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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: C. Mattegat, G. Finnegan, R. Connor, and R. Simon ABSENT: D. Giannini. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Kehoe, Acting Captain Mooney, five members of public, one member of press.

It is noted that the agenda was not filed with the Town Clerk at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting so no action was taken on matters of interest to the public.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Bob Geckle, 35 Queen Street updated the Commission concerning his letter of February 14 to his neighbors concerning traffic issues. He has noted a lower level of speeding with the increased radar on Queen Street and other roads. He has followed up with the Director of Public Works about restriping the road. Mr. Geckle said that the signs still have to be placed. Acting Captain Mooney said that the signs were placed but are not as large as those requested; he said the size is appropriate for Queen Street; the larger signs are used on interstate highways. Mr. Geckle said that the Board of Ed and the Police Commission had two meetings but though some buses were rerouted from Queen Street others were not. Mr. Geckle wrote a letter to area businesses about trucks using Queen Street and has noted a 50% improvement with the truck traffic. Mr. Geckle said that there are plans to create new entrances and exits at the Grand Union area. Chief Kehoe said that the plans to upgrade the traffic light at Church Hill Road and Queen Street have been put off by the state for another year. Mr. Geckle said that HVCEO will put funds for the traffic study for Queen Street south in their budget this July. Chief Kehoe said it is not know whether roads north of Church Hill Road will be included in the study. Mr. Geckle distributed photos of his mailbox post which had been knocked down; he said that could have been a child and that speed and volume are a concern. He said that Officer Robinson was superb and apprehended the individual right away.

Alan Hankin, 48 Mt. Pleasant Road, spoke about the Hunter Ridge proposed subdivision. He said that Dakota Road  would exit on Mt. Pleasant where there would be a sight line of 465 feet towards Bethel and he said that state guidelines call for 560 feet. He said that the developer is willing to move the road 60 feet towards the pond. He and his wife support this from a safety perspective. He requests that the Police Commission support this. Acting Captain Mooney noted that headlights from the road would then shine between the Hankins’ house and their neighbors. Mr. Hankin agreed and said  that with the present proposal the headlights would shine in his house.

MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 2, 2005 were unanimously accepted as presented.


Overtime is in good shape as are Budget and GL balances. Fleet we are ordering new cars as we usually do at the end of the year.. Personnel  oral exam were given on May 10. Remainder of testing will be in July with a plan to hire in mid to the end of July. Officer Steve Ketchum has been chosen as the Fire Hazard Investigation Officer. There was much Training   in May in anticipation of vacations. There were several letters of appreciation. Sgt. Vanghele is commended for the Citizens Police Academy.   Parking deck is ongoing. There was a station meeting on May 17 which was attended by all but Captain Rios who will graduate this week. Click it and Ticket campaign is ongoing.
CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (MAY, 2005) was presented by Chief Kehoe.

Monthly calls for service, motor vehicle activity, DUI activity and detective division analysis reports were included. The Expanded DUI Grant will continue for the summer. Information on the pedestrian crossing on Main Street was forwarded to the Public Works Department for them to draw up a plan. DARE graduated 465 students. The stipend from the Statewide Narcotics Task Force will not be coming as the funds have run out. Our officer will still continue in the program, however. For the Lake Zoar Patrol, the towns of Newtown, Monroe, Southbury and Oxford have agreed to have their officers man the boats. Garner has offered to put in place a prison notification system to call those who submit an application to be on the call list. Chairman Mattegat wants the residents of Nunnawauk Meadows to be assured of their safety. Chief Kehoe said that they are advised of any training exercises and that an officer would be posted there if there is an event.


Hunter Ridge subdivision proposal.  Chief Kehoe will send a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission with a cc to the Conservation Commission that the Police Commission supports the developer’s recommendation to move the road 60 feet toward the pond.

Worldwide Properties (old Newtown Manufacturing Company.)  Attorney Robert Hall and Worldwide Properties principal Joseph Voll explained the revised plans. The driveway would be straight across from Stop&Shop’s driveway and the present driveways would be closed off. The bank would be cut out and regarded with gravel. Mr. Voll said that the State DOT told him there would probably be another traffic light placed in the area of the adjoining six acres which he plans to purchase and soon develop. There is now a 450 foot sight line for this application. There was discussion about moving the driveway to obtain a better line of sight. Acting Captain Mooney noted that the State  will have to approve curb cuts and that the STC will utilize a traffic engineer to review the sight lines.


Request for secondary employment for Officer Jeff Silver will be tabled until the July 5 meeting.

Reduction of speed limit on Church Hill Road for the Sandy Hook Streetscape Project. Chief Kehoe recommends the reduction in speed in order to slow traffic in view of the fact that there will be a pedestrian crossing near Dayton Street. The Commission agrees. Chief Kehoe will send a letter to the First Selectman indicating that the Police Commission supports this reduction in the speed limit with appropriate signage. A vote is tabled until the July 5 meeting.

Speed humps for town road..  Acting Captain Mooney distributed information on speed humps. He feels that the Town would need a consultant on staff or a traffic engineer to correctly determine the guidelines for using speed humps. He also feels that speed humps is a Public Works project . Chairman Mattegat said that perhaps Queen Street south could be used as a test case and that First Selectman should be involved. He will be invited to attend the July 5 meeting.  Chairman Mattegat said that an ordinance would be needed. Chief Kehoe said that perhaps an addendum to the Newtown Road Ordinance would suffice.

Encumbering of FY 04-05 funds. Chairman Mattegat said that action could be taken on the encumbrances because they are not of interest to the public. Commissioner Simon moved to approve encumbering funds in account 01310 totaling  $101,615.77 and in account 01315 totaling $65,000. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.


EXECUTIVE SESSION. Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 8:52 p.m. to discuss police union contract negotiations  and to invite Chief Kehoe and Acting Captain Mooney to attend, second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk