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Minutes 3-10-09 Spec Mtg
                                           BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS



At 6:00 P. M., the meeting was called to order by Chair Person Carol Mattegat. Present were Commissioners Robert Connors, Brian Budd, Duane Giannini and Bruce Walzcak. Also present was Chief Kehoe, Capt. Rios and First Selectman Joseph Borst.

A motion was made by Commissioner Walzcak for the Board to move item #4 Newtown High School driveway move on the Agenda before item #2 on agenda, seconded by Commissioner Connor, and carried by unanimous vote.

Discussion ensued about the deferment request of the High School driveway of the BOE. The Chief and First Selectman brought the Board up to date on the request.  The request had been investigated by the DOT and a recommendation forwarded to the board for their review.  ATTACHMENT A.  Highlights of the recommendations were the driveway move was going to be incorporated as part of Project 34-308, the reconstruction/reconfiguration of I-84 Interchange (Exit) 11. The timetable for funding Project 34-308 was unknown at this time.  Also unknown were the costs associated with the reconfiguration of parking lots within the school property to accommodate the driveway move, and if those costs would also be a part of Project 34-308.

Commissioner Walzcak made a motion to follow the recommendations of the DOT regarding the deferment of the driveway move and incorporation of the driveway move as a part of Project 34-308, seconded by Commissioner Giannini.  Discussion ensued about public safety concerns surrounding the deferment. The matter was brought to a vote.  2 yes (Walzcak, Giannini), 3 no’s (Connor, Mattegat, Budd).  The motion was defeated by a 3-2 vote.

Commissioner Giannini made a presentation to the Board about the Chief’s evaluation which encompassed format and process. Discussion ensued about the evaluation process and format for the evaluation.  

Commissioner Connor moved to accept the new evaluation format and process for the Chief of Police with the following changes:

1.      that the evaluation rank of “greatly exceeds” be eliminated from the form
2.      that the form integrate a numerical scale
3.      that the evaluation format and process be integrated prospectively.

Seconded by Commissioner Budd and unanimously passed.

Commissioner Walzcak re-handed out documents for the Board to review regarding Traffic Calming Guidelines.  Commissioner Walzcak did a comparison presentation of the Traffic Calming Processes formulated by Commissioner Walzcak and by Commissioner Budd. Discussion ensued regarding the two processes and how closely they were aligned.

Discussion also ensued about developing warrants and building the toolbox for the traffic calming guidelines.  Commissioners Walzcak and Budd will work on the Traffic Calming Guidelines and report back to the full Board.  Discussion also ensued regarding the Board’s obligation to report back to the Legislative Council sometime in April 2009 on their progress with respect to the Traffic Calming Guidelines and holding a public hearing on the Guidelines in the future.

At 8:15 P. M., a motion was made by Commissioner Connor to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Giannini, and carried by unanimous vote.

Submitted by:__________________________________
Chief Michael K. Kehoe
    Carol Mattegat, Chairman