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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, November 1, 2005 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: C. Mattegat, G. Finnegan,  R. Simon,  D. Giannini.  ABSENT: R. Connor.  ALSO PRESENT: Chief Kehoe,  Captain Rios, Animal Control Officer Gerri Breyan, Attorney Robert Hall, two members of public, one member of press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Attorney Robert Hall, 43 Main Street, represents Toll Brothers in the application for Oakview Road. He presented a letter previously given to Planning and Zoning (A).He said that three alternates were presented to Planning and Zoning (P&Z) for the access to the site and that P&Z preferred Alternate A. (Attachment B). This alternate includes signage for Stop, Do Not Enter, One Way, No Left Turn, No Right Turn and Keep Right for the entrance and exit. Commissioner Simon moved to accept Alternate A, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.


No thru truck request for Obtuse Road South. Maureen and Al Wilhelm, Obtuse Road, asked for the results of the traffic study. Chief Kehoe said that the study shows that Obtuse Road is used as a cut through between Route 25 and Route 133,  including approximately 100 trucks per day that are Class 5, small panel trucks. Chief Kehoe contacted the Brookfield Chief of Police to ask if he would agree to asking the State DOT to designate Obtuse Road as a No Thru Trucks Road. The Brookfield chief would like to see our data before he makes a decision. Commissioner Finnegan is concerned that traffic diverted from Obtuse Road would then go to Obtuse Rocks Road in Brookfield, then to Dinglebrook and Hanover Roads in Newtown. He said that all three roads should be studied. Captain Rios said that the State statute indicate that an acceptable route must be available for this traffic. Chief Kehoe said that the DOT would review the impact on surrounding roads. Commissioner Simon recommends that Obtuse Road be designated as a No Thru Truck Road, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried. Mrs. Wilhelm asked if the speed of vehicles in the traffic study was determined. Chief Kehoe said that the average speed of vehicles going one way was  44 MPH for cars and 36 MPH for trucks.

MINUTES. The minutes and addendum of the regular meeting of October 4, 2005 were unanimously accepted as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (October, 2005). Overtime is within the monthly budget. Budget balances and GL balances are not remarkable. Chief Kehoe  said that Baro is an exceptional dog. He found a missing lady yesterday in ten minutes. Credit to Officer Stinson. Fleet. Two of the three new cars are on the road and the third will be ready next week.  Personnel. A quarterly report was received for the new hire is at the Academy. Names of probationary officers need to be sent to the Academy by December 16. There were several  letter of appreciation. Parking deck will be finished by the end of the month. Sergeant’s written test will be given on November 5 to four officers.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (October, 2005) included monthly calls for service, motor vehicle activity, DUI activity and detective division analysis reports. Evaluations should be completed in January. Bi-annual inspections will be done. Audit by the State Police Officers Training Council results were great and we surpassed expectations. Lt. Sinko and Kim Moffatt are to be commended.


Municipal Animal Control Officer and procedures. Officer Breyan  distributed her application form as well as application forms from other municipalities (Attachment C). She said that her goal is to find a permanent home. She said that questions that she asks the applicant depend on which dog they want to adopt; she considers if there are allergies in the home, age of children, are there invalids in the home, is the dog calm or lively. Commissioner Finnegan asked if the time she spends on the application process takes away from her availability to the public to which she replied that does home business on her own time. Chairman Mattegat is concerned about people who have said that they have not had calls returned. Officer Breyan said that without names she cannot research this. Commissioner Giannini suggested that the phone message pads have carbons for a record of the calls. Commissioner Giannini would like to see a year to year comparison of dogs who were adopted and how many dogs were returned and why. Chief Kehoe said that Sgt. Cole is the liaison with the Dog Pound and suggested that Officer Breyan advise Sgt. Cole if she is overwhelmed with work.

Queen Street corridor issues. Chief Kehoe said that the First Selectman is forming a Traffic Calming Committee and Chairman Mattegat will be a member. Joe Kasper reported to Chief Kehoe that the traffic control light at the Village Shopping Center is compatible to stop all traffic but needs new stanchions. Mr. Kasper feels that the light at Church Hill and Queen is the same. Mr. Kasper will submit a work order to the State Traffic Commission for a No Turn on Red sign.

A meeting was held with Chairman Mattegat, Commissioner Simon, Chief Kehoe, Bob Geckle, Superintendent Dr. Pitkoff, Director of Transportation Tony DiLonardo and Director of Business Ron Bienkowski about the route the buses take between Reed School and the Middle School. The Board of Ed gave the Police a memo at the beginning of the meeting saying that they could not do anything and Mr. DiLonardo disputes the number of buses that Mr. Geckle said travels on Queen Street. Commissioner Simon said that nothing has changed in the last year. He said that the buses may consider using Route 25 from the Middle School if the light at Wasserman Way has an arrow for left turns. Representative Wasserman will talk to DOT about this arrow. Chief Kehoe will follow up with the Director of Public Works on the State project for the signal at Routes 25 and Glover Avenue.

Chief Kehoe will research whether Queen Street south could be designated as No Left Turn at certain times of the day and whether this is warranted. Bus drivers who stop on Wasserman Way to allow buses to exit Queen Street south will be given infractions.

Commissioner Finnegan moved that a letter be sent to the Board of Education stating that the Police Commission is concerned with the school buses on Queen Street unnecessarily endangering the children walking on the road, especially in inclement conditions. Second by Commissioner Simon. Commissioner Simon moved to amend to add that there is no reason for the buses to return from the Reed School to the Middle School on Queen Street. Amendment was seconded by Commissioner Finnegan. Amendment and main motion were unanimously carried.


Request for funds from GL 187 for Personal Protection Equipment. Chief Kehoe  explained that $800 is requested for outer shells (carriers) for the officers to wear on raids. Commissioner Simon moved to approve expending $800 from GL 187 for the purchase of outer shells (carriers). Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Leave of absence request for Officer Lou Ferreira. Commissioner Connor moved to revise the date to begin a one year leave of absence for Officer Lou Ferreira to November 4, 2005, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Meeting Dates for 2006. Commissioner Simon moved to approve the meeting dates for 2006 as indicated in Attachment D, second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Conditional offers of employment to candidates for Probationary Police Officer. Commissioner Simon moved to make conditional offers of employment to Douglas Summa, Christopher Zentek, Kathleen Gelineau, Shawn Torpey, Anthony Macri and Brian McPadden, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Secondary Employment requests. Commissioner Giannini moved to approve a request for secondary employment for Sgt. Vanghele and to renew the approval for secondary employment for Lt. Sinko, second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Policy Mark 1 Nerve Agent Antidote Kit (New #10-9). Commissioner Simon moved to adopt Policy Mark 1 Nerve Agent Antidote Kit (New #10-9). Second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.


Meeting date for budget for FY 2006-2007 will be on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 a5 5:00 p.m.

Chief Kehoe reported that a seminar by the Police Commission Association of Connecticut for evaluating Chiefs of Police will be held at WestConn Westside Campus on Saturday, November 19, 2005 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Room 208.

EXECUTIVE SESSION. Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 9:23 p.m. to discuss police union contract negotiations and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk