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Minutes 1-6-09

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police Commissioner held on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioner Giannini called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Brian Budd, Duane Giannini, Bruce Walzcak. Robert Connor, ABSENT: Carol Mattegat. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe, Capt. Joe Rios. Members of Public, Karen Banks West Street, Mr. Bill Ochs Bethel Police Commissioner. Mr. Michael Galante of Frederick P. Clark Assoc. and Mr. Michael Burton “Owner” of River Walk Affordable Housing.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mrs. Karen Banks of West Street, wished to address the Board regarding the No Passing on Right at Flagpole Traffic situation.  Chief stated that the department has done a re-studying of this and the Vollmer study was reviewed and is being reviewed on tonight agenda. Suggested intersection of RT 6/Rt 137 (Woodbury) by Mrs. Banks was reviewed. This intersection did not mimic our current traffic situation. “Parking is not allowed” “Signage also would not be conducive”. The issue is not dead and there are also multiple issues that must be look into beside the No passing issue. A long term solution will take multiple boards along with the State DOT. Mrs. Banks stated that she would be willing to be available to assist in any capacity. Commissioner Walzcak stated that that Vollmer was faulty in recognizing what the Borough wanted as a solution and felt that if Vollmer’s suggestion was put into effect it would speed traffic up, not maintain a safe intersection. Mrs. Banks would keep in touch and will review minutes of the commission’s meetings on-line. No other public participation.

MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting on December 2, 2008 and the addendum to the minutes were tabled.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (December/January) Overtime was unremarkable; two reports were submitted for the month of December and partial of January still showing no remarkable changes halfway through the budget and it is expected to slow down through the coming months. Budget Balances for 2008-09 were unremarkable. Chief and the Finance Director - Mr. Tait, reviewed the budget recently and felt that we would be under budget. Reports were included to reflect this. GL Accounts were included and unremarkable. Fleet – status quo. Personnel included FTEP report from Sgt. Wisentaner. Four officers are assigned to FTO’s. One Probationary police officer has been hired and assigned to the Meriden Police Academy. Officer Murphy’s Grades for the Final Marking Period were received and submitted by the Chief with glowing report from superiors and peers at the academy. Promotions: The Sergeants written exams were held as scheduled on December 12, 2008. The Oral will be held for the Sergeant’s position on January 23rd and the Detectives written exam will be held, January 9th in the lower conference room. The Chief submitted TRAINING report from Lt. Mooney. A letter was received from POST for the audit of training files, noting the department has passed and is now re-certified.  Letter of Appreciation for Officer Penna and Detective Sergeant Cole were received by Chief of Police, CORRESPONDENCES: Secure Investigations has joined partnership with our current polygraph examiner ADM. Commissioner Giannini requested that validation certificates be obtained. Chief will contact vendor. Updates: Queen St. in front of Middle School, Crosswalk/Traffic Plateau progress delayed. Signage - No Turn on Red RT 25 & Mile Hill, waiting for signage to be placed. Town Road Speed Limits were still being studied.  Curb Cut Study, RT 6 – No report as of yet, study is still on-going.  Pearl Street Speed Limit – request sent to STC for approval – STC is reviewing. On January 22, 2009 the budgets from public safety (which includes the Police Budget) will be deliberated by the Board of Selectman at the Senior Center at 7:30 p.m.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (November 2008) included (also last year’s report for comparison) Motor Vehicles Activity Report, DUI Report and Monthly Calls for Services. Traffic Enforcement Unit Report and Detective Division Report. Grants: DWI Update given by Capt. Rios.  Reports show that contacts were up 20% since last year. He commended the whole department on their fine work. DUI Checkpoints was deterred due to inclement weather and safety issues. These have been rescheduled for sometime in April. Commissioner Gianni requested these stats be given to the press, and stated the increase overall was outstanding and the department be commended.

(This item was taken at this stage of the agenda)  Discussion and consideration of special exception application – The River Walk Washington Ave Sandy Hook. Mr. Michael Burton (owner) and Mike Galante, Traffic Engineer both presented to the board a 22 Unit (affordable housing) with 2 (residential houses) total 24 unit traffic study. Study for area regarding usage, delays, sightlines, and motor vehicle accidents as well as CT State required charting of collisions and conditions were presented. Board was concerned regarding pedestrians safety; sidewalks will be integrated with footbridge designed into complex, which will be maintained by the Condo Association. Presentation and study was well received by board members. Commissioner Giannini motioned to accept application. Second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.

Unfinished Business:

Discussion, re-consideration and possible action on Chief’s evaluation process and format.  Commissioner Giannini requested this be tabled till board has time to review the drafts distributed. Item was tabled.

Discussion and possible action on Town-wide traffic Calming Guidelines regarding Traffic Calming Ordinance. (Commissioner Walzcak). Commissioner Walczak distributed a “Implementing Traffic Calming Measures” document to the Board with tools and options for guidelines that would be available to the public. The Traffic Calming Ordinance will be reviewed at February meeting. Chief Kehoe will obtain a copy of current Ordinance.

Review of Crosswalks town-wide: Commissioner Walzcak commented Crosswalks work and felt the crosswalks were a speed deterrent. Chief Kehoe noted we do not want the public to have a false sense of security. Commissioner Walzcak suggested a “neck down” to be utilized as implemented in Guilford in the area of Queen Street by the Middle School. Commissioner Giannini noted that Mr. Fred Hurley be invited to next meeting for input on current situation.

Review of Traffic Management Strategic Plan. Lt. Sinko’s Traffic Unit activity report reviewed, Commissioner Giannini commended the Traffic Unit on their activity and Commissioner Connor suggested the purchasing of more portable speed alerts. Chief Kehoe stated these are on trail basis (analysis on-going) and will look at the prospect of future purchases of portable v/s permanent markers. Funds are still available in this budget for additional units. Chief will collect more data from Traffic Unit and report back to the board.

Discussion, comments and possible action on curb cuts on Queen Street. This item will be tabled.


Commissioner Giannini requests that the board place on the agenda under New Business (d)  transfers of a total of $4,000 from Sworn Personnel (01310-1003) to Chief of Police (01310 1001), and Captain (01310-1002) Motion by Commissioner Walzcak and seconded by Commissioner Connor. Motion unanimously passed and accepted.

Discussion and re-consideration of the Vollmer Greater Queen Street Traffic Study.  Commissioner Budd and Commissioner Walzcak noted that the Vollmer study was not done satisfactorily. Commissioner Giannini motioned to invite key members of the borough and media to future meetings. Chief Kehoe will notify the public utilizing the press of upcoming dates, second by Commissioner Connor. Motion unanimously passed and accepted.

Discussion and acceptance of Policy & Procedures on the following Policies # 8-11 Death Notification (revised) Commissioner Giannini moved to accept Policy # 8-11 Death Notification.  Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Discussion and acceptance of Policy & Procedures on the following Policies # 7-10 Authorized and Required Patrol Car Equipment (revised) Commissioner Connor             moved to accept Policy # 7-10 Authorized and Required Patrol Car Equipment. Second by Commissioner Budd  and unanimously carried.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on transfers of a total of $4,000 from Sworn Personnel (01310-1003) to Chief of Police (01310 1001), and Captain (01310-1002).  Chief Kehoe explained that this will fund the approved July 1, 2008 increases. Commissioner Connor moved to transfer a total of $4,000 from Sworn Personnel (01310 1003) to Chief of Police (01310 1001) in the amount of $2,000 and the amount of $2,000 to Captain (01310-1002). Second by Commissioner Walzcak and unanimously carried.

COMMISSIONER’S DISCUSSION & PARTICIPATION: Commissioner Giannini requested a time period for the next speed counts by the Traffic Unit. Chief Kehoe would have this data accumulated again sometime in late March and throughout the following months when the weather is more permissible. Commissioner Walzcak commented that the Space needs study needs to be addressed and a strategy formulated. Commissioner Giannini recommended that a sub committee be implemented regarding this and placed on the February 3rd agenda for discussion for the next meeting.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Commissioner Connor moved to enter executive session at 10:25 p.m. to discuss strategy for collective bargaining Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios were invited to attend.  Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Giannini called for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 p.m... Commissioner Budd motioned and this was second by Commissioner Walzcak and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Carol A. Swigart, Clerk