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Newtown Pension Committee
January 22, 2013

The Newtown Pension Committee met on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 in the lower meeting room of Town Hall South.  The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm.  

Present: Tom Murtha, Barbara Bloom, Frank Krasowski, Joe DiCandido, Dunham Smith.  

Also in attendance: Carole Ross, HR

Public participation: None
Approval of Minutes:  Minutes of September 17th were approved as submitted.
Correspondence:  None
Approval of bills:  Invoice #33070 was approved in the amount of $2262
Requests from retirees:

A discussion took place regarding the move from a Defined Benefit plan to a Defined Contribution plan.  It was decided by the board to get an updated report regarding what other municipalities are offering and to discuss this with Westport Resources prior to a meeting with the Board of Selectman.  Mrs. Ross will contact Westport to setup a date.  Union negotiations would impede progress in this area.   

Motion to adjourn: adjourned at 8:05
Carole Ross