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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, June 5, 2007 in the Conference Room at Kendro Laboratories, 31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Gerald Finnegan, Richard Simon, Robert Connor, Duane Giannini. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, First Selectmen Herbert Rosenthal, members of Board of Selectmen Joseph Bojnowski and William Brimmer, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Town Engineer Ronald Bolmer, Borough Warden James Gaston and Zoning Enforcement Officer Jean St. Jean, Fairfield Hills Authority Chairman Robert Geckle,  HVCEO Assistant Director David Hannon and representative John Everly,, Vollmer Associates representative Kermit Hua, approximately forty members of public, one member of press.

PRESENTATION QUEEN STREET AREA TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN BY VOLLMER ASSOCIATES AND HVCEO. Mr. Hannon explained that one of the purposes of HVCEO is to undertake special planning studies such as this study which was requested by the Town of Newtown as requested by the Police Commission. There are forty improvements for consideration in the study. Mr. Hannon believes that the options selected can be funded by DOT rather than by the Town of Newtown. Mr. Hannon said that of the estimated $2 million total cost he thinks that $1.8 million can be funded by ConnDOT. Mr. Rosenthal said that the Town received a grant from HVCEO to cover half of the total cost of $49,000 for the study.

Mr. Everly  continued the presentation. He said that the purpose of the study was to investigate traffic problems in the area. He noted that the speed limit at the Middle School was suggested to be 15 MPH. Chairman Mattegat said that the State will not allow speed limits under 25 MPH. Bruce Walczak said that the Fairfield Hills the State has a posted speed limit of 15 MPH. Chief Kehoe will investigate. Mr. Everly  continued and noted that the Middle School bump out on the sidewalk to Queen Street would be eliminated. Eton Center would have two exits but no entrance on Queen Street. He said a recommendation is to have the Middle School buses enter at Church Hill Road through Eton Center but the Commission feels this is too much traffic at the same area as Hawley School and would Eton Center allow that?

One resident asked why Queen Street does not have enforcement more often. Chief Kehoe said we do the best we can with the resources we have and that there are traffic issues all over town. He said that we have requested more funding for a traffic enforcement unit in next year’s budget.

The proposal to install a stop sign, a yield sign and reconfiguration of the island at Queen and Glover was questioned. Headlights would shine into the white house near the Middle School. Commissioner Connor feels that all that is needed is an additional stop sign at Queen and Glover.

Three speed reducing tables are recommended on Queen Street from Glover to Mile Hill. Chairman Mattegat said that the Commission recommended speed humps on Queen two months ago. An ordinance is needed and the Commission passed the recommendation on to the Ordinance Committee of the Legislative Council. Mr. Rosenthal said that there is a concern about speed humps because there are no Federal standards for the humps and we may open ourselves up to liability if challenged in court. Lisa Flores said that traffic would then turn Elizabeth Street into a highway. Speed tables should be placed on Elizabeth, Lovells and Borough Lane also. Mr. Hua said that a review of all the area roads for speed tables is recommended.

Mr. Gaston said that we are diverting traffic from Queen to Main Street  which is an arterial road and this is not fair. Main Street is a residential area. Mr. Hua said Main Street is a collector and is a state road. Mr. Gaston  said that items in the study are in violation of Borough zoning and he doubts that the Historic District will approve this. He asked why the consultants did not speak with the Borough zoning and Historic District first to see what was feasible. Mr. said that is the next step.

Commissioner Finnegan said that the Commission is concerned with speed and traffic on Queen Street and with attempting to slow traffic not divert it to other roads. He said the Commission prefers to keep large commercial trucks on a state highway. Mr. Gaston said there is a sign on Queen Street for No Thru Trucks. He said that your presenter said the intent was to divert traffic from Queen Street to Main Street. Mr. Everly said we never sat out to divert traffic off Queen Street. Mr. Rosenthal said that the Borough had two representatives on the Committee and no one contact him about going to the Borough first. Ms. St. Jean said she had suggested at least ten times that they go to the Historic District, Borough Zoning and the Burgesses. Mr. Hannon said that the first discussion held after the draft was completed was with the Borough. Mr. Gaston said before the public hearing he said you should go to the Borough.. Mr. Hannon said there was no public hearing only a public workshop.

Peggy O’Neil-Murphy, said that Chief Kehoe called her and said that said that the Commission rescinded its approval of a crosswalk across Glover at Meadow because there was a school bus available. She said that children and others cross the road at all times and the bus had nothing to do with the request. Chairman Mattegat said you led the Board to believe that there was no bus and the motion said either a bus or a cross walk. Commissioner Connor said he would later make a motion to install the cross walk. Nora Murphy said that she and other children walk to several places in the Borough and it is nerve wracking to cross the street. The bus means more pollution. The mother of the children at 6 Meadow said that her children who were present agree.

Laura Lerman lives on Main Street and said that we attract pedestrians on Main Street and we deserve the same protection.

Mr. Gaston suggested that the sidewalks on Queen Street should be placed on the east side as there are mailboxes and telephone poles on the west side and did the Post Office approve sidewalks on the same side as the mailboxes?

Mr. Geckle lives on the east side and hates to see the kids cross the street because of sidewalks. Mr. Walczak said that if sidewalks are on the west side, children will have to cross six streets.

Mr. Everly said that rights of way on the east side are limited and the Town will have to make the decision.

One resident suggested making a tripod at the flagpole to support the structure. Mr. Everly presented a proposal to reconfigure the flagpole area, install a signal light and make West Street one way. Mr. Gaston asked about trucks going up Main Street having to stop at a signal light in ice and snow as well as the constant air brake noise from this. He said this could mean taking some properties and parking areas under eminent domain which may be 125% over the value of the property. Commissioner Connor said that no one on the Commission would approve this. He also said that the State never changed the sign directing traffic to Danbury on Route 84 and that he is working on this with Representative Wasserman.

Shere Bermingham, Main Street, said we need more police presence.

A letter was read from Attorney Robert Hall asking that the head-in parking before the General Store not be eliminated. Mr. Rosenthal said that as he had told Mr. Hall, the parking will not be changed.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Jill Bontificus-Beaudry, 36 Queen Street, said that after eight years of talking about the same issues we continue to go round and round. I want a solution to speeding and sidewalks.

MINUTES. The minutes of May 1, 2007 will be amended to add that a vote was taken to approve use of unexpended funds from the 2006-2007 budget to pay for a space needs study. Upon motion of Commissioner Simon,  the minutes of the regular meeting of May 1, 2007 and the addendum were unanimously approved as presented. Upon motion of Commissioner Connor, the minutes of the special meeting of May 30, 2007 were unanimously accepted as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (May, 2007). Overtime will be discussed later. Budget balances and GL Accounts were unremarkable. Fleet  The two vehicles will be put into service soon.  Personnel two new hires are in Phase I of FTO. New hiring process. Newtown and Brookfield have completed, agility, oral and written and background checks are being completed to hire two officers in July.  Training included use of force. Several Letters of appreciation were received. Citizens’ Police Academy graduation was held May 30. Grants. Approved were expended DUI and Click It and Ticket.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (May, 2007)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Division Report.. The checkpoint for May 23 was cancelled; there will be checkpoints in July and August. MADD Award Winners were Sgt. Vanghele, Officers Bean, Pisani and FigolFigol. Grants were approved for Click It and Ticket with Bethel and Redding for Memorial Day and July 4. Chief Kehoe said that we are working with the Prevention Council and underage drinking.


Discussion and comments on The Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses’ Report on the Queen Street Area Traffic Improvement Plan. Commissioner Connor moved to table this item until next month’s meeting on July 10, second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.


St. Rose School campus expansion project. Commission Connor moved to table this until the July 10 meeting. Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Request for funds from GL-161, Police Canine Gift Fund. Chief Kehoe explained that money is needed for a lock box for drugs. Commission Giannini moved to approve expenditure not to exceed $200 from GL-161 for a lockbox. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Request for funds from GL-187, State Narcotics Taskforce Fund. Chief Kehoe explained that $1,500 are needed for upkeep for Baro. Commissioner Connor moved to approve expenditure of $1,500 from GL 187 for Baro. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Additional eight conditional offers for position of Probationary Police Officer. Commissioner Connor moved to make conditional offers of employment to Mathew Malecot, Chris McManus, Matthew Ciquera, Christopher Kennan, Michael Nash, Tim Strand, Edmond Vayan and William Chapman. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Transfer of $20,000.00 from 01310-1003 Sworn Personnel to 01310-1005 Police Overtime. Chief Kehoe explained that this is needed because much overtime money was expended for the storm. Commissioner Connor moved to transfer of $20,000.00 from 01310-1003 Sworn Personnel to 01310-1005 Police Overtime. Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Commissioner’s Participation. None noted.

Executive Session.  Commissioner Connor  moved to enter executive session at 10:45 p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commission Finnegan and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk