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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, December 4, 2007 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Brian Budd, Robert Connor, Duane Giannini, Bruce Walczak. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, Lt. James Mooney, eight members of public, one member of press.


Commissioner Giannini nominated Commissioner Mattegat for the position of chairman, second by Commissioner Budd. There were no other nominations. YES (Budd, Connor, Giannini) ABSTAINING (Walczak). Motion carried.

Commissioner Giannini nominated Commissioner Connor for the position of vice-chairman, second by Commissioner Budd. There were no other nominations. YES (Budd, Connor, Giannini) ABSTAINING (Walczak). Motion carried.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Kathy Geckle, 35 Queen Street, read a letter addressed to Commissioner Walczak. She noted that he wrote vitriolic letters concerning one resident. Also he wrote letters stating that there was no danger with traffic on Queen Street and decried attempts to make Queen Street safer. He also put blame on the Police Commission for a child who was injured by a car on Queen Street. She stated that now that Mr. Walczak is a member of the Police Commission, he may go on record for thwarting the Commission’s efforts. It is necessary to cease negative, destructive and inflammatory comments and pitting one neighborhood against another.

Lisa Floros, 32 Queen Street, asked the status of the crosswalk on Glover and Meadow. Chief Kehoe said this is being handled by Public Works; she will call that Department. She inquired about the status of the Queen Street study, to which Chief Kehoe said that the Commission’s recommendations had been forwarded to the First Selectman. She noted that the sign at Glover was relocated to a better area. She inquired about the speed bump issue, to which Chief Kehoe said that the Board of Selectmen had forwarded this to the Legislative Council for review by the Ordinance Committee. He noted that the Commission last month discussed placing a sign indicating “Traffic Entering from Left does not have to Stop” be placed on the Glover and Queen stop sign.

MINUTES.  The minutes of the regular meeting of November 7, 2007 will be amended to note under Commissioners’ Participation that Commission Giannini made a motion, not Commissioner Budd. Also under New Business, the effective date that Det. McGowan will return to the rank of patrolman will be January 1, 2008. Also MRT training will  be given to the entire Department. Upon motion of Commissioner Connor,  the minutes of the regular meeting of November 7, 2007 and the addendum were unanimously approved as amended.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (November, 2007). Overtime, Budget balances and GL Accounts were unremarkable. Fleet The command vehicle needs to have the communication system installed.  Personnel Graduation ceremony for the two new hires will be on December 7 at 7:00 p.m. at the Palace Theater in Waterbury. Hiring process. We are on the waiting list for two seats in the February class and have two confirmed seats at the end of March and April. Training report is included. Several letters of appreciation were received. Newtown Savings Bank- No Parking signs are up. No Turn on Red at Exit 11 signs are up. STC letters concerning the High School and St. Rose expansions are included. Grant from the State for DUI for $58,500 for 11/21/07-9/30/08 was received.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (November, 2007)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service, Traffic Enforcement Unit and Detective Division Report. Congratulations to Officer Frank for his recovery of stolen hand guns. DOT traffic summit was attended by Captain Rios, and Sgts. Vanghele and Wisentaner; the Department received a plaque of recognition. DUI checkpoint will be held on December 14. Captain Rios is coordinating a combined checkpoint with Monroe. Food drive will be held with Redding at the Big Y and a food drive for Toys for Tots will be held at Sand Hill Plaza.


Consideration, discussion and possible action on Eton Plaza Renovations-Traffic Study Report and Revised Plans. John Zyrlis from TPA said that a crosswalk was added across the driveway.

Mike Gallante from Frederick P. Clarke Associates said that a full traffic study was submitted to the STC that included nine intersections. The crosswalk will match the sidewalks along Queen Street. A crosswalk will be put back in at the driveway exiting onto Church Hill Road. The State plans to upgrade the traffic signal at Church Hill and Queen; this was incorporated into the traffic study. Pedestrian heads will be added to the signal at Big Y and Eton; now there are only buttons. Mr. Gallante said it will be difficult to coordinate the new traffic signal with the State signal at Church Hill and Queen, but he will check into this. The south driveway opposite Big Y will be exit only. Church Hill is a left turn with a right turn only from the access driveway from Eton. Mr. Gallante suggests two lanes north on Queen Street. There will be three access points to the shopping center. Mr. Walczak noted that the side egress from Queen Street  the loading docks area is narrow. Mr. Zyrlis  said there is room for a truck to park and a car to pass. The Commission requests a sign “Deliveries Only” for the back to which Mr. Zyrlis agreed. Mr. Gallante is recommending that the Queen Street traffic signal be upgraded. He will contact Mr. Kasper, the owner of the Village Shopping Center, who said he would be willing to upgrade the signal.

Commissioner Giannini moved to accept the plan as depicted on Figure 19 dated November 29, 2007 entitled “Future Transportation System with Improvements Shopping Village Redevelopment.” Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on additional signage at Glover Ave and Queen Street. Lt. Mooney said that a sign indicating “Traffic Entering from Left does not have to Stop” can be placed on the stop sign and the pedestrian crosswalk sign will be relocated. Commissioner Giannini moved that a sign indicating “Traffic Entering from Left does not Stop” be added to the stop sign on Glover Avenue at the intersection of Queen Street. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.


Consideration, discussion and possible action on Application for Village District, Site Development and Special Exemption Plans for 47 Church Hill Rd. submitted to Borough Planning & Zoning. Bill Carboni of Spath-Bjorkland said that the plans that the Commission approved in June 2006 have not changed. There were landscape changes that will have no effect on traffic. Attorney Jim White said that the driveway now lines up with St. Rose’s driveway which opens up the sight lines. Commissioner Budd moved to accept the plan for the Citgo Station on Church Hill Road as presented. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Discussion, consideration and approval of no right turn on red at Rte. 25 and Wasserman Way. ~Commissioner Connor moved to approve a “No Right Turn on Red” sign
north on Route 25 onto Wasserman Way. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried. Chief Kehoe will submit this recommendation to the STC. He said there would be a 5-7 second delay between the arrow and the red light.

Consideration and possible action on using funds from GL Accounts to pay for expenses outlined in DARE Budget, School Year 07-08. Commissioner Connor moved to expend $3,334.00 from GL Account 183, Police State Asset Forefeiture Account. Second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried.

Presentation, discussion and approval of Police Budgets for Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
Commissioner Giannini moved to accept the Police Other Account  01315 agency request of $150,000 for FY 2008-2009. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Mattegat moved to accept the Police Department Account 01310 agency request of $3,972,117 for FY 2008-2009. Second by Commissioner Connor for discussion. Chief Kehoe explained each line item request. Chief of Police and Captain are negotiated between the Board of Selectmen and the Police Commission. Sworn Personnel represents step increases and adjustments for cuts made last year. Civilian Personnel – raises and longevity. Police Overtime is status quo. Overtime Civilian minimally funded. Guards is status quo. Police Overtime Grants is a wash. Education status quo. Telephone & Radio Communications is down some. Program Equipment Supplies increased some. Police Recruitment and Miscellaneous increased some. Uniform Allowance status quo. Services decreased but some items that were eliminated are included elsewhere as increases. Chief Kehoe is recommending that the Town opt to fund Window-based New Work System computer software with seven year financing. Commissioner Budd commented that after seven years the software would be obsolete. Chief Kehoe said that upgrades are included in the pricing. Patrol Cars – Lt. Mooney said that two replacement cars are included in the request as well as one additional car for the traffic unit (request for an unmarked traffic enforcement vehicle.) Capital includes a traffic engineer. Chief Kehoe said that the Town may place this item in another budget as the engineer would be utilized by other departments.
Chief Kehoe said that the request represents a 7.6% increase over last year.

Motion unanimously approved.

Commissioner’s Participation. None noted.

Executive Session.  Commissioner Connor moved to enter executive session at 9:45 p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims, strategy for police collective bargaining (successor) agreement, and~chief’s contract-renewal and renegotiation and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commissioner Giannini  and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk