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Minutes of Long Range Strategic Planning Committee – Monday, November 26

Call to order at 7:10pm

Attendance:  Peter Marshall, Geoff Dent, Kathy Fetchick, Anna Wiedemann, Gerry Robilotti, Michael Floros, Julia Wasserman

Public Comments:  None

Acceptance of Minutes: Motion to accept minutes made by Anna, 2nd by Gerry, passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business:

1.      The Selectman’s expectation is that we present a process to create and update a long range strategic plan.  They have no preconceived notion of what the plan should look like.

New Business:  
·       Reviewed handout of example process – see document “Process Example Nov 26.doc” (author K. Fetchick)

·       Discussed “High Level Goal Topics” common to many plans which also apply specifically to Newtown – see document “Highlights.doc” (author G. Robilotti) Below are the top items:
o       Land Use
o       Economic Development
o       Environmental Quality
o       Education
o       Demographics
o       Public Safety
o       Finances
o       Human Services
o       Public Works
o       Government
o       Shopping
o       Library
o       Cultural Life
o       Technology Utilization (ex alternate energy, hybrid cars..)
o       Health
o       Historical/Ascetic Preservation

·       Discussed the following topics
o       What determines the time period of a long-range plan?
Suggestion that the length may be 20 years with a reviews every 2 years and replanning to begin again after 5 or 10 years (extend timeline and re-examine goals).

o       How do we get public input?
Public hearings, phone surveys – consensus on the need to gather truly random input.

o       Who are the stakeholders?
Business leaders, youth representation, senior representation…

o       There needs to be guidelines for a feedback loop.

o       There needs to be a periodic review of the document.  Are the goals still relevant?  The document needs to be a “living document”.

o        Action steps need to have an associated measure of success and timeline.

o       Need to have a mechanism in place which ensures that the plan is being followed and that progress is being made.

o       Need to have buy-in from the Board of Education and the Superintendent of schools.

·       Next steps –
1.      Draft a concept vision/mission statement.  In the final version, the vision/mission statement will need to be presented to the public for feedback.  This statement should try to balance the needs of the stakeholders.

2.      Check plan of Conservation and Development on line.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 17th at 7:30 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55pm.


G. Robilotti

HIGHLIGHTS  (extracted from various Town Planning Documents)

1.      Land Use
a.      Open Space
b.      Zoning – and changes required?
c.      Single Family – Multiple Family (Inclusionary Housing?)
d.      Senior Housing – sub-acute facilities
e.      Industrial
f.      Recreations/Parks/Athletic

2.      Economic Development
a.      Business Development
b.      Tax Base
i.      Commercial – Residential

3.      Environmental Quality
a.      Air
b.      Water
c.      Wells/Pollution
d.      Municipal Water – waste, septic
e.      Establish greening of Parking lots, schoolyards
f.      Energy usage
g.      Signage?

4.      Education
a.      Long Range Plans
b.      Facilities/Budget
c.      Capital Projects
d.      Demographic of school-age population

5.      Demographics
a.      Town
b.      Aging Population
c.      Health Care Needs?

6.      Public Safety
a.      Police
b.      Fire
c.      Animal Control
d.      Ambulance/Emergency Response
e.      Emergency Preparedness

7.      Finances
a.      Budget
i.      Operating
ii.     Capital
b.      Bonding
c.      Tax base (Mill rate)

8.      Human Services
a.      Town Employment
b.      Education Employment
c.      Identify Social Service needs

9.       Public Works
a.      Facilities (utilities)
b.      Budget
c.      Services
d.      Condition of Town Roads/Bridges/Intersections
e.      Street Lighting
f.      Sidewalks

10.     Government
a.      Bylaws
b.      Charter- revisions?
c.      Facilities – location
d.      Representation
e.      Commissions/Agencies

11.     Shopping
a.      Available services
b.      Shopping Centers, etc.

12.     Library/Information Resources –

13.  Cultural Life
a.      Recreational
b.      Co-op with Not For Profit
c.      Groups and Tours
d.      Joint Sponsorships