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Minutes 8-5-08
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Robert Connor, Brian Budd,  Duane Giannini,  Bruce Walczak. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, two members of public (7:36).


MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 1, 2008 and the addendum were unanimously approved as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (July, 2008).  Overtime was unremarkable as this is the beginning of the year. Budget balances for 07-08, there may be some bills coming in. Balances for 08-09 were also included. Fleet  three new cruisers are on the road. Two more were ordered and should be delivered in 3-5 months.  The traffic unit vehicle is being outfitted and should be operational in September. Personnel Field Training report was not included because the reporting officer is on vacation, but Chief Kehoe reported that Officer Hayes will graduate on August 21. Also three probationary officers are in the academies, one at Post and two in Milford. An extension was granted to Officer Donahoe to complete Phase III and go into Phase IV. Training was slow as is usual for the summer.  Several Letters of appreciation were received. A memo was received from the Conservation Commission concerning Natural Resources Inventory. STC follow-ups for Highland was included. Chief Kehoe attended a Board of Selectmen’s meeting to explain the proposed crosswalk and table at Queen Street in front of the Middle School and at Glover and Meadow. The Board of Selectmen’s remarks are included. Chief Kehoe reported that Public Works Director Hurley expects to have these completed before the start of school. Commissioner Walczak asked if the reduced speed limits during school hours approved by the Commission in November, 2006 will be implemented. Chief Kehoe said that this will be determined when the plateau is in place. Commissioner Walczak feels that the speed limit notice in front of the table and plateau is advisory and that the Commission approved specific speed limit notifications. Chief Kehoe said that the signs for the speed plateau and the speed limits will have different appearances and that the speed limit will be at the Commission’s discretion. Crosswalk study will be completed by the Traffic Unit who will prepare a report for the next meeting. A verbal report was received from the STC that they will place a “Do Not Block Intersection” sign at Elm Drive and Route 302. “No Turn on Red” at Route 25 and Mile Hill Road will be recommended to the STC as the study group that previously would not recommend this signage changed its mind. A study completed will recommend to the STC that there be a No Passing Zone Northbound on Route 25 in Hawleyville at North Ridge Road and one Passing Section Southbound which will be 300 feet from the intersection. Accreditation Report will be taken up by the State Council on September 4.  Botsford Trailer Park complaints from Mrs. Hanson were investigated, including calls for service from her since 2001. These involved property line disputes in which Mrs. Hanson claimed that a neighbor was engaged in criminal activity. Chief Kehoe concluded that investigations at one time several years ago were inadequate but that officers have since responded several times to try to resolve the disputes which now involve a new neighbor of Mrs. Hanson’s. First Selectman Borst suggested that the Police Department meet with Mrs. Hanson to try to find a neighborhood solution. A supervisor has also been responding to the calls. Chief Kehoe noted that the trailers are situated such that the front door of one trailer opens to the rear door of its neighbor and that the properties are close together. Chief Kehoe will keep the Commission updated. Complaint that a resident (Mrs. Sullivan)  was not aware that she was approaching a DUI Checkpoint was investigated by Chief Kehoe. Chief Kehoe was at the checkpoint for four hours prior to her complaint and observed that the operational plan was followed, including proper lighting and signs and that the officers were in proper uniform. Chief Kehoe noted that the supervisor who was at the checkpoint is on vacation and that he plans to confer with the supervisor. He will report back to the Commission next month.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (July, 2008)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report (including the report from July, 2007 for comparison). He noted that there was not a Traffic Unit last July and that the staffing was different last July.  DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service, Traffic Enforcement Unit Report and Detective Division Report  were also included. The Detective Division made an arrest of a Middle School student for a false report. DUI Enforcement on July 18 resulted in 750 to 1,000 motor vehicle stops with very few complaints. Motorcycle Enforcement was coordinated by Officer Ketchum on Glen Road and resulted in violations for excessive noise and lights. Sgt. Bahamonde coordinated an educational ad entitled “Slow Down” which is being broadcast by Charter. Captain Rios played the ad for the Commission, who commended the Department. Officer Kullgren and Administrative Assistant Carol Swigart are also commended for their participation.


Discussion, consideration and action on Board of Police Commissioner’s Exit Interview Policy. (Commissioners Budd & Giannini). Commissioners Budd, Giannini and Walczak distributed a Draft report to the Commission for their review and comments at the next meeting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEW BUSINESS

Discussion and action on Modification Plans, St. Rose Parish, modification application for proposed building/garage at 46 Church Hill Road. The Commission reviewed the plans  and concluded that this modification is minor and will not impact traffic. The Commission had no comments on the application.

Discussion and action on secondary employment request Officer David Kullgren. Commissioner Connor moved to approve request for secondary employment from Officer David Kullgren, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Discussion and action on CIP; future projects for the Police Department. Chief Kehoe reported that there is money in the CIP for the design of a new or renovated facility. He said that the next step would be to request funds for the building. Requests must be submitted by August 20. Chief Kehoe would like the Commission to approve applying for the funds with the amount and square footage to be determined by the consultant Brian Humes. Commissioner Budd moved to go forward with the CIP application this year with the amount to be determined at a later date and the square footage to be determined at a later date. Second by Commissioner Connor. Commissioner Walczak would like specific numbers to be included in the application. Chief Kehoe reminded that the application is due August 20 and that he feels that we could have numbers by the September 2 Police Commission meeting. Motion unanimously carried.

Discussion and action on evaluation of the Chief of Police. The Commission reviewed Chief Kehoe’s evaluation. Commissioner Connor moved to accept the evaluation of the Chief and the goals for the coming year. Second by Commissioner Giannini. and unanimously carried. It was noted that the goals in the evaluation are to be decided by Chief Kehoe and the First Selectman.

Commissioner Walczak moved to review the goals for the Chief for 2008-2009. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried. Commissioner Walczak noted that establishing a plan for the Traffic Unit was a goal for 2007-2008 but not for 2008-2009 and questioned this. Chief Kehoe felt that a measurable goal for the Traffic Unit, such as how many tickets were written, was not desirable. Commissioner Budd suggested a goal of maintaining the Traffic Unit as a full-time unit. Commissioner Giannini said that he feels that the goals for the Chief should go goals that will propel the department ahead and are strategic goals. He noted that the Chief is evaluated each month by the Commission. Commissioner Mattegat suggested reviewing goals and objectives of other municipalities for consideration in next year’s evaluation process. Commissioner Connor moved to close discussion second by Commissioner Walczak and unanimously carried.

COMMISSIONER’S PARTICIPATION. Commissioner Walczak noted that he planned to attend the Legislative Council public hearing and meeting tomorrow night concerning the Traffic Calming Ordinance and that he was going as a citizen and would represent residents and their concerns. He feels that guidelines should be developed for the ordinance and also that it would divert traffic to other streets, which he does not feel is the purpose of the ordinance.

VOTER PARTICIPATION. Daniel Amaral, 41 Elm Drive, is a member of the Legislative Council. He asked the Police Commission to try to help the budget to go down next year. He said that he is going to every organization and asking them to try to help. He feels that the Traffic Calming Ordinance is giving Public Works another job.


ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Commissioner Connor, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk