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Minutes of Long Range Strategic Planning Committee – Monday, December 17

Call to order at 7:35pm

Attendance:  Peter Marshall, Geoff Dent, Kathy Fetchick, Anna Wiedemann, Gerry Robilotti, Michael Floros
Absent: Julia Wasserman
Public: Guy Howard

Public Comments: Guy Howard thought we were moving in the right direction.~ He advised we might want to check Statute #126 for more insight into how the BOE operates and what the town should expect from them.~

Acceptance of Minutes: Motion to accept minutes made by Michael, 2nd by Gerry, passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business:  None

New Business:  
·       Check website to view Planning and Conservation site and read their mission statement.~ It says what we are looking to work towards.~ Kathy collected vision statements from committee members.~ She will work on putting something together via the internet so that we can further brainstorm and share ideas.~

Ideas were shared:
o       elicit public input
o       Provide quality education, recreation, public safety, human service (see Peter’s paragraph #2)
o       Manage growth
o       Priorities must be set (process related)

·       Kathy handed out LRSP~ handouts from the discussion hosted by the interim superintendent.~ Kathy will follow up with some more questions to~ Dr. Howard Feddema, Ed. D.~ Perhaps hold a meeting with Selectman, new superintendent to get a consensus of moving forward towards a long range plan for the entire town - invite other boards, agencies and commissions as well. See attachments “Strategic Planning Workbook-1.pdf” and “Strategic Planning Workbook-2.pdf”.

·       Next steps - Kathy will share all vision statements.~ Need to find out if each agency has a vision statement.~ Perhaps Jan can get us the information, websites to check, if the agencies do have a vision statement.  See attachment “Example Vision Statements.doc”.

·       Next steps –
1.      Create one draft a concept vision/mission statement from all the input
2.      Check plan of Conservation and Development on line.
3.      Inquire about town agency plans.
4.      Get latest demographics.
5.      Talk to Dr. Feddema about cost of consulting services.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 21st at 7:30 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30pm.


Example Vision Statement from Peter Marshall:

Draft Vision Statement for Newtown Long Range Planning

The goal of the Long Range Plan for Newtown is to establish a guide to retain and enhance those characteristics of the town and community that currently create value and quality of life for its citizens and also embrace and manage the inevitable changes and challenges in its future.
The principal characteristics we currently value include the historical heritage, rural deportment, warmth and friendliness, community spirit and involvement.  We strive for  fiscal responsibility and quality services in government, education and public safety.
Challenges for the town’s future will include inevitable growth and the ability to manage growth and a maintain balance with the core values of the community, while being cognizant of implications of changes on a statewide and neighboring community level.  Further challenges will include environmental issues, technological change, educational issues, economic development, changes in population demographics and rational financial funding.  

Planning Process:

What type of plan?      
        Short and concise:      
1.      Pros:
a.      Sets a broad agenda with summary objectives
b.      Easily understood and embraced
c.      Pushes, downward, the development of specifics
d.      Focuses on long range objectives versus operational strategies.
2.      Cons:
a.      Risk of oversimplification
b.      Insufficient specifics for adequate guidance
c.      Reliance on town administrators for detailed plans (both a plus and minus)

3.      Pros:
a.      Lays out a very specific agenda for all operations of the town.
b.      Provides detailed objectives for all principal town functions.
c.      Permits ready measurement of achievement versus goals.
d.      Permits the setting of specific priorities.

4.      Cons:
a.      Will require significant effort of coordination among town operations to agree to and provide specifics
b.      Requires a more lengthy development time
c.      Requires a more formal structure and more personnel
d.      Will this replace or augment an existing planning process

Town Selectmen and Legislative Council:

1.      Support and representation on the Long Range Plan Committee
2.      Defining the end product.
3.       Funding for studies (demographic, etc.), questionnaires and public meetings.
4.      Participation in the development of a mission and vision statement
5.      Is the engagement of qualified outside consultants possible or desirable?

Town Operating Functions:  (Participation in Long Range Plan)

1.      Board of Education
2.      Board of Finance/Administration
3.      Public Safety
4.      Planning and Zoning
5.      Economic Development
6.      Social Services

Community, Cultural and Religious Institutions:

1.      Stakeholder views on Long Range Plan.

Newtown Citizenry:

Demographic analysis
Development of questionnaire
Interview process
Analysis of results

Vision input from Geoff:

Important questions:

1.      What is the purpose of this document?
2.      Timeline-what will be done by when?
3.      What is the scope, what are the limitations?
4.      For whom is this report? Commission and committees? Board of Selectmen? The General Public?
5.      How will this document be uses?
6.      How will it be implemented?
7.      How will it be communicated?
8.      How will it be kept current and relevant?

Vision Statement:

1.      What we can become, and why?
2.      What do we want our community to look like?
3.      What time range?
4.      Alludes to the mission statement and the goals. This sets the tone for the entire document.
5.      What do we value?

For example: "The Long Range Planning Committee was called into being to elicit public input and coordinate commission and committee toward the betterment of the town of Newtown. In this we will strive to preserve the historic, cultural, educational and recreational character of the town, and build upon this foundation for the improved quality of its people in the most financially responsible manner."

Vision input from Michael:

Newtown will be a model community that will be emulated throughout New England and the Tri-State region.

Our strengths will be:

·       Community Participation in government as well as using of services Education Excellence
·       Environmental Stewardship
·       Human Services with Dignity
·       "New England village" Heritage
·       Public Safety
·       Recreational & Leisure Access and Opportunities Sustainable Economic & Residential Development

Newtown will draw on its strengths to preserve and enhance its residential, cultural and historic character while preparing for the future.

Newtown will provide quality education, recreation, public safety, human services and sustainable development.

Newtown will encourage and support commercial and industrial development that is environmentally sustainable and in harmony with our character.

Newtown will engage multiple generations to guide us into the future. (Community Center where Senior Center and Teen Center share same space - can seniors be tutors/mentors & Teens be "surrogate grand kids")

For programs goal should be best to the most not most to the best. Travel sports should not get 2-3x field/gym time that "rec"users get. Recreation & Social "groups" should be measured by increase in "unique" participation not by the same X people doing more things.

Vision input from Gerry:

Our vision is to provide residents, visitors and the business community with the highest quality municipal services and education in an efficient, courteous manner and to enhance the quality of life through planning, unity among boards and commissions and visionary leadership.

The people of Newtown are the reason we are here. We are committed to working with the community to provide ethical and responsible local government so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of living and working in Newtown.

Vision Input from Kathy:

Vision Statement

It is the expectation of Cheshire’s citizens that their Town Government will continue to provide excellent services and programs that will enhance their quality of life.
Cheshire will draw on its strengths to preserve and enhance its residential, cultural and historic character while building for the future.  Cheshire will continue to provide quality education, recreation, public safety and human services to all residents in the most financially responsible manner.  The Town of Cheshire will encourage and support commercial and industrial development that is in harmony with our Town character and is environmentally conscious.  Cheshire will continue to enjoy an excellent reputation with regard to the ability and generosity of its people, and will encourage expanded volunteer participation in government and community service.

Plan of Conservation and Development

The goal of the Town of Newtown is to protect and enhance its picturesque, rural, historic New England setting and attributes. The architecture and landscaping of all types of properties will be designed to protect the image of a rural and historic town. Over the next ten years various town agencies will work in concert to maintain a suitable variety of homes for it’s citizens taking into account varying lifestyles and economic capabilities while providing and developing equal recreational activities and facilities for everyone. We will work together as a town to promote and protect open space, farmland and trails throughout the town always maintaining an environmentally active position protecting our aquifers, wetlands and other ecologically sensitive areas. Education for Newtown’s children will continue to excel in quality and efficiency. Newtown will succeed in attracting commercial businesses at a rate equal to its growth and the design of the town’s roads and traffic patterns will enhance business development while minimizing traffic congestion for the residents.

Workbook Pages are attached to original minutes.