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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, September 6, 2005 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: C. Mattegat, G. Finnegan,  R. Simon,  D. Giannini and R. Connor.  ALSO PRESENT: Chief Kehoe,  Captain Rios, five members of public.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Bob Geckle, 35 Queen Street, counted 47 buses last Friday afternoon on Queen Street. He implored the Police Commission to meet with the Board of Education and ask for a compromise. Chairman Mattegat and Chief Kehoe will meet with the Schools Director of Transportation and Superintendent. Mr. Geckle said that signs for speed limit and slow school children are still missing. He presented newspaper articles about Redding’s use of radar for similar issues as well as a draft of the RFP for the HVCEO study south of Queen Street. Next Tuesday at 10:30 there will be a meeting in the First Selectman’s office at which pedestrian safety will be discussed. Chairman Mattegat will attend.

Maureen and Al Wilhelm, Obtuse Road, request that Obtuse Road be designated as “No Through Trucks.” Mrs. Wilhelm said there is a tremendous volume of traffic including trucks which are noisy and dangerous on a narrow winding road. Chief Kehoe will have traffic counters record the type and speed of traffic and will report to the Commission next month. Commissioner Connor requested that Tower Road have counters also. The Wilhelms were invited to attend the next meeting. Chief Kehoe said that the State has the ultimate authority on no through truck designations.


Toll Brothers Oakview Road Application (Attachments A & B). Michael Gallante, traffic engineer from Frederick Clarke Associates said that the traffic study that was done earlier in the year showed 13-17 trips during peak hours from the 54 units. Mr. Hall said that the Town Engineer, Mr. Bolmer, would not approve the original concept that would encourage people leaving the complex to turn left towards Berkshire because he said that if someone turned right they would be in the opposite travel lane and that the proposal did not meet regulations. Mr. Bolmer recommended the concept with a straight entrance and exit with signage for No Left Turn and No Right Turn. There will be an emergency access for all emergency vehicles. Chief Kehoe said one solution may be to improve the whole road to make the road safer. Mr. Gallante said that improving the road will probably increase speed and volume. Commissioner Simon moved to recommend the Toll Brothers’ first plan as presented to the Police Commission in November, 2004. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

MINUTES. The minutes and addendum of the regular meeting of August 2, 2005 were unanimously accepted as presented.


Overtime is within the monthly budget. Budget balances were not available but are unremarkable. GL balances are not remarkable but GL 181 and 187 will be discussed later. Fleet. Two vehicles need to be set up and three patrol cars should be delivered in 10 days.  Personnel. The new hire started August 1 at the academy. Training is not remarkable. There were several  letters of appreciation. Parking deck is ongoing and should be completed by the end of the month. We will participate in the Newtown Health Fair. Hawley School made a donation after a canine demonstration. Church Hill traffic issues. The State will not change the speed limit and plans to install the crosswalk at Dayton Street. The State recommends heavy signage at that crosswalk. Chief Kehoe said that stanchions could be placed in the middle of the road at both crosswalks. Captain Rios does not see a reason for a crosswalk at Dayton Street. Mutual aid to Redding  (private duty) is planned for Redding’s underground electrical project. Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios will attend the IACP Conference in Miami.
CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (August, 2005) included monthly calls for service, motor vehicle activity, DUI activity and detective division analysis reports. Motorcycle Target Enforcement will be stepped up in certain areas of town this month. The check point on August 7  at Trades Lane and Wasserman Way resulted in five arrests. Five hundred vehicles went through; there were many seatbelt and equipment violations. Captain Rios is updating the Five Year Strategic Plan. He is also distributing an internal survey and a survey to residents. He asked the Commission for their input or suggestions.


Hanover Heights application for an eight lot subdivision. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the application for Hanover Heights subdivision as presented, second by Commission Connor and unanimously carried.

50 South Main Street application for an office and retail building. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the application for 50 South Main Street as presented, second by Commission Connor and unanimously carried.

224 South Main Street application for an office and retail building. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the application for 224 South Main Street as presented, second by Commission Connor and unanimously carried.

Old Mill Road no parking signs. Lt. Mooney recommends the signs be placed. People park and go fishing. Chief Kehoe said that a pull off area for parking is being considered. Commissioner Simon moved that no parking signs be placed on Old Mill Road, second by Commission Connor and unanimously carried.

71 Church Hill Road (5-K) application for a change of zone for a storage building. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the application for 71 Church Hill Road for a change of zone as presented, second by Commission Connor and unanimously carried.

1 Wire Road (American Wire) application for change of zone. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the application for American Wire for a change of zone as presented, second by Commission Connor and unanimously carried.

Safety issues at the Flagpole. The flagpole is a national monument and cannot be removed. The matter will be tabled.


Request for funds from GL 187 for canine needs. Officer Stinson requests an additional $2,500 for training, equipment, veterinary visits and miscellaneous expenses for Officer Baro. Commissioner Connor moved to approve expenditure of $2,500 from GL 187 for training, equipment, veterinary visits and miscellaneous expenses for Officer Baro,  second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Request for funds from GL 181 and GL 187 for DARE expenses. Officer Schubert has requested $2,310 from GL 181 for upgrade and maintenance of the DARE car and $3,000 from GL 187 for DARE education. Commissioner Simon moved to approve expending $2,310 from GL 181 for upgrade and maintenance of the DARE car and $3,000 from GL 187 for DARE education. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Policy and Procedure Role of the Supervisor (New #1-21) Commissioner Simon moved to adopt Policy and Procedure Role of the Supervisor (New #1-21), second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Policy and Procedure NECC/Voice Recordings (Revised #2-0) Commissioner Simon moved to adopt Policy and Procedure NECC/Voice Recordings (Revised #2-0) , second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Finnegan attended  seat belt installation instruction and said that Officers and Hull were very professional.

Commissioner Finnegan said that Bill Honan told him that he asked for police presence to direct traffic at a wake and was told none could be provided. Chief Kehoe said that if an officer is needed for 10-15 minutes usually one can be provided but not for an extended period of time. Captain Rios said that the original message he received was that Mr. Honan wanted an officer for an extended period but later Mr. Honan said he only wanted an officer for a few minutes.


EXECUTIVE SESSION. Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 9:15 p.m. to discuss police union contract negotiations and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk