkpoint was initiated on the night of the prom they were not going after the students, Chief Kehoe stated. They were going after the other drivers that could hurt them.
The Captain concluded his report with a warning to residents to lock their cars, indicating that car break-ins were on the increase.  It seems to be happening all over town, he added. The department is looking into all leads.

Traffic Calming Guidelines regarding the Traffic Calming Ordinance (Commissioner Budd and Commissioner Walczak) – Police Commissioners discussed their revised Traffic Calming Guidelines and whether it would behoove them to release a copy of their changes in draft form to the public expressing their concern.  After some discussion, the commissioners and the Chief decided it was alright to release their revision as long as it was understood it was indeed a draft.
Commissioner Walczak indicated the draft was more of a generic outline of the process at this time.
Commissioner Giannini stated that the things that might change are the figures like the percentages and days.
According to Commissioner Walczak, he and Commissioner Budd began working on the Traffic Calming Guidelines in October and he believes they are “doing pretty well.” In addition he asked that everyone take the next couple of weeks to go over the guidelines so they can discuss them at the next meeting.
Town-wide Crosswalks – Mr. Hurley presented commissioners with an ideal solution to their crosswalk light needs that was not only practical but far less expensive than the normal signal lights.

According to Mr. Hurley, there is a local vendor that sells Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk Beacons. The beacons are solar-powered and MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) compliant.  A pair of poles with the crosswalk beacons would cost the Town roughly $4400 to $4500 - roughly $6,000 including installation - versus a wired Pedestrian pole which would cost roughly $35,000.
Furthermore, Mr. Hurley stated that the lights operated even when a bag was placed over the solar light panel for 30-days. The solar Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk Beacons are installed by simply putting them in place and bolting them down.  They use a standard re-chargeable battery and the LED lights can work for thousands of hours.
Commissioner Walczak made the motion to recommend the purchase and placement of (3) three sets of MUTCD (Manual - On Uniform Traffic Control Devices) compliant solar powered Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk Beacons at the Middle School on Queen Street,  Glover and Meadow, and Edmond Town Hall. Commissioner Budd seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Curb Cuts – According to the Chief, the commission voted to go forward with the recommendation of the Vollmer Study in regard to the one curb cut in front of the Color Center.
Opinion of Borough attorney was as long as the curb cuts were on the Town of Newtown Right of Way - and usually they are, someone could come in and design a different kind of driveway, the Chief added.  For example if there was a curb cut one hundred feet long it could be cut down to two 15-foot driveways.
Furthermore, the chief recommends doing the curb cuts as specified by the Town.
Commissioners agreed to get the ball rolling.
Discussion and reconsideration of the Vollmer Greater Queen Street Traffic Study -
According to Chief Kehoe, there has been a variety of opinions on what can and should be done up there and it was hard to come to a consensus.
The Chief added that historic commission doesn’t want anything done up there and some of the borough residents didn’t want it.
Commissioner Walczak question whether putting up the traffic beacons on Main Street was a Historic issue.
There is a misunderstanding that Historic Districts have no control over safety issues, Mr. Hurley stated. If the public safety people make a decision, than that’s what they’re going to do.
The Chief said they have to be sensitive to the historic district is thinking of, but we may move forward even though they’re against it because it’s in the best interest of the public.
Chief Kehoe suggested that the commission invite the public to their next meeting in regards to the flag pole and the intersection up there.
No one reached out in a cooperative way at the time with residents on Main Street and asked them what they thought, Mr. Walczak stated.
Commissioner Giannini agreed but suggested that the discussion needs to be a controlled information gathering session only with a limited time to the comments.
We need to act on it, he added.
Commissioner Budd agreed that the police commission needs to address the issue.
Commissioner Giannini concluded that the commission did not need a motion on the issue that evening, but would provide an opportunity at the next meeting to hear from the public in regards to the Queen Street Traffic Study.
Police Department Space Needs – Chief Kehoe told commissioners he was given the chance to speak at length with Brian Humes at the opening of the new Danbury Police Department and hoped that he would have a complete space needs evaluation for them by the next meeting.
Many of the things he wrote in his Space Needs Study for the Newtown Police Department were shown at the Danbury Police Department in each area regarding the work flow, the Chief continued. The new facility is their gateway to the town and was put in an area that was pretty rough before that.
He has a reputation for being very civilian friendly with his police facilities designs, Commissioner Budd added. He has an impeccable reputation in the state regarding police facilities.

Chief’s 2008/ 2009 Evaluation
Chief Kehoe told commissioners he had no problem using the form, and pointed out that all that has to be attached to the form is the goals.
Commissioner Giannini told the chief and the commission he will email a copy to everyone.
Once the chief gets his evaluation and goals done he would present them to the Chairman.

Adoption of Rules and Regulations of the Newtown Department of Police Services – After a long discussion and careful review of the new and revised policies and procedures with Chief Kehoe, commissioners  moved to approve the changes.
Commissioner Walczak made the motion to approve the policies and procedures per the list contained on the agenda dated Tuesday, May 5. The policies and procedures listed were as follows: 4-04 PRAWN (Paperless Re-Arrest Warrant Network) (revised), 7-09 Motor Vehicle Searches (revised), 3-18 Traffic Enforcement (new), 5-05 Crime Scenes (revised), 5-19 Crime Scene Processing (new), 6-00 Evidence, Property Reporting Collection and Control (revised), 3-07 Prisoner Transport (revised), 1-25 Grooming (revised), and 10-01 Awards and Decorations (revised). Commissioner Budd seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Without having any further items open to the public, Commissioner suggested the commission enter into executive session.
Commissioner Giannini made the motion to go into executive session at 9:47 pm and invited Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend. The purpose of the executive session was to interview Police Sergeant candidates and the review of Performance Evaluation Reports for the Police Sergeant Candidates; review of Detective Candidate’s Performance Evaluation Reports and Qualifications for promotion to Detective position; and an update of Police Negotiations. Commissioner Budd seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
The clerk left the meeting at this time.

Ted Swigart, Clerk