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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, September 5, 2006 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: C. Mattegat, R. Simon, D. Giannini,. ABSENT: G. Finnegan, R. Connor. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Kehoe,  Captain Rios, Board of Education member T. Gissen, seven members of public, one member of press.

HIGH SCHOOL EXPANSION PROJECT. Mr. Gissen explained that he had been the Board of Ed liaison to the High School Space Needs Committee. He said that after options were reviewed, an on site plan was decided upon. The plan with the least disturbance to the site is being considered. Some parking and the tennis courts would be relocated. There will be 74 more parking spaces. Michael Gallante, traffic engineer from Frederick Clark Associates explained that the entrance and exit to the High School may be revised once is known how the State will reconfigure Exit 11 off Route 84. The Commission is concerned with the traffic at the entrance and exit of the High School. Mr. Gallante explained that the State plans to remove the ramp at Wasserman Way and build a new interchange and intersection opposite Wasserman Way, making a T intersection The bridges over Route 84 will be removed. There will be a two or three lane approach to Wasserman Way. Mr. Gallante said that improvements to Route 34 would have to go to the High School driveway and beyond. Chairman Mattegat suggested an evacuation route onto Oakview Road for emergencies only. Mr. Gissen said that this could be considered. He will bring to the Board of Education for discussion the fact that so many parents drop off students at the High School. He said that the projected enrollment in nine years is 2,137 and is now 1,600. Chief Kehoe does not feel that whatever the State does will alleviate the traffic turning left  into the High School in the morning. Captain Rios suggested more than one lane entering the High School which Mr. Gissen said could be considered

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Bruce Walczak, Glover Avenue, asked that the Commission’s agenda and minutes be posted on the Town website. The clerk will have them posted.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Commissioner Simon, the minutes of August 1, 2006 and the addendum were unanimously approved as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (August, 2006). Overtime is status quo. Budget balances and GL Accounts were unremarkable. Fleet the two new cars will be in service this month. Personnel Officers Jacobino and Poole are doing very well at the Academy.  Officer Nosal is doing well in phase III of field training. Training is picking up  Several Letters of appreciation were received. Expanded DUI Enforcement Grant Summer Program is ongoing. A letter was received from the STC reminding about major traffic generators which Newtown does abide by. A promissory note concerning  Assets Forfeiture funds was received. This will be sent to the State and we will receive some of the funds back from the State. The Board of Education adopted a Canine Sniffing Policy for the High School.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (August, 2006)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Division Report. DUI activity is ahead of last year’s pace. Under the Safe School Traffic Initiative, 70 written tickets were issued, and 70 infractions, mostly for cell phone usage. DUI Checkpoint will be conducted this month.


Application for Village District, Special Exception & Site Development Plan for 33 Church Hill Road. Jim Bubaris, traffic engineer from Bubaris Associates discussed his traffic report. Chairman Mattegat said the report noted three accidents between 2001-2004 but later in the report a total of 19 accidents were listed. Mr. Bubaris said that 3 was a mistake. Chairman Mattegat asked why 28 Church Hill Road was included in the study. Mr. Bubaris said that he did the study for that address also and extended that study to the east for 33 Church Hill Road. Chairman Mattegat noted that this site will be near a school and a shopping center. Mr. Bubaris said that there will be no change in the levels of service for the roads in this area. He said that the trips should be staggered. There is a 3,500 square foot building and a 6,500 square foot building will be added. Raffie Aryeh, one of the owners of the building, addressed the Commission and said there are now 40 employees and that the trips will be staggered. Commissioner Simon moved  to accept the proposal for 33 Church Hill Road as presented tonight. Second by Commissioner Giannini who said that we need to revisit the traffic again in the future. Commissioner Simon withdrew his motion and Commissioner Giannini withdrew his second. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the proposal for 33 Church Hill Road as presented tonight with the addendum that the Commission revisit the traffic issues in one year. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried. John Madzula, The Boulevard, is Mr. Aryeh’s architect. He asked if the addendum concerning revisiting the traffic issues will affect this development and any others in the future on Church Hill Road. The Commission explained that this development will not be affected and that they were referring to an internal review by the Commission in one year.


No parking areas and parking stalls on Church Hill Road Sandy Hook Streetscape Project. The Commission is concerned that people turning right on red at Glen Road will queue up Church Hill Road if parking is allowed near Glen Road. Chief Kehoe said that the traffic island and the lower crosswalk as shown on the original plans were removed. Attorney Bill Denlinger addressed the Commission and said that the Town wanted to improve the appearance of the east side of Church Hill Road and removed five parking spots. He said that the Town got variances to allow less parking in the back of the buildings. He asked that the Commission only remove as many parking spots as is necessary. Commissioner Simon moved to eliminate up to five parking spaces on the east side of Church Hill Road and request that the State put up appropriate signage as indicated on the map reviewed by the Commission tonight, including signage on the bridge. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Application by Tom Brook LLC, 75-77 Church Hill Road. Attorney Bill Denlinger and owner Gordon Anderson explained that there are already two curb cuts. The proposal is for a two story 6,600 square foot building with commercial on the first floor and offices on the second floor. He said that the DOT wants the curb to extend to the east catch basin and also requested that the driveway radii be shown. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the plan for 75-77 Church Hill Road as submitted, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Letter from Diane Warner concerning Castle Hill Road near King Street. Chief Kehoe said that 16 of the 19 accidents during the last three years happened when the road was wet. Chief Kehoe spoke with Public Works Director Fred Hurley and they both agree this is an engineering issue. The road curves down and to the right near King Street. He said that additional signage and flashing lights could be placed. The Police and Public Works Departments will work on a strategy. Commissioner Simon moved that additional signage be added in conjunction with the Department of Public Works. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Letter from Richard and Barbara Parks of Shut Road regarding decrease of speed limit from 25 to 15 MPH. Chief Kehoe noted that under state statutes the speed limit cannot be reduced to less than 25 MPH. Commissioner Simon moved that the speed limit not be reduced from 25 MPH. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Letter from Eileen Barchi regarding stop signs at Old Green and Valley Field Road South. Chief Kehoe said that Lt. Mooney studied the area and noted that the sight line is obscured by an entire tree line. Commissioner Giannini moved to install two new stop signs in both directions at Old Green and Valley Field Road South Roads according to MUTCD guidelines. Second by Commission Simon and unanimously carried.

Letter from Jean Sander regarding excessive motorcycle noise on Walnut Tree Hill Road. Chief Kehoe said that enforcement action was taken last year and again this year and will be done before the end of the motorcycle season. Infractions issued indicate “inspection required” which means that the vehicle must be presented to DMV for inspection to be sure that there are no illegal items on the vehicle.

Resignation of PPO Chris Chesser. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the resignation of PPO Chesser  effective August 14, 2006. Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Conditional offers of employment. Commissioner Giannini moved to make conditional offers of employment to Michael Dunn, Andrew Shutt and Louis Milano. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Police Officer written examination. Commissioner Giannini moved to conducting a new Police Officer written examination on October 7, 2006 and to assign the National Police Testing Service to conduct the examination. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Commissioner’s Participation (next agenda).  Commissioner Simon suggested that the necessity for the two stop signs on Castle Hill Road at Taunton Lake Road be reviewed. Chief Kehoe will review records to determine when they were approved.

Executive Session.  Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at  9:25 p.m. to update pending civil actions and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commission Giannini and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk