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Minutes 9-2-08
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Brian Budd,  Duane Giannini,  Bruce Walczak. ABSENT: Robert Connor. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios,  one member of public, one member of press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Paul Morris, Glover Avenue, feels that if we calm traffic in one area we should apply things equally in other parts of Town. Trucks use excess speed on Queen Street and Glover Avenue. He suggested a stop sign on Queen Street leading to Glover. Chief Kehoe noted that the Commission had previously concluded that the road would have to be re-engineered in order to place a stop sign there and we do not have funding for a traffic engineer as this item was eliminated from this year’s budget request. Also Chief Kehoe said that with a stop sign traffic would queue at the Middle School.

MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 5, 2008 will be amended to note that three cruisers, not two, are on order. Upon motion of Commissioner Giannini, the minutes and the addendum were unanimously approved as amended.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (August, 2008).  Overtime is where it should be for this time of the year, Budget balances for 2008-09 were unremarkable. GL Accounts were included. Fleet three cruisers should be delivered in November. The traffic unit vehicle is being outfitted. Personnel included the Field Training Report. Officer Hayes graduated on August 21. Three probationary officers are at the academy, one at Post and two at Milford. Training report was included.  One Letter of appreciation was received. STC follow-ups for Highland indicated that Highland is seeking a temporary permit for Phase I. Crosswalks at Queen Street at the Middle School and Glover and Meadow have not been completed due to equipment and material issues per the Public Works Director. A report on the crosswalks town wide was submitted by Chief Kehoe. Officers Kullgren and Ketchum are commended. There are thirteen crosswalks. Of 36 pedestrian accidents, two were related to existing crosswalks and were the fault of the pedestrian. Chief Kehoe noted that the existing crosswalks are not dangerous if used correctly. He recommends a pedestrian crosswalk count to see how many use the crosswalks. Commissioner Walczak suggested asking the State to remove the crosswalk across from the Reed School as it goes nowhere. Chief Kehoe said that that crosswalk connects two sidewalks and is probably safer than the one at the light at Trades Lane.

The Traffic Enforcement Unit will be asked to make a presentation concerning their report at the next regular meeting. Chief Kehoe noted that Officers Kullgren  and Ketchum recommended that a traffic engineer review the crosswalks.

Route 302 “Do Not Block Intersection” sign has been placed. Commissioner Walczak asked for an update on the pedestrian accident on Route 302 at Elm Drive – did a vehicle hit her? Chief Kehoe said that it has not yet been determined whether she tripped or made contact with a vehicle. A request has been made that the State move the speed limit sign on Mt. Pleasant Road because a resident said the sign blocks traffic. North Ridge Road no passing zone has not yet been marked by the State. The State has been asked to move the  arrows sign at Church Hill and Commerce Roads because it is obscured by the bridge. A town roads speed limit database was included which the Traffic Enforcement Unit will review. Commissioner Walczak noted that there should be a certificate from the State for each sign but we are missing many. Chief Kehoe noted that Public Works does not place a sign unless we have a certificate. Commissioner Walczak noted that there are 14 MPH speed limits on some roads; Chief Kehoe said that these are mostly private roads. Accreditation Report was included. Post will meet on September 4 and make a decision. Three emails: the Hansons cancelled the scheduled meeting. The other two emails were successfully handled. Annual Report draft was included. Crime Report for 2006-2007 was included.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (August, 2008)  included (also last year’s report for comparison) Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report and Monthly Calls for Service. Also included were August 2008 Traffic Enforcement Unit Report and Detective Division Report. The Detective Division has been active concerning break ins of cars and a Code Red was issued for this matter.


Discussion, consideration and action on Board of Police Commissioner’s Exit Interview Policy. (Commissioners Budd & Giannini). Commissioner Giannini is compiling the final draft for presentation next month.

Discussion, re-consideration and possible action on Chief’s evaluation process and format. Chief Kehoe distributed formats used by New Milford, Clinton and Newtown Department Heads for consideration in the future evaluation process for the Chief. Commissioner Giannini moved that a subcommittee be established with the specific task of developing an evaluation process/form to satisfy the Commission’s phrasing. Second by Commissioner Walczak and unanimously carried. The Subcommittee members will be Commissioners Giannini, Walczak and Budd.

Update and discussion and action on CIP; future projects for the Police Department including Needs Assessment. Chief Kehoe reported that the Board of Selectmen will review the CIP on September 15. He said that Brian Holmes estimates that the cost of Police Communications Facility Improvements to be $10 million. The request for Police Radio Enhancements is $300,000. Mr. Holmes recommends that 29,000 square feet are needed; currently there are 18,000 square feet. He also recommends a parcel of 2.5 acres and this property is 1.2 acres. A special meeting will be held on September 15 at 6:30 p.m. at which Mr. Holmes will make a presentation to the Commission.

Discussion and action on alternate traffic calming designs Queen Street and Glover Ave. Commissioner Mattegat recommends  a round about as was noted as one of the options in the 2003 and 2006 studies. She said that this would allow the plantings and the island to remain. Commissioner Walczak said that there is no accident history there to review to compare with accidents after a round about is placed. Commissioner Budd said that this is a high pedestrian area. He recommends a T intersection with an extra stop sign and perhaps an extra crossing guard and two crosswalks. Commissioner Giannini feels that speed increases in a rotary. Commissioner Walczak said that a T intersection with a stop sign would make traffic back up at the Middle School and could divert traffic from Queen Street to Glover Avenue. Commissioner Giannini feels that traffic is already being diverted from Queen to Glover because of the enhancements at the light at 302 and Glover. Commissioner Budd feels that when traffic encounters the raised crosswalk at Glover and Meadow, it would slow down. Commissioner Walczak said that we should not divert traffic from one road to another. He would like a traffic count for Glover Avenue. Chief Kehoe reported that when the Board of Selectmen requested that HVCEO re-study the Glover and Queen intersection at the request of the Police Commission, that HVCEO said they had already presented six options and there were no more options. Funds for a traffic engineer will again be requested in the next budget.

Discussion and possible action on Town-wide Traffic Calming Guidelines regarding Traffic Calming Ordinance. Chief Kehoe distributed traffic calming ordinances from other communities that were provided by HVCEO. He noted that the Police Commission is charged under the ordinance will writing the guidelines for the ordinance. A special meeting will be held on September 22 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss traffic calming.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NEW BUSINESS

Discussion and action on Application by Pootatuck Rentals, LLC for special exemption to renovate existing buildings and construct two new buildings at 107 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook Conn. Michael Burton, 107 Glen Road, presented the application. The plan is to renovate the existing building and add an addition on the back for office and retail. The second building would be a carriage house rendition with retail on the first floor and two two bedroom apartments above. The third building would have a small retail store and one apartment above. Office space would be 10,000 square feet. The two existing driveway curb cuts would be used. Fifty-seven parking spaces are planned. Chief Kehoe noted that there are some traffic delays probably due to the antiquated light which is part of the Phase II Sandy Hook Streetscape Plan. The status of Phase II is not known. Mr. Burton said that traffic engineer Mike Galante feels that the State will look at the drainage and not the traffic for this project. Commissioner Walczak moved to recommend that the Special Exception be approved subject to further review. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Discussion and action on the following policy: #1-26- Radio Protocols (New). Commissioner Walczak moved to accept Policy #1-26 Radio Protocols. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Giannini suggested that Commission set priorities for upcoming projects, such as strategy and traffic calming. This will be discussed at the September 22 special meeting.

Commissioner Budd suggested that the Town  establish a sidewalk fund to have sidewalks placed with new structures. Chief Kehoe noted that the Borough has such a policy. He said that the Commission would need to go to the Town Land Use Boards with such a request.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

EXECUTIVE SESSION.  Commissioner  Giannini moved to enter executive session at 9:35 p.m. to discuss strategy for collective bargaining and if necessary, personnel issue and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend.  Second by Commissioner Budd  and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk