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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: C. Mattegat, G. Finnegan, R. Connor, and R. Simon, D. Giannini. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Kehoe, Acting Captain Mooney, Officers Schubert, Stinson (8:30) and McGowan (8:30), one member of press.


MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 12, 2005 were unanimously accepted as presented.


Overtime is in good shape. Budget and GL balances and Fleet are status quo. Personnel  Cooper test was given on April 23.and the written exam will be on May 10.  Training Two Newtown officers attended the Fairfield County Detective School for two weeks. Officer Rich Robinson was #1 in the entire class.  There were two letters of appreciation for Officer Stinson and Sgt. Vanghele.  Parking deck is in the early stages.    
There will be a station meeting on May 17 at Kendro. There has been good feedback about the Citizens Police Academy. Kudos to Officer Ketchum for the mock DUI crash at the High School.


Monthly calls for service, motor vehicle activity, DUI activity and detective division analysis reports were included. Officers Hull, Stinson and Baro are commended for their drug arrest.


Traffic study for roads north of Church Hill Road. Chief Kehoe said that residents have sent a letter to First Selectman Rosenthal asking that the traffic study for Queen Street be expanded to include the areas north of Church Hill Road in addition to Queen Street . Chief Kehoe does not feel that there are funds available for this at this time but that this may be considered down the road.

Chief Kehoe met with the Board of Education Transportation Director who said that he is not making any changes to the bus routes at this time.

Chairman Mattegat asked if lines are going to be painted on Queen Street to visually narrow the travel area to slow traffic. Chief Kehoe will review the Newtown Road Ordinance to be sure that this would not be in conflict with the Ordinance. He also said that the road will be milled and repaved probably in the next year.

Retirement of Sgt. Henry Stormer. Commissioner Connor moved to accept Sgt. Stormer’s letter of retirement, second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Hunter Ridge subdivision proposal. The curb cut will be reviewed. It may be a problem because of traffic. The area of the curb cut may be limited because of the pond.. Traffic leaving the subdivision may not be able to see down the hill from the curb cut.  Lt. Mooney will review the site and report to the Commission at its June 7 meeting. The Commission will request that Planning and Zoning continue the public hearing scheduled for May 19 to receive comments from the Police Commission.

Worldwide Properties (old Newtown Manufacturing Company.)  There is a proposal for a shopping center containing a bank, restaurant, commercial and retail. The proposal includes one driveway that is two ways and one driveway for exit only. The Commission is concerned about the sight lines. The developer will be asked to attend the next meeting on June 7. The Commission will provide comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission after that meeting.

DARE Program expenses.    Officer Schubert explained that there are additional  DARE expenses, including vehicle maintenance, tires and restriping as well as sweatshirts and tee shirts. Commissioner Connor moved to approve the expenditure of $7,600 from GL 187 to finance DARE expenses for 2005-2006. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried. Officer Schubert invited the Commission to attend the DARE culminations on June 1 and June 2 at 7:00 p.m. at Reed Intermediate School..

Chief Kehoe noted that the Citizens Police Academy will graduate on May 31.

Revision of Policies. Commissioner Connor moved to adopt  Policy Field Training Officer Policy (Revised #3-1). Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried. Commissioner Simon moved to adopt Response to Disturbance and/or Escapes at DOC Facilities (Revised #8-12). Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

At this time Officers Stinson and Baro joined the meeting. Officer Stinson said that an officer can search a vehicle at a traffic stop if the canine officer senses drugs. Officer Baro is certified in narcotic searches for cocaine, crack, marijuana and heroin. He will be certified in searches for additional drugs. Officer Stinson would like to purchase a kit to eliminate drugs from Officer Baro’s system should he accidentally ingest drugs. He is also certified in tracking and can track up to 8-10 hour old tracks. He is certified in article and building searches. The High School security officer has asked that he conduct a luggage search before a trip to Canada. Officer Baro is trained in bark and hold. Officer McGowan participated in a demonstration. Officer Baro located two drug packets that Officer Stinson had hidden. A Southbury couple donated $2,000 for a vest


Chairman Mattegat inquired about the streetlight at Walnut Tree Village. Acting Captain Mooney is trying to determine who is the owner of the light.

COMMISSIONERS’ PARTICIPATION (NEXT AGENDA). Chief Kehoe said that encumbrances will be discussed at the next meeting.

EXECUTIVE SESSION. Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 8:50 p.m. to discuss police union contract negotiations and interview for Police Sergeant and to invite Chief Kehoe and Acting Captain Mooney to attend, second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk