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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, December 5, 2006 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Gerald Finnegan, Richard Simon,  Robert Connor. ABSENT: Duane Giannini. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, nine members of public.

Nomination and election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, Newtown Police Commission for the 2007 calendar year.

Commissioner Simon nominated Commissioner Mattegat as Chairman, second by Mr. Connor. There were no other nominations. Motion unanimously carried.

Commissioner Connor nominated Commissioner Finnegan as Vice-Chairperson, second by Mr. Simon. There were no other nominations. Motion unanimously carried.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Michael Gallante, Frederick Clarke Associates, is the Town’s traffic consultant for the Sandy Hook Center Streetscape Project. He had recommended that two of the four parking spaces remain that the Police Commission voted last month to have removed. He does not want to create a bypass lane. He recommends keeping the four spaces. Attorney Robert Accommondo presented documents indicating that Commissioner Duane Giannini had been appointed as part of  the process and that parking and paving was discussed with one member of the Police Commission. Mr. Accommondo said that there were no objections during this time. His client gave up nine spaces and accepted four spaces on the road. He requests that the Commission rule to keep all four spaces.

Layla Nichols, Toddy Hill Road, said that she and other residents of the road are concerned with highway conditions on the road. She met with Chief Kehoe and Lt. Mooney. She presented a petition signed by many of the residents. The matter will be discussed further under “New Business.”

Consideration, discussion and possible action on recommending no parking areas and parking stalls on Church Hill Road Sandy Hook Streetscape Project. Commissioner Finnegan moved to rescind the previous motion of September 5, 2006 regarding the parking spaces on Church Hill Road and the Sandy Hook Streetscape Project. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried. Commissioner Finnegan moved  that no parking areas be established with appropriate signs and markings as determined by and in consultation with the State DOT. Eastbound lane Church Hill Road – 50 feet due west from the stop line and 40 feet due west of the westernmost prolongated lateral driveway lane between buildings 100 and 102 Church Hill Road. Westbound lane Church Hill Road – 40 feet due west from the prolongated established lateral curb line within the eastbound land. This motion will be reviewed and addressed as needed in six months. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Commissioner Simon,  the minutes of the regular meeting of November 8, 2006 and the addendum and the minutes of the special meeting of November 28, 2006 were unanimously approved as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (November, 2006). Overtime, Budget balances and GL Accounts were unremarkable. Firearms training increased the overtime. Fleet is statue quo. We will look at replacing some vehicles next spring.. Personnel Probationary officers are doing well. Officer Dinghy is doing very well with good grades and will graduate on December 11. The two new hires started today. Training included fire arms, HAZMAT. OC, baton and handcuffing. Several letters of appreciation were received. The Awards and Decoration Policy is included in the packets. There will be a Police Pro QA program with the Newtown Emergency Communications Center re EMD.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (November, 2006)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Division Report. Ticket and Click It campaign indicated 85-90% compliance with seatbelt use. DUI Checkpoints on November 25 was very successful. There will be checkpoints for Christmas and for New Year’s Eve. 2006 Community Survey results were given to all supervisors. Ten percent of the residents responded. Five Year Plan draft will be presented to the Commission next month for review.

Chief Kehoe noted that on December 19 the Queen Street Area Traffic Improvement Plan will be presented to the Borough Board of Burgesses by HVCEO.



Turning Lands on South Main Street. Chairman Mattegat recently attended a meeting of Commission heads at which there was discussion about problems with people turning on South Main Street. There are plans for the former Fireside Inn and Chairman Mattegat suggested that the builder put in a turning lane in the middle of the road to which the other attendees agrees. Chief Kehoe noted that the Commission will address the application for Phases II and III at the former Fireside.

Church Hill Road Sandy Hook Design District Guidelines. Chief Kehoe had distributed a copy of the Sandy Hook Design District Guidelines and said that P&Z is looking for comments from the Police Commission. He noted that sections 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 address issues of concern to the Commission. Chairman Mattegat stated that the Guidelines are very well written and the Board agrees.

Traffic Issues on Toddy Hill Road. Layla Nichols, Toddy Hill Road, said that residents are concerned with the high rate of speed of traffic. Another concern is with the trucks. She realizes that it is difficult to prove if there are through trucks on the road. She said it is the speed of the trucks not the volume that is the problem. Also the fact that trucks use a jake brake to slow down which is very noisy. Chief Kehoe said more vehicles will enforce the speed limit. Also the commercial truck enforcement officer on staff will patrol the road with members of Troop A. He noted that the engineering issues are a larger problem. He said that an ordinance is in the works concerning traffic calming. Captain Rios noted that jake brakes are not against the law so that signs indicating “No Jake Brakes” cannot be posted.

Parking Concerns in front of Edmond Town Hall. Chairman Mattegat said that First Selectman Rosenthal had asked that the Commission consider changing the parking to parallel parking in front of the Edmond Town Hall and General Store. Chief Kehoe will research the accident history and feels that a schematic of what this would look like would be helpful. The curb would have to be pulled out to be parallel with the Newtown Savings Bank curb. Commissioner Finnegan noted that the only parking that would be in front of the Town Hall would be handicapped because the rest of the area will be taken up by the fire hydrant and the crosswalk. The fact that the General Store would lose most of its parking will be discussed with Bob Hall, the owner. Chief Kehoe will research what space is required for handicap access in front of the Town Hall. He also said that the sidewalk will intersect with the driveway. The Department of Public Works will have to be consulted. The State Traffic Commission will have to approve any changes as well as Public Works. Commissioner Simon moved to table the discussion until the next meeting. Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried. Chairman Mattegat suggested a crosswalk between Newtown Savings Bank and the General Store. Commissioner Connor agreed and Commissioner Finnegan said this would probably discourage jaywalking.

Commissioner’s Participation (next agenda).  None noted.

Executive Session.  Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 8:15  p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims and to discuss a legal matter and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commission Giannini and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk