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Minutes 2-5-08 & Addendum
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Brian Budd, Duane Giannini, Bruce Walczak. ABSENT: Robert Connor.  ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, Fletcher-Thompson High School project director Joseph Costa, Barry Blades, landscape architect for the High School from Blades and Goven, Michael Gallante, traffic consultant from Frederick P. Clark Associates  (High School project), three members of public, one member of press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  John Bickel, 17 Oakview Road, is concerned that the proposed access road to the High School is across from his driveway.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Commissioner Walczak,  the minutes of the regular meeting of January 2, 2008 and the addendum were unanimously approved as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (January, 2008). Overtime is on target, Budget balances – surplus in Sworn Personnel will be discussed under New Business. Chief and Captain line items will have an excess due to staffing issues. The Crossing Guard account shows more funds expended than other accounts because of the fact that there is no school for three months so that no funds are expended for that period. GL Accounts will be discussed under New Business. Fleet we are working to purchase three vehicles. One vehicle involved in a motor vehicle accident was totaled and will be traded in. The other cruisers involved in accidents will not be repaired and will be towed. The Board of Selectmen recommended keeping the old cruisers rather than trading them in and placing them around town to slow traffic. The Commission agrees.  Personnel several probationary officers graduated last month. Officer Seabrook was second in his class of fifty. We are looking to hire two more probationary officers off the current list. The officers are doing well in field training. Officer Schubert is on long term disability. Training report is included. One Letter of appreciation was received. Budget deliberations – the Board of Selectmen cut $20,000 from the proposed budget; this was planned to be used for a traffic consultant. Commissioner Walczak asked about requesting that the Board of Finance reinstate the funds; Chief Kehoe said that the previous First Selectmen had said there might be funds in another Department’s budget for this consultant; Chief Kehoe does not know if there still may be funds. 2007 Department Statistics were included and indicate that motor vehicle theft is steadily declining. CIP is before the Legislative Council. A letter was sent to the Board of Selectmen regarding traffic concerns expressed at their meeting outlining the Department’s initiatives that were discussed in October. Accreditation review on January 24 revealed some misplaced files; this is being taken care of now and Tier I Accreditation will be applied for again. Captain Rios noted that there were also changes at the State level in the accreditation process that Towns were not made aware of though we were at fault for some matters. Crosswalks at Glover and Queen Street – Public Works Director Fred Hurley is working on a functional design including flashing lights; this includes the crosswalk at Glover and Meadow also. Staffing levels and unit assignments including projections for the next 6-8 months were included. Representative Wasserman sent a letter concerning inadequate lighting at Exit 9. Chief Kehoe said that DOT reported that this area did not warrant lighting but did warrant reflective lighting. Eton Plaza and St. Rose projects are moving forward per the STC.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (January, 2008)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service, Traffic Enforcement Unit Report and Detective Division Report.. On January 19, 2008, a joint project with State Department of Mental Health and Addiction resulted in two of twenty businesses being cited for selling alcohol to minors. A similar project in August resulted in two other businesses being fined and having their licenses suspended for a time.


Newtown High School Expansion Project (plans dated December 31, 2007). Barry Blades, landscape architect, reviewed the Overall Site Plan. He said that the parking remains the same – three areas, one in front of the building, a second at the tennis courts and a third smaller lot.  The field will be reconstructed and there will be new artificial turf. Changes  to the Overall Site Plan since the last presentation to the Police Commission about one year ago include: 1) relocating the entry driveway 180 feet further away from Route 34 and Wasserman Way; 2) an emergency access driveway that the Public Building and Site Commission requested along Oakview Road; 3) 87 more parking spaces, up from 578 to 665. Mike Gallante, traffic engineer, said that traffic counts were completed last September, at the morning peak from 7-8 a.m. (1,200 trips into and out of the High School) and the afternoon school peak from 1:45-2:45 p.m. (800 trips into and out of the High School). He said that in 2009 there are projected to be  2,000 students. In 2009 the access driveway would have been moved 180 feet west which is 500 feet from the intersection, and there will be dedicated left and right turn lanes. In 2011 the State expects to complete the planned improvements to the intersection, including removing the two bridges over Route 84 and the two interchange ramps. He said that the Town decided not to move the driveway further west for the 1996 addition as requested by the State and now the State again wants the driveway moved. The Police Commission also wanted the driveway moved in 1996 and again wants it relocated.  In 2011 there will be a double left turn at Wasserman Way and the “J’ ramp to Route 84 will be removed. In 2011 the three traffic signals, including one at the High School, will be interconnected.  The Park and Ride commuter lot may be relocated but the State has not made a commitment yet. The Commission noted that it is a safety issue that students park in the commuter lot and cross Wasserman Way to get to the High School. Captain Rios said that State police call Newtown to assist them in this matter. Mr. Blades said that the Oakview Road access was moved and will not be across the street from the Bickel’s or other houses. Mr. Costa said that the matter of whether  construction vehicles will use that access will be discussed on February 11. Chief Kehoe asked if there will be a right turn at the light onto Route 34. Mr. Gallante said that most of the traffic at that intersection will go left to access Route 84, but Chief Kehoe said that much of the school traffic would probably turn right to go to Route 25. Mr. Gallante said there may not be sufficient right of way for a right turn at that light in 2011. The accident history notes 22 accidents in three years (7, 8, 7). Chief Kehoe asked if more parking could be added, because 300 people will be added but only 87 spaces. Mr. Blades said that Public Building Committee did not want to impact the fields, and that limits parking. Mr. Renzulli owns the parcel at the corner of the High School property at Route 34 and Wasserman Way  Mr. Blades said that a potential parking lot was laid out on that parcel in the event that the Town purchases the property. Commissioner Walczak asked about removing the hill further west on Route 34 for an access, but Mr. Costa said that since the property is in the Aquifer Protection District and no material can be removed from the site, Mr. Blades said this would result in much material to be distributed somewhere on the site.

Commissioner Giannini moved that the Board of Police Commissioners accept the design plan as presented dated December 31, 2007. Second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.


Consideration, discussion and possible action on application of 174 Mt. Pleasant Rd. special exception for office building. Commissioner Budd moved to table this item until a traffic study is received and until Planning and Zoning makes a decision on the special exception application. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on the Harrison Group Report regarding Traffic Concerns and Issues. Commissioner Walczak attended a presentation of the survey results. He said that residents were concerned with speeding and congestion in town. Chief Kehoe will provide The Bee with a monthly report on the initiatives of the Department. He noted that the Department has a Traffic Enforcement Unit but that manpower to staff the Unit is an issue.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on transfer of $20,000 from Sworn Personnel (01310 1003) to Police Overtime (01310 1005). Chief Kehoe explained that these funds will be used for traffic enforcement only and will provide 420 hours or 52 eight hour shifts. Commissioner Giannini moved to transfer $20,000 from Sworn Personnel (01310 1003) to Police Overtime (01310 1005).  Second by Commissioner Walczak and unanimously carried.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on using GL Account Funds for K-9 expenses. Commissioner Budd moved to authorize the expenditure of $1,200 from GL 183 for canine expenditures. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on Board of Police Commissioners Exit Interview Policy. (Commissioner Budd).  Commissioner Budd suggested that a subcommittee of the Police Commission be formed to develop a policy of standardized questions for officers leaving the Department. After discussion, Commissioner Budd moved to form an exploratory subcommittee to develop a standardized process and questions to be used in the exit interviews. Second by Commissioner Walczak and unanimously carried.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on beginning a new testing process for probationary police officer candidates. Chief Kehoe noted that we are almost at the end of the old list of candidates. Commissioner Budd asked if the Department considered using the “chip” policy whereby an applicant who pays for the chip can apply to an unlimited number of Departments without paying an application fee to each one. Chief Kehoe said that this policy had been used but the Department found out late in the process that some of the applicants were not qualified; by using the process of meeting the applicants and interviewing them this situation is avoided. Commissioner Budd moved to initiate a new testing process for probationary police officer candidates with a charge of $35 and that Dr. Larry Jetmore of the National Police Testing Services be the vendor. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried. Chief Kehoe suggested a separate testing process for certified applicants. Commissioner  Budd moved to administer a test for qualified certified officers who have applied to the Town of Newtown with the test to be given by Dr. Larry Jetmore during the first week of March, 2008. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Budd moved to add to the agenda the item “Discussion, consideration and approval of Policy and Procedure #5-7 Domestic Family Violence (New).” Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Discussion, consideration and approval of Policy and Procedures:

#5-7 Domestic Family Violence (New). Commissioner Walczak moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #5-7 Domestic Family Violence (New). Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

# 8-16 Bomb Threats and Searches (revised)·~Commissioner Walczak moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #8-16 Bomb Threats and Searches (revised). Second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.~~~~~~      

#5-12 Missing Persons (revised) Commission Budd moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #5-12 Missing Persons (revised). Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Commissioner’s Participation. Chairman Mattegat stated that the Commissioners are only Police Commissioners when they meet as a Board, not between meetings. Also she noted that according to the Charter a Commissioner cannot abstain from a vote unless there is a conflict of interest. She also said that activities of the Police Department should be addressed at the meetings when the Chief and Captain are present. Recertification should be discussed at the meetings. She noted that Commissioners can request that items be placed on the agenda, even on the night of the meeting.

Commissioner Giannini suggested maintaining a follow up log for items that the Police Commission plans to review in the future.

Executive Session.  Commissioner Budd moved to enter executive session at 10:25 p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commissioner Giannini  and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Brian Budd, Duane Giannini, Bruce Walczak. ABSENT: Robert Connor.  ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, Fletcher-Thompson High School project director Joseph Costa, Barry Blades, landscape architect for the High School from Blades and Goven, Michael Gallante, traffic consultant from Frederick P. Clark Associates  (High School project), three members of public, one member of press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  John Bickel, 17 Oakview Road, is concerned that the proposed access road to the High School is across from his driveway.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Commissioner Walczak,  the minutes of the regular meeting of January 2, 2008 and the addendum were unanimously approved as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (January, 2008). Overtime is on target, Budget balances – surplus in Sworn Personnel will be discussed under New Business. Chief and Captain line items will have an excess due to staffing issues. The Crossing Guard account shows more funds expended than other accounts because of the fact that there is no school for three months so that no funds are expended for that period. GL Accounts will be discussed under New Business. Fleet we are working to purchase three vehicles. One vehicle involved in a motor vehicle accident was totaled and will be traded in. The other cruisers involved in accidents will not be repaired and will be towed. The Board of Selectmen recommended keeping the old cruisers rather than trading them in and placing them around town to slow traffic. The Commission agrees.  Personnel several probationary officers graduated last month. Officer Seabrook was second in his class of fifty. We are looking to hire two more probationary officers off the current list. The officers are doing well in field training. Officer Schubert is on long term disability. Training report is included. One Letter of appreciation was received. Budget deliberations – the Board of Selectmen cut $20,000 from the proposed budget; this was planned to be used for a traffic consultant. Commissioner Walczak asked about requesting that the Board of Finance reinstate the funds; Chief Kehoe said that the previous First Selectmen had said there might be funds in another Department’s budget for this consultant; Chief Kehoe does not know if there still may be funds. 2007 Department Statistics were included and indicate that motor vehicle theft is steadily declining. CIP is before the Legislative Council. A letter was sent to the Board of Selectmen regarding traffic concerns expressed at their meeting outlining the Department’s initiatives that were discussed in October. Accreditation review on January 24 revealed some misplaced files; this is being taken care of now and Tier I Accreditation will be applied for again. Captain Rios noted that there were also changes at the State level in the accreditation process that Towns were not made aware of though we were at fault for some matters. Crosswalks at Glover and Queen Street – Public Works Director Fred Hurley is working on a functional design including flashing lights; this includes the crosswalk at Glover and Meadow also. Staffing levels and unit assignments including projections for the next 6-8 months were included. Representative Wasserman sent a letter concerning inadequate lighting at Exit 9. Chief Kehoe said that DOT reported that this area did not warrant lighting but did warrant reflective lighting. Eton Plaza and St. Rose projects are moving forward per the STC.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (January, 2008)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service, Traffic Enforcement Unit Report and Detective Division Report.. On January 19, 2008, a joint project with State Department of Mental Health and Addiction resulted in two of twenty businesses being cited for selling alcohol to minors. A similar project in August resulted in two other businesses being fined and having their licenses suspended for a time.


Newtown High School Expansion Project (plans dated December 31, 2007). Barry Blades, landscape architect, reviewed the Overall Site Plan. He said that the parking remains the same – three areas, one in front of the building, a second at the tennis courts and a third smaller lot.  The field will be reconstructed and there will be new artificial turf. Changes  to the Overall Site Plan since the last presentation to the Police Commission about one year ago include: 1) relocating the entry driveway 180 feet further away from Route 34 and Wasserman Way; 2) an emergency access driveway that the Public Building and Site Commission requested along Oakview Road; 3) 87 more parking spaces, up from 578 to 665. Mike Gallante, traffic engineer, said that traffic counts were completed last September, at the morning peak from 7-8 a.m. (1,200 trips into and out of the High School) and the afternoon school peak from 1:45-2:45 p.m. (800 trips into and out of the High School). He said that in 2009 there are projected to be  2,000 students. In 2009 the access driveway would have been moved 180 feet west which is 500 feet from the intersection, and there will be dedicated left and right turn lanes. In 2011 the State expects to complete the planned improvements to the intersection, including removing the two bridges over Route 84 and the two interchange ramps. He said that the Town decided not to move the driveway further west for the 1996 addition as requested by the State and now the State again wants the driveway moved. The Police Commission also wanted the driveway moved in 1996 and again wants it relocated.  In 2011 there will be a double left turn at Wasserman Way and the “J’ ramp to Route 84 will be removed. In 2011 the three traffic signals, including one at the High School, will be interconnected.  The Park and Ride commuter lot may be relocated but the State has not made a commitment yet. The Commission noted that it is a safety issue that students park in the commuter lot and cross Wasserman Way to get to the High School. Captain Rios said that State police call Newtown to assist them in this matter. Mr. Blades said that the Oakview Road access was moved and will not be across the street from the Bickel’s or other houses. Mr. Costa said that the matter of whether  construction vehicles will use that access will be discussed on February 11. Chief Kehoe asked if there will be a right turn at the light onto Route 34. Mr. Gallante said that most of the traffic at that intersection will go left to access Route 84, but Chief Kehoe said that much of the school traffic would probably turn right to go to Route 25. Mr. Gallante said there may not be sufficient right of way for a right turn at that light in 2011. The accident history notes 22 accidents in three years (7, 8, 7). Chief Kehoe asked if more parking could be added, because 300 people will be added but only 87 spaces. Mr. Blades said that Public Building Committee did not want to impact the fields, and that limits parking. Mr. Renzulli owns the parcel at the corner of the High School property at Route 34 and Wasserman Way  Mr. Blades said that a potential parking lot was laid out on that parcel in the event that the Town purchases the property. Commissioner Walczak asked about removing the hill further west on Route 34 for an access, but Mr. Costa said that since the property is in the Aquifer Protection District and no material can be removed from the site, Mr. Blades said this would result in much material to be distributed somewhere on the site.

Commissioner Giannini moved that the Board of Police Commissioners accept the design plan as presented dated December 31, 2007. Second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.


Consideration, discussion and possible action on application of 174 Mt. Pleasant Rd. special exception for office building. Commissioner Budd moved to table this item until a traffic study is received and until Planning and Zoning makes a decision on the special exception application. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on the Harrison Group Report regarding Traffic Concerns and Issues. Commissioner Walczak attended a presentation of the survey results. He said that residents were concerned with speeding and congestion in town. Chief Kehoe will provide The Bee with a monthly report on the initiatives of the Department. He noted that the Department has a Traffic Enforcement Unit but that manpower to staff the Unit is an issue.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on transfer of $20,000 from Sworn Personnel (01310 1003) to Police Overtime (01310 1005). Chief Kehoe explained that these funds will be used for traffic enforcement only and will provide 420 hours or 52 eight hour shifts. Commissioner Giannini moved to transfer $20,000 from Sworn Personnel (01310 1003) to Police Overtime (01310 1005).  Second by Commissioner Walczak and unanimously carried.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on using GL Account Funds for K-9 expenses. Commissioner Budd moved to authorize the expenditure of $1,200 from GL 183 for canine expenditures. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on Board of Police Commissioners Exit Interview Policy. (Commissioner Budd).  Commissioner Budd suggested that a subcommittee of the Police Commission be formed to develop a policy of standardized questions for officers leaving the Department. After discussion, Commissioner Budd moved to form an exploratory subcommittee to develop a standardized process and questions to be used in the exit interviews. Second by Commissioner Walczak and unanimously carried.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on beginning a new testing process for probationary police officer candidates. Chief Kehoe noted that we are almost at the end of the old list of candidates. Commissioner Budd asked if the Department considered using the “chip” policy whereby an applicant who pays for the chip can apply to an unlimited number of Departments without paying an application fee to each one. Chief Kehoe said that this policy had been used but the Department found out late in the process that some of the applicants were not qualified; by using the process of meeting the applicants and interviewing them this situation is avoided. Commissioner Budd moved to initiate a new testing process for probationary police officer candidates with a charge of $35 and that Dr. Larry Jetmore of the National Police Testing Services be the vendor. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried. Chief Kehoe suggested a separate testing process for certified applicants. Commissioner  Budd moved to administer a test for qualified certified officers who have applied to the Town of Newtown with the test to be given by Dr. Larry Jetmore during the first week of March, 2008. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Budd moved to add to the agenda the item “Discussion, consideration and approval of Policy and Procedure #5-7 Domestic Family Violence (New).” Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Discussion, consideration and approval of Policy and Procedures:

#5-7 Domestic Family Violence (New). Commissioner Walczak moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #5-7 Domestic Family Violence (New). Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

# 8-16 Bomb Threats and Searches (revised)·~Commissioner Walczak moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #8-16 Bomb Threats and Searches (revised). Second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.~~~~~~      

#5-12 Missing Persons (revised) Commission Budd moved to adopt Policy and Procedure #5-12 Missing Persons (revised). Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Commissioner’s Participation. Chairman Mattegat stated that the Commissioners are only Police Commissioners when they meet as a Board, not between meetings. Also she noted that according to the Charter a Commissioner cannot abstain from a vote unless there is a conflict of interest. She also said that activities of the Police Department should be addressed at the meetings when the Chief and Captain are present. Recertification should be discussed at the meetings. She noted that Commissioners can request that items be placed on the agenda, even on the night of the meeting.

Commissioner Giannini suggested maintaining a follow up log for items that the Police Commission plans to review in the future.

Executive Session.  Commissioner Budd moved to enter executive session at 10:25 p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commissioner Giannini  and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk

                                                    BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS



At 10:32 P. M., the Board left executive session.

At 10.33 P. M. Commissioner Giannini moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Budd, unanimously passed by the Board.

Submitted by:__________________________________
Chief Michael K. Kehoe
Carol Mattegat, Chairperson