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Minutes 3-4-09

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police Commissioner held on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioner Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Brian Budd and Bruce Walzcak

ABSENT: Duane Giannini and Robert Connor

ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe, Capt. Joe Rios, and one member of the press.


MINUTES: Commissioner Walzcak moved to accept the minutes and the addendum of minutes of the regular meeting February 3, 2009 as amended and Chairman Mattegat seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved with the addition of a statement by Commissioner Budd who asked that “the employee retention component be suggested to possibly be integrated into the review criteria for the Chief.”


Overtime was unremarkable Budget Balances for 2008-09 were unremarkable.
Fleet: status quo.

According to the Chief, the Board of Selectman approved the Department’s Budget with several reductions and the Board of Finance is reviewing it at this time.

In regards to Recruitment, the Chief indicated that the plan was to begin recruitment at the end of this fiscal year so the department wouldn’t have testing fees of $5,000 for next year. The Chief stated that if he planned it correctly this year, they would use the monies that exist today.

Commissioner Walzcak noted that the Capital line in the budget was blank and asked what they were giving up on Capital requests.

The Chief noted the MDT replacement program was eliminated; the video cams in cars were eliminated for replacement; and the use of a Traffic Engineering Consultant was eliminated.

Commissioner Walzcak commented that it was a shame with all the surveys done in town over the last couple of years on traffic for them to strip out any monies that really ties their hands as they move forward to solve problems in town.

Personnel: Sgt.Wisentaner’s report states one officer has completed the FTO Program. Two officers are currently assigned with F.T.O.’s. These officers are targeted for completion and assignment to patrol duty early April 2009. One officer is currently attending the Meriden Police Academy. Graduation is scheduled for the week of May 11, 2009. Projection for this officer into patrol is early September 2009.

The Chief submitted Commissioners the Training Report from Lt. Mooney for February 2009. In regards to Other Training, the Chief highlighted the departments training and participation in the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force that we have been asked to apply for. According to the Chief, the department recognizes Detective Jason Frank’s unique abilities and skills at finding Internet Predators and indicates Detective Frank would be training with some 30 individuals in the state for the Task Force. Furthermore, the Chief said the Task Force will be broken up into regions – Western, Central and Eastern Regions - and they will train eight or nine individuals in each region.

In other matters the Chief brought to the Commission’s attention individual Letters of Gratitude for Officer Wood, Officer McCarthy and Lt. Mooney; and a letter of gratitude to Sgt Vanghele, Sgt. Wisentaner, and Offer Stinson and Baro.

CORRESPONDENCES: According to the Chief the Commission had only one correspondence and that was a letter from Mr. Galante in regards to the state’s review of the traffic signal timing at the intersection of the Rte 25 light and Marcus Dairy.

The Chief indicated he had nothing new to report, but said the department still has money left over from their Speed display purchases that they were going to make. We had made four purchases and evaluated how effective they were.
According to the Chief, he challenged the traffic division to come out with a study on that.
The Unit came up with some different ideas other than what the department already has, which are portable speed displays, such as hardwire big displays and solar which are quite large.
The Chief recommends purchasing more speed displays like the ones they already have.
Commissioner Budd asked if they discussed possibly upgrading to something that keeps traffic counts and average speed and the Chief indicated that the current speed displays do count traffic and record speeds.
The Commission told the Chief he didn’t need their approval to take care of that and the Chief indicated he just wanted to bring it to their attention.

 Queen St. in front of Middle School, Crosswalk/Traffic Plateau progress still delayed. Signage - No Turn on Red RT 25 & Mile Hill, waiting for signage to be placed. Town Road Speed Limits were still being studied.  Curb Cut Study, RT 6 – No report as of yet, study is still on going.  Pearl Street Speed Limit – request sent to STC for approval – STC is reviewing. Hattertown Road and Rte 302 are under review. Press Releases: Winter Reminder from Traffic Unit: No overnight parking on Town roadways this will be in effect from Nov15th to March 15 between sunrise and sunset. Please also remember to remove snow and/or ice from vehicles and sidewalks, also any debris. This will ensure a safer winter for all concerned.

Budget update Jan 22, read in paper and minutes to the board of selectman meeting they cut just about every budget presented and the department’s budget did not escape the axe. The Board of Selectman eliminated various things from our entire small capital projects and reduced some recruitment totaling $181,000. The Chief indicated the police department had worked very hard to meet the services of the community and the Board of Selectman was very reluctant to cut personnel.


The Captain presented his Motor Vehicle Reports for February 2008 and February 2009. The reports included a DUI activity report and the Incident Analysis report.
According to the Captain’s report, there were 5 DUI arrests during that period.
In the incident analysis report, the captain indicated there were 84 motor vehicle accidents, 3 burglaries, 3 narcotics arrests, 27 acts of vandalism, 6 larcenies and 4 counts of fraud.
The Captain presented the Traffic Report submitted by Lt. Sinko who is working with IT unit to review data indicating where majority of the traffic accidents are occurring.

Commissioner Walzcak expressed concern that the numbers were down over a month period on the MVAR. He was concerned that the normal patrol officers’ numbers were down. Wants to make sure the regular officers are keeping up their level of activity and “not taking their foot off the gas because the department has a traffic division.”

According to the Captain, some months fluctuate but they do monitor the activity.

The Chief indicated that traffic accidents due to severe weather would take up a lot of their time as opposed to doing their regular patrol.

Sgt Coles Report from the detective Division – everything is going well there.
The School/Youth Officer is very heavily involved in the community and just started DARE at St. Rose.

Unfinished Business:

Discussion, re-consideration and possible action on Chief’s evaluation process and format.

Since Commissioner Giannini could not attend the meeting, Commissioner Budd suggested they hold a special meeting to which the Commission agreed. The Special Meeting is to be held on March 10, 2009 at 6pm.

Discussion and possible action on Town-wide traffic Calming Guidelines regarding Traffic Calming Ordinance. (Commissioner Walzcak).

The board tabled discussion on the guidelines until the Special Meeting, Tuesday, March 10.

Review of Crosswalks town-wide:

The Chief indicated that Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works, was on vacation.

Discussion, comments and possible action on curb cuts on Queen Street:

Chairman Mattegat said she was unable to get a hold of Jean St. Jean in regards to the issue.

Discussion and re-consideration of the Vollmer Greater Queen Street Traffic Study

The Chief says everyone has received an email from Linda Lintz, 19 Poor House Road.

According to Chairman Mattegat, Linda Lintz indicated she wants friendlier walking areas.

Chairman Mattegat suggested she walk through Brookwood instead.

The Chief indicated the Commission had asked for more information on number and cause of accidents in their last meeting, but said that was still being undertaken by the traffic unit. He added that the information would be available to the board next month.

Commissioner Budd moved to table the matter until the meeting next month. Commissioner Walzcak seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Discussion and Consideration of new strategies for Police Department Space Needs.

According to the Chief, historically the Police Department has always contemplated occupying the additional office space underneath their facility that is currently occupied by town employees and social services. He said that when the new town hall is completed and the town employees move out of Edmond Town Hall, current Town departments could occupy the vacated space at Edmond Town Hall. The Chief added that the department’s feeling several years ago was to utilize the entire building even though they still might need more space in the future.  

The Chief added that the Department may still need money to renovate the lower offices to suit their needs.

Commissioner Mattegat stated that if the town would turn this building over to the Police Department and the department continues to grow where are we going to put the cars that would be a real problem.

The Commission urged that the town come together to look into the matter.

Commissioner Walzcak suggested the Commission really look into the matter, create a strategy and look into the options.

Commissioner Budd suggested waiting for official space needs study to be received and in the departments’ hands to review it. He believes that at that point they will have the suggested footprints of what the department will need based upon the number of employees they will have 10 or 15 years down the road. He says that once they have that information in hand they will be able to move more aggressively forward.

The Chief agreed with Commissioner Budd and added that when the Commission finally wants to sit down and strategize that they obtain the assistance of Brian Humes.


Discussion and action on the Waldorf School renovations and upgrades:

The Police Commission listened to information present by Mike Galante of Frederick Clark Associates for the renovations and expansion of the Waldorf School located on the corner of Taunton Road and Route 302 and the impact it would have on traffic.

Frederick Clark Associates prepared a traffic study, did surveys and projected the future traffic in and around the school.

Waldorf School’s plan is to modify or better control the existing driveways and parking areas next to the buildings themselves, and add basically 4 classes room for an additional 30 students. In addition, build additional parking area for 16 vehicles off the driveway on Taunton Hill Road north of the traffic signal.

According to Mr. Galante, the school would stagger their drop off times to lessen the impact on traffic. Furthermore, he indicated that the increase in traffic would have a relatively insignificant impact.

For safety purposes, Mr. Galante suggested that in addition to the proposed sidewalk, a cross walk with some kind of push button traffic control be used to allow anyone needing to cross the road to get between the two campuses to be able to do so safely.
In addition, he recommended that the school put up better traffic control signs

The Commission expressed some concern that there was a fire department located at that intersection.

The Chief asked what kind of pedestrian traffic they would have.

Two of the school’s building committee members indicated the foot traffic would be incidental.

Commissioners still expressed concern that the intersection combined with the speed of traffic could prove to be dangerous.

Commissioner Walzcak, expressed concern that the addition of the crosswalk would encourage more foot traffic.

The school’s representatives indicated the addition of parking spaces would actually cut down on the foot traffic.

Commissioner Budd indicated that he would be comfortable with the school’s plans if the sidewalks, crosswalk and streetlights are installed and there has an exclusive signal.

The Chief expressed his concern that there was still not going to be enough parking spaces even with the proposed additional spaces.

Commissioner Budd brought up the inevitable need for more parking when the school holds special events and suggested that this would be an issue.

According to Mr. Galante, it is up to the administration of school to control the capacity of their classrooms and their enrollment and the activities they plan otherwise they will have their own problems.
Representatives said that with all the approvals the school hopes to put up the building up in the spring.

Commissioner Budd made the motion to approve the school’s project as presented with the recommendation of a crosswalk and exclusive signalized intersection. Commissioner Walzcak said he “reluctantly” seconded, and the motion was unanimously carried.

Discussion and possible action on Nick and Gino Vona application – Oak Ridge:

According to the Chief, this is Phase III of a larger project that was started many years ago.
The issue before the Commission is the proposed extension of Split Rock Road to Eden Hill Road.
Although the residents on Split Rock Road are opposed to the extension and the residents on Eden Hill are for it, the Fire Marshall and the Town Engineer recommend it.

Commissioners agreed that having the extension would be safer allowing for easy access and egress of emergency vehicles.

Commissioner Budd made the motion to accept the proposal of the extension of Split Rock Road onto Oak Ridge suggest the extension for public safety purposes. Commission Walzcak seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Discussion and possible action on leave of absence request PPO Aileen Murphy:

According to the Chief, Aileen Murphy has been with the department just under 9 months and was successful at the academy, she was a Class Sergeant there, she did very well in field training, and she has asked for a leave of absence for personal reasons.

Furthermore, the Chief stated that because of POSTC regulations the Commission can only give her leave until May 1.

Commissioner Budd, indicated he had a problem with someone requesting a leave of absence without articulating the reason why it shows disrespect to the department and this board.

Commissioner Budd suggested the Commission give her a two-week leave of absence and then at the end of it if she doesn’t come back it will be considered an act of separation.

Commissioners agreed and indicated that the department has put money into her training.

Commissioner Budd made the motion to grant her a two-week leave of absence effective from this date and within two weeks if she has not returned or made contact or comeback for shift that she is separated from this department. Commissioner Walzcak seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Discussion and action on request for monies for the K-9 program from GL Accounts:

The Chief explained to the Commission that the extra money is needed for the K-9 program due to periodic veterinary care and food.

According to the Chief, one reason for the additional veterinary care is that the dog, Baro, had Lyme Disease and the other is to extend the useful life of the dog.

The Chief suggested that the Commission transfer money from the K-9 gift fund on the GL account and the remainder from GL 187 the State Narcotics Task Force

Commissioner Budd moved that the Commission authorize $1500 total (for the K-9 program). $833.35 coming from the gift fund for Baro and the remaining funding for that to come from GL 187 State Narcotics Task Force. Commissioner Walzcak seconded and the vote was unanimously carried.


Commissioner Walzcak expressed his concern as to when the local traffic authority should be involved in different discussions and where does the Police Commission’s authority begin or end.
He indicated that no one from the Commission or the Police Department was invited to the DOT meeting the week before, discussing the plans on Church Hill Road for Walgreens.

Commissioners and the Chief agreed that this was a mystery.

The Chief said he was going to look into the issue.

Chairman Mattegat asked if they could call DOT and find out why and then ask the Selectman if they knew about this and why wasn’t the Commission notified.


Motion was made to adjourn at 9:20 pm and unanimously passed.

Ted Swigart, Clerk