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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Gerald Finnegan, Duane Giannini. ABSENT:  Robert Connor. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, Officers Cacace, Edis and Stinson and four members of public.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Bruce Walczak, 8 Glover Avenue, said that he is not clear about the decision process of the Commission and asked which plans the motions of the July 5 and July 10 meetings referred to. Chief Kehoe said that the July 5 motions referred to the draft plan of Vollmer Associates and the July 10 motions referred to the Commission’s written document outlining the same responses and were attached to the July 10 minutes. Mr. Walczak noted that on July 10 the motion approved that referenced item C14 was actually modifying the “T” at Glover and Queen which  the Commission did not approve. Also the motion to approve the crosswalk at Glover and Meadow was not in the July 10 minutes. The clerk noted that this was an addendum to the minutes. Commissioner Giannini will review the minutes of both meetings and will modify the motions at the next meeting if necessary.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Commissioner Finnegan,  the minutes of the regular meeting of July 10, 2007  and the addendum were unanimously approved as presented. The minutes of the special meeting of July 17, 2007 will be amended to note that Commissioner Simon moved to bring on Officer Greco and Commissioner Finnegan seconded the motion. Upon motion of Commissioner Giannini, the minutes of the special meetings of July 17, 2007 as amended and August 1, 2007 as presented were unanimously approved.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (July, 2007). Overtime,  Budget balances and  GL Accounts were unremarkable.  Budget balances for the end of the year were not yet available. Fleet  We are waiting for some items for the  motorcycle.  We are waiting for the communication system for the  command vehicle. Personnel  We will begin the hiring of several officers for the October class. Training included child abuse investigation. One Letter of appreciation was received. Chairman Mattegat and a member of the Department will attend a seminar on signs and markings. A letter was received from Mr. Weisburger (sp) concerning speeding through Tilson Woods. Chief Kehoe said this is still a private road and that the Town is working with Mr. Tilson to expedite completion of the subdivision. Captain’s evaluation. Captain Rios met his goals and objectives and continues to exceed expectations. Chief Kehoe and the Commission commend him for his excellent work.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (July, 2007)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Division Report.. There will be a  DUI checkpoint on August 25.  Motorcycle enforcement is targeted for several weekends through September. Already several warnings have been issued.


St. Rose School Expansion Project; Wilbur Smith Associates report to STC. Mr. Sharat Kalluri, traffic engineer for Wilbur Smith, discussed the traffic report. He said that data was collected for five time periods, three during the a.m. rush hour, one at the school peak at about 2:15 p.m. and one during the p.m. rush hour of 3:45-5:45 p.m. Also data for Saturday evenings and Sunday church service times were collected. No growth is expected in the school population. The traffic studies of two projects in the area were added to this project: 28 Church Hill Road (restaurant)and 33 Church Hill Road (office). The gas station across the street was not included because Mr. Kalluri said that the State did not feel there would be adequate traffic coming from there. Chief Kehoe noted that the gas station is going to become a minimart with several pumps.

Wilbur Smith proposes that driveway “A” be in only, “B” in and out and “C” exit only. Traffic levels at morning school hours are B at driveway A, F at driveway B and E at driveway C. During all other times the level for all is C. Site lines at A and C are adequate but B does not meet requirements because of the drop in Church Hill Road.

Tim Ondurco (sp), Langan Engineering, said that at driveway C we are looking to increase the radii of fifteen feet and to move the catch basin.

Chief Kehoe asked about weekend traffic for the church services. He also noted that the crossing guard would now be split between cars leaving from one exit (B) and buses from the other exit (C).  Dan Lansing, Co-Chair of the St. Rose Building Committee, said that the Committee is open to suggestions. Captain Rios asked who will control the flow of traffic in the parking lot, especially on weekends. Commissioner Giannini feels that people who want to go to Sandy Hook will park in the back lot and exit from C and those going into town will exit from A.

Commissioner Finnegan moved to accept the traffic control plan as presented tonight with the caveat that the buses going westbound exit at driveway A and the buses going eastbound exit at driveway C, and that the plan comply with the STC radius requirements for intersections. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.


Alarm Ordinance. Captain Rios said that Officer Kullgren and Lt. Sinko attended training. Chief Kehoe added the fire component to the ordinance. He noted that the Board of Fire Commissioners approved the ordinance which will be sent to the Legislative Council after the Police Commission approves it. Commissioner Giannini moved to approve the Alarm Ordinance as presented. Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Leave of absence request from Officer Michael Edis. Commissioner Finnegan moved to grant Officer Edis a one year leave of absence effective September 1, 2007. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Policy and Procedure: Off-Duty Arrests and Responses to Emergencies by Police Officers (revised 3.03) Commissioner Giannini moved to adopt Policy and Procedure: Off-Duty Arrests and Responses to Emergencies by Police Officers (revised 3.03). Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

COMMISSIONER’S PARTICIPATION (next agenda). Chief Kehoe noted that Commissioner Budd was appointed by the Board of Selectmen last night.

EXECUTIVE SESSION.  Commissioner Finnegan  moved to enter executive session at 8:55 p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims  and a confidential personnel matter – Dan Cacace and to invite Chief Kehoe, Captain Rios and Officer Cacace to attend,  second by Commissioner Giannini  and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk