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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners held on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street , Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Gerald Finnegan, Duane Giannini, Robert  Connor, Brian Budd. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Joe Rios, three members of public, John Zyrlis from TPA Design Group, one member of press.


Mrs. Lisa Floros, 32 Queen Street, requested to comment on the motor vehicle accident that occurred on Queen Street on October 17th, 2007 involving an 8 year old boy. She understands that it is being investigated and wanted to make sure that with the change in government officials that the Queen Street incident would not be forgotten and that progress would continue.

Mrs. Deborah Zukowski, 4 Cornfield Ridge Road,  said there must be something done regarding the poor engineering of the roads ie; Toddy Hill Road, Boggs Hill, Castle Hill Road by King Street. These roads need to be addressed. She understands the many issues regarding the incidents that occurred on these roads are due to poor judgment of drivers, tired drivers, young drivers, etc. She has written a letter to the Newtown Bee asking for people to use caution and slow down especially when roads are wet.  She requested that this be put at the top of the Commission’s agenda to coincide with Queen Street but not limited to this. She also requested that State funding be looked into more aggressively. She offered her assistance as a computer engineer in developing a map to highlight areas of concern with specific problems i.e.: crowned roads, poor sight lines etc. She will advise us when it is ready.  Commissioner Finnegan said please write the Newtown Bee and ask for more support this would help. Commissioner Connor reminded everyone that some of these original roads were dirt and not engineered, they were paved over. Chief Kehoe also expanded on this, we have analyzed this, and with a lot of these areas speed is a large factor. If the operator if traveling the correct speed they should be able to travel without any incident.  The railroad bridge on Church Hill Rd took years to be corrected; it needed the support and attention from the public. We need to address this the same way and have been actively doing this through-out the town.

MINUTES: Commissioner Finnegan moved the minutes to Oct. 2, 2007 and the addendum to the minutes be accepted as presented, seconded by Commission Budd.  Discussion: The minutes and addendum of the regular meeting October 2, 2007 will be amended to note that the Executive Session began at 9:45 PM. Chief Kehoe noted correction for the times of the executive session. Commissioner Finnegan motioned to amend time change to reflect the board convened into Executive Session at 9:45 PM, second by Commissioner Budd. The minutes and addendum were unanimously accepted as amended.


Overtime is right on schedule after four months into the Budget. We saw a slight increase which is usual for the months of July, August, September, and October, this was due to Training, Vacations, understaffing, and the Labor Day Parade.. Budget & GL Balances are unremarkable and as are the Fleet status quo. The Motorcycle is still working and showing positive results. The Command Vehicle will have the communications equipment installed very soon.  

Personal: Chief Kehoe very pleased with the results from the Academy on P.P.O. Smith, Lorancaitis, and Seabrook. Smith and Lorancaitis are due to graduate Dec 7th from the Waterbury Academy. The Chief will e-mail the time and location to the Commissioners.  There possibly will be 1 or 2 seats available in January but March seems more likely the Academy will have them available. Records Division welcomes Nora Easter as Office Assistant and Carol Kochiss will be promoted to the Bookkeeping Position. Training is ongoing and continuing with a TIPS Program (Training for Intervention Procedures) for Underage drinking to be held in Redding at the Redding Community Center on November 15th. This will be a joint effort with Redding and Brookfield Police Departments. Local businesses in these areas have been asked to participate and join us.  John Voket e-mailed an article to Chief Kehoe stating an article that Bridgeport due to this program had a 25% non-compliance, this is very significant, and we appreciated the update. Budget for Next Fiscal Year for 08/09 Fiscal year will be given to the Finance Director by December this is due to possible changes within the town’s and board’s administration. Space Study Volunteers: Commissioner Giannini and Commissioner Budd will assist the Chief and Captain.  Nighttime & Firearms Qualifications have been given with the entire department qualifying. MRT Refresher course was given to entire department. As well as the COLLECT Refresher course. There were two Letters of Appreciation received one for S.R.O. Costello from the Wesley Learning Center and also Mr. Birnmaum expressed his appreciation to the whole department for their dedication and professionalism.  HVCEO update Captain Rios will attend this Friday a meeting and update us. Newtown Savings Bank parking space update has been approved and that will hopefully will be acted upon quickly. Sandy Hook Center request has been approved by the STC for the “No Parking Any Time” signs and will move ahead.


Included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Report Activity and the Detective Division Report were included. The Detective Division showed activity with Burglaries, Bad Checks, Theft of Handguns. Traffic Enforcement Unit will be started on a temporary basis for now with hopefully a full start up time in the spring. Off. Ketchum, Off. Kullgren will be assigned to this unit. Commissioner Giannini suggested that the statistics of Motor Vehicle Activity reports should be given to the public via a news release. Commissioner Mattegat agreed said this will be added to their monthly agenda. Firearms Training has been completed as well as the Uniform and Equipment Inspections with great results.


Eton Plaza Renovations – Presented by Mr. John Zyrlis of TPA Design Group discussed and gave an update on the progress. Traffic Study, Plans and Drawings submitted to the STC.  There will be no action until the Planning & Zoning approval. They will be going before the Wetlands Commission shortly. The Owner would like to see tenants in as soon as possible. The tenants at this time are still unknown. Chief noted 2 flaws in last plans: 2 lanes looking north leading into 1 lane then back to 2 lanes,  this will create confusion for the operator. Mr. Hurley reviewed the area and measured the dimensions; after reviewing he has stated the measurements will allow for 2 constant lanes creating less confusion. 2nd part of this is the traffic light and pedestrian stantions on Queen St with the intersection to the entrance to the Newtown Shopping Center. Of particular concern would be the Pedestrian Crosswalks specifically the area at the traffic light entering and exiting the Newtown Shopping Plaza. This is an area that is used by students of the Middle School to cross the street. We recently had a child involved in a pedestrian v/s motor vehicle. This is a highly trafficked area Commissioner Mattegat stated that more and more people are walking and there is a need for a third crosswalk, this is the area of the bakery and paint store and bank.  Chief stated that looking at the habits of the young people who use this area and stated this needs to be looked at with a traffic study as the project progresses. This would be a mid-block crosswalk. Mr. Zyrlis stated he will advise Mr. Gallante of the changes and asked at this time if a letter of approval can be given by the commissioners. Commissioner Mattegat agreed to a verbal approval at this time and suggested this issue be tabled until more answers can be provided.



Commissioner Finnegan motioned to approve the meeting schedule for 2008. Seconded by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried. (See attachment)

Detective McGowan - request for permission to return to the Patrol Division. Commissioner Mattegat stated he has been a vital asset, Chief Kehoe readily agreed. Commissioner Finnegan would like it recorded that he was outstanding before he went into the Detective Division and still continues to be. Commissioner Mattegat would like it known that the commission would welcome him back into the Detective Division if circumstance change for him. Commissioner Finnegan made a motion to accept that Det. McGowan return to the rank of patrolman. Motioned was seconded by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried by the Board with regrets.   Chief Kehoe stated replacing his position is unknown at this time due to current staffing issues, testing is required and this needs to occur first.

Policy and Procedures Response to Alarms at Banking Institutions Commissioner Giannini moved to adopt “Policy and Procedures Response to Alarms at Banking Institutions”
(Revised 8-13), second by Commissioner Budd and unanimously carried by the board.

Commissioners Participation (Next Agenda) Commissioner Giannini suggested the Stop Sign at Glover and Queen Street be added with another sign “Traffic in other direction does not need to stop” this would lead to less confusion regarding the right of way. Chief Kehoe agreed to put on agenda so it maybe sent to the Department of Public Works. Commissioner Budd suggested a Tickler File to keep Pending issues on track. Chief said we will have this incorporated into our Outlook Express Calendar that we utilize.  Commissioner Finnegan said it has been a pleasure for the last 6 years to serve on the board and has appreciated the camaraderie even in times of differences we have worked well together and he will miss that.

Elections of New Chairman (to be placed on the next agenda)

EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 9:11 PM Commissioner Connor moved to enter executive session for the purpose of discussing current legal matters related to Seri V. The Town of Newtown, and invited Chief Kehoe and Capt. Rios to attend the executive session, seconded by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Carol A. Swigart, Clerk