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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, March 1, 2005 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: C. Mattegat, G. Finnegan, R. Connor, and R. Simon. ABSENT: D. Giannini. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Kehoe, Captain Rios, twelve members of public, one member of press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Mark Principi, 12 Schoolhouse Hill Road, said there were three accidents recently on his property. He and his wife have petitioned most of the residents of Schoolhouse Hill and Wendover Roads and The Boulevard. They are proposing a stop sign at Wendover and The Boulevard and perhaps speed bumps. Captain Rios said the speed trailer has been used recently on The Boulevard. Rick LaBash, 16 Wendover Road, supports the Principi’s in their efforts to bring awareness to this problem and supports the early stages of this 6-12month campaign to get people involved. Victor Krochia, 8 The Boulevard, asked that speed bumps be considered for 8-9 months of the year when the roads do not have to be plowed. He also suggested experimenting with one or two roads by putting up signs. Chief Kehoe said that the entities involved would be the Police Commission, Board of Selectmen, Legislative Council, Borough, Land Use and State Traffic Commission. He has discussed this matter with Lt. Mooney. Chief Kehoe said that education is the first effort pursued, including the traffic trailer. He said that this is a town wide problem and we have limited resources to calm traffic. We have patrols that are just for traffic control issues. He said that  stop signs should not be placed to control speed because it gives a false sense of security. He said that all the major town entities agreed that speed bumps would not be useful in our community. He recommends that a traffic study be done soon. If the HVCEO study of Queen Street that is being done is successful, this could be used in other areas. Captain Rios said that we have limited resources and he will ask the patrol supervisors to increase their presence on Schoolhouse Hill Road,  Wendover Road and The Boulevard. Commissioner Finnegan asked that residents advise the Commission of the traffic patterns such as times. Chairman Mattegat said that people often walk two abreast on Schoolhouse Hill Road. Victor Krochia said he hopes all can be accomplished soon. Chief Kehoe said that re-engineering and traffic calming can take years to fund and put into place. The short term education and enforcement will be done as within our manpower.

MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 1, 2005 will be amended to note “February 1” not “January 4” and were unanimously accepted as amended.


Overtime is in good shape. Budget and GL balances and Fleet are status quo. Personnel written exam will be on April 2 and Cooper test on April 23. The two probationary officers are doing an excellent job in Phase 3.  Training has been in house, including HAZMAT.  There were several letters of appreciation. Parking deck status quo until the spring.  Canine officer training is in the second week. Grants update a Memorial Day grant has come in for 120 hours of DUI enforcement. Sgt. Vanghele is applying for a grant to combat underage drinking. Traffic issues Chief Kehoe met with the Board of Education Department of Transportation and T.P. Properties, developers of Plaza South. The new administrative assistant is Kim Moffat. Annual statistical data was presented to the Commission.


Monthly calls for service, motor vehicle activity, DUI activity and detective division analysis reports were included. Connecticut Department of Metal Health and Addiction sent an underage person to 23 businesses, one of which served alcohol to the minor. We would like to continue this program. The uniform committee met to plan for the Department’s future needs. The Commission is invited to provide input.


School bus crossing sign and reduction of speed at Cold Spring Road and Route 25. Ward Mazzucco, attorney representing T.P. Properties (Plaza South) presented a letter dated February 16, 2005 addressed to the Planning and Zoning Commission (A). Mark Davis, Tighe & Bond, traffic engineer, is proposing a flashing speed reduction sign in a school zone. The town would be responsible for operating the flashing of the sign. Mr. Mazzucco said that T.P. Properties would be willing to help with the expense of expanding Cold Spring Road. Mr. Davis said that the STC said that the traffic lights at Meadowbrook and Buttonshop Roads would be too far apart to synchronize.

Elimination of climbing lane at Cold Spring Road and Route 25. The Board does not feel that this lane should be eliminated.

Chief Kehoe said that light at Buttonshop Road would be tripped not cycled. The Commission will ask the State DOT that the light be cycled.

Mary Curran, 41 Cold Spring Road requested that the State be asked to install a traffic signal at Cold Spring Road and Route 25. Mr. Davis said that recently the STC said that this intersection does not meet the warrants for a signal. Chief Kehoe said that the town would have to pay for the signal and to re-engineer the road.

Peter Vidola, 9 Meadow Woods Road, asked if speeds are being taken into consideration.

Commissioner Finnegan moved to recommend a reduction in speed north and south at Cold Spring Road and Route 25 with a speed reduction sign to blink at designated school bus times, second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Finnegan moved to recommend locating bus crossing signs both north and south at Cold Spring Road and Route 25. to blink at designated school bus times. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.
There was no motion to eliminate the truck climbing lane at Route 25 and Cold Spring Road.

Traffic light at Grays Plain Road, Bennetts Bridge Road and Route 34 will be tabled because Chief Kehoe has not yet received a formal investigative report from the State Traffic Commission.


Crosswalk Designs for Church Hill Road and Queen Street were reviewed. There are no plans for sidewalks at this time. The Commission feels that  for safety reasons sidewalks are needed so children can  safely walk from the Middle School to St. Rose and for pedestrians  safely to walk to the businesses in the areas. They also feel that sidewalks  should be considered for this area before sidewalks  are built in Sandy Hook Center as has been proposed. Ms. Stocker, Director of Community Development, will be asked  to see if there are federal funds available for sidewalks in the Queen Street area.

Commissioner Finnegan moved to approve a new crosswalk and to enhance the existing crosswalks and pedestrian stanchions as indicated in Figure 2 of the Queen Street Traffic Study, second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Connor moved to adopt Policy and Procedure Motor Vehicle Searches (Revised #7-9), second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Connor moved to adopt Policy and Procedure Photographic Identification Kit (Revised #2-5), second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

The meeting scheduled for April 5, 2005 will be cancelled and a special meeting will he scheduled for April 12, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.

EXECUTIVE SESSION. Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 9:10 p.m. to discuss police union contract negotiations and Fairfield Hills security and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend, second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Addendum to minutes of Board of Police Commissioners held on Tuesday, March 1, 2005.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk

Addendum to minutes of Board of Police Commissioners held on Tuesday, March 1, 2005.


Commissioner Simon moved to establish a Town of Newtown Canine Fund, second by Commissioner Finnegan and unanimously carried.