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Minutes 5-6-08
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, May 6, 2008 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Robert Connor, Brian Budd, Duane Giannini, Bruce Walczak. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, three members of public, one member of press.


Bob Geckle, 35 Queen Street,  feels that the traffic study report concerning the intersection of Queen Street and Glover Avenue was not satisfactory. He requested that the Police Commission ask the Board of Selectmen to request that HVCEO re-look at the intersection of Queen Street and Glover Avenue under the original contract and present more options to the Town at no additional expense to the Town.

Commissioner Connor moved to add the item of forwarding to the Board of Selectmen a request to ask HVCEO to revisit the Queen Street and Glover Avenue intersection at no additional expense to the Town. Second by Commissioner Giannini. Mr. Walczak feels that it would be more appropriate to give more public notice before placing this item on an agenda. Commissioners Mattegat, Giannini and Budd feel that this should go forward now. Motion passed 4-1 YES 4 (Mattegat, Connor, Giannini, Budd). NO 1 (Walczak).

Dr. Clarence Trow, said that HVCEO had this last year and that the Legislative Council received it and then it got lost. His son was hit by a hit and run driver on Queen Street. He said that a letter concerning this from a member of this Commission was appalling. He applauds putting this on the agenda. This was not an “in my back yard” as Mr. Walczak suggested. He hopes that the Legislative Council will work on this.

Catherine Trow, said that these are things that will make it nicer in Newtown.

MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 1, 2008 will be amended to note that under public participation, Mike Russo spoke, not Andy Gorosko. Upon motion of Commissioner Connor,  the minutes of the regular meeting of April 1, 2008 and the addendum were unanimously approved as amended.


Consideration, discussion and possible action on application of 174 Mt. Pleasant Rd. special exception for office building by Mount Pleasant Road LLC. Commissioner Giannini moved to accept the plans as presented including the “Traffic Report for 174 Mt. Pleasant Road, U. S. Route 6” dated Marcy 6, 2008. Second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.

Report (if any) on Board of Police Commissioners Exit Interview Policy. (Commissioners Budd & Giannini). Commissioner Budd reported that a draft will be distributed to the Commissioners for discussion at the next meeting. Commissioner Giannini moved to table until the next meeting, second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.

Update and report on Glover Ave., Queen St. & Meadow Road crosswalks. (Mr. Fred Hurley). Mr. Hurley recommends a combination of enforcement, signage, a crosswalk and a speed table for these areas. He said that the First Selectmen authorized Mr. Hurley and the Town Engineer Mr. Bolmer to go forward with the consensus of the Police Commission. Mr. Hurley and Mr. Bolmer recommend a “T” intersection at Glover and Queen with replacement of the present island with another island. They also recommend a speed table at Glover and Meadow. The proposal will be presented to the Borough. The speed table will be temporary and will consistent of PVC or hard plastic; the permanent material is yet to be determined. Mr. Hurley said that the Police Commission’s request to change the queue at the signal at Main and Glover will still be pursued. Commissioner Walczak noted that the Police Commission had raised the speed limit in front of the Middle School from 15 MPH. Commissioner Mattegat said that this could not be enforced. It was noted by some of the Commission that the Commission had asked for the crosswalks a year ago; Mr. Hurley said that there had been technical objections and problems. He said he would not put down only paint on the road without other measures for safety reasons. Commissioner Walczak presented pictures of children waiting for buses and crossing streets for Middle School buses.

Commissioner Giannini moved to add to the agenda the item of authorizing Mr. Hurley to move forward with the crosswalks at the Middle School and Meadow Street and Glover Avenue. Second by Commissioner Budd. Motion passed 4-1 YES 4 (Mattegat, Budd, Giannini, Connor.) NO 1 (Walczak).

Review, consideration, discussion and possible action on STC Application-FHH Campus. Mr. Galante, traffic consultant of Frederick P. Clarke Associates, noted that the STC today approved the applications for Fairfield Hills, the High School addition and Grand Union. The certificate for Fairfield Hills authorizes the Town to develop the campus as planned with a five year plan for Town-owned property. This includes the Newtown Youth Academy.

Mr. Galante discussed the traffic study that was completed. He said that it is anticipated that there will be 500 trips during peak hours with redevelopment of the campus, 192 during the morning peak hours and 388 during the afternoon peak hours. The focus is on Wasserman Way and Mile Hill until 2011. Also considered was additional traffic for the High School expansion, Toll Brothers on Oakview Road, and a 2% growth rate. The High School expansion also includes Route 84 work to be completed in 2011.

Mr. Galante said that a change is recommended to the Main Street traffic signal. Chief Kehoe said that the Police Commission had recommended a no right turn on red north on Route 25 rather than the arrow that is now on the signal.

Mr. Galante said that if the Town makes any changes to the plans at present for the buildings at Fairfield Hills, the Town must go back to the DOT with the proposed changes. The Town can add stop signs because this is a Town road. Mr. Geckle said that the buildings will be demolished as planned except for the Senior Center/Recreation Building. Mr. Galante said that the Town must go back to the DOT for this change but that this should be a small item.

Mr. Galante said that the Town holds the certificate. He said that the conditions of the certificate are: 1) Develop the campus as planned; 2) The gate will remain closed and used for emergency access only; 3) Maintain the site distances. Mr. Geckle said that the plan is to move forward first with Newtown Hall for Danbury Hospital and to work on the parking for the Newtown Youth Academy. He said that the design and layout for the restaurant and duplexes has been done.

Chief Kehoe noted that the STC approved the certificate without comments from the Police Commission in order not to slow down the process because the certificate is minor. Commissioner Walczak requested that application be submitted to the DOT for a traffic light at Queen Street. Chief Kehoe said that we are waiting for the DOT to do their study first.


Discussion and action on Department Budget Transfers.

Commissioner Connor moved to increase Revenue Account 002-0116 $30,000.00 and to increase Account 01315-1008 Private Duty $30,000.00. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Connor moved to transfer from Account 01310-2011 Equipment and Supplies $400.00 to Account 01310-2026 Miscellaneous $400.00. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Walczak moved to transfer from Account 01310-1008 Police Overtime Grants $10,000.00 to Account 01310-1005 Police Overtime $10,000.00. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Discussion and action on authorizing GL money for Canine Program. Commissioner Connor moved to expend from $1,500.00 GL 187 Statewide Narcotics Task Force Account for the Canine Program. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Forwarding to the Board of Selectmen a request to ask HVCEO to revisit the Queen Street and Glover Avenue intersection at no additional expense to the Town. Commissioner Giannini moved to forward to the Board of Selectmen a request to ask HVCEO to request that the traffic consultant revisit the Queen Street and Glover Avenue intersection at no additional expense to the Town. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Crosswalks at Queen Street and at Meadow Road and Glover Avenue. Commissioner Connor moved to authorize Public Works Director Fred Hurley to go forward with the crosswalks at Queen Street and at Meadow Road and Glover Avenue. Second by Commissioner Giannini. Mr. Hurley explained that this would include the speed tables along with the crosswalk  Commissioner Walczak feels that the public should be given more notice before taking action and also that the Borough should be consulted first. Motion passed 4-1 YES 4 (Mattegat, Connor, Giannini, Budd). NO 1 (Walczak).

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (April, 2008).  The budget for 2008-2009 passed and Chief Kehoe plans to purchase the speed display devices. He reminded the Commission that a special meeting will be needed to discuss encumbrances. Overtime, Budget balances. GL Accounts were included. Fleet  three cruisers are on order. The Department is discussing whether to change the colors to black and white as many departments are doing.  Personnel  Officers Monkton and Donahue graduated; Officer Monkton received a special award. New hiring process. Non-certified officers were interviewed with a plan to hire in late June. SRO positions are available. Officer McGowan was reassigned to patrol.  Training There is an opportunity for Commissioners to attend classes concerning Traffic Authority.  Six Letters of appreciation were received. STC follow-ups for Highland, Eton, and High School were included. Space Needs Study draft is being prepared and Chief Kehoe will forward to the Commission.  We received $3,000.00 for Click it and Ticket to be used for eight initiatives with Brookfield, Bethel and Redding. Work Zone Safety Officer Beagle spoke for officers statewide. Citizens Police Academy is ongoing. Student Police Academy has concluded. Station Meeting was held today. There is a retirement party for Officer Wheeler. The Legislative Council Ordinance Committee is meeting tomorrow to consider ordinances for alarms, fire lanes and traffic calming.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (April, 2008)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service, Traffic Enforcement Unit Report and Detective Division Report.. DUI Enforcement Grant roving patrols will begin Memorial Day. The first DUI checkpoint will be next month. Traffic Enforcement Unit has been very active and is utilizing on duty sergeants and officers when staffing allows. MADD Awards will be presented to Sgt. Vanghele, and Officers Figol, Bean, Wood, Costello and Pisani at a ceremony on June 22. The Commission is invited. Lt. Sinko and Officer Kullgren taped a segment for Channel 21 concerning Traffic Enforcement and Teen Driving Laws. We are also planning for a public service announcement.

Discussion and acceptance of Policy and Procedure:

·~~~~~~~# 8.20-Private Duty and Temp. Traffic Control (Revised), Commissioner Connor moved to adopt Policy and Procedure # 8.20-Private Duty and Temp. Traffic Control (Revised  Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.
~~~~~~~# 8.11-Death Notifications (Revised) Commissioner Walczak moved to adopt Policy and Procedure # 8-11 Death Notifications (Revised). Second by Commissioner Giannini  and unanimously carried.

~~~~~~~# 7.15-Traffic Unit (New) Commissioner Connor moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #7-15 Traffic Unit (New) Second by Commissioner Giannini  and unanimously carried.

~~~~~~~# 7.16-Police Motorcycles (New). Commissioner Giannini moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #7-16 Police Motorcycles (New) . Second by Commissioner Connor  and unanimously carried.

~~~~~~~# 8.05-Handling and Investigation of Discarded Medical Waste (Revised). Commissioner Giannini moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #8-05 Handling and Investigation of Discarded Medical Waste (Revised). Second by Commissioner Connor  and unanimously carried.

~~~~~~~# 3.09-Field Interviews and Pat-Down Searches (Revised). Commissioner Connor moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #3-09 Field Interviews and Pat-Down Searches (Revised)  . Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

~~~~~~~# 5.14- Interrogations and Confessions (Revised). Commissioner Connor moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #5-14 Interrogations and Confessions (Revised) . Second by Commissioner Giannini  and unanimously carried.
~~~~~~~# 5.15- Obtaining Search Warrants (Revised). Commissioner Connor moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #5-15 Obtaining Search Warrants (Revised)  . Second by Commissioner Giannini  and unanimously carried.

COMMISSIONER’S PARTICIPATION. Commissioner Budd asked that the Commission consider  a stop sign and crosswalk at Queen Street and Lovell’s Lane.

Commissioner Giannini said that a special meeting should be planned to discuss the exit interview strategy.

Commissioner Budd asked Chief  Kehoe for an accreditation update. Chief Kehoe said that there will be a mock in two weeks.

EXECUTIVE SESSION.  Commissioner Connor  moved to enter executive session at 9:50 p.m. to  discuss Strategy-Police Union Collective Bargaining Negotiations and to review-Non-Certified Candidates and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend.  Second by Commissioner Giannini  and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk