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Newtown Pension Committee
December 14th, 2009

The Newtown Pension Committee met on Monday, December 14th, 2009 in the conference room of Town Hall South.  The meeting was called to order at 7:33pm.  

Present: Tom Murtha, Barbara Bloom, Frank Krasowski, Dunham Smith, Mark Korotash.   
Also in attendance: Carole Ross.

Approval of Minutes November 16th:  Passed as written.

Communications: Correspondence from David Leonard to be discussed.

Approval of Bills:      $8810.00 which included the second half of the Actuarial Report, the GAS-27 and the Expense Comparison report.  Motion passed.

Public Participation:   None
A discussion took place regarding the recommended contribution amount from the actuarial report for the 2010-2011 fiscal year.  A motion was made and passed to recommend to the Trustees that the alternate contribution of $850,665 be made as directed.  This passed unanimously.  

The Trustees will be invited to attend the January 19th meeting of the Pension Committee if they wish to discuss this decision of the committee.

A discussion took place regarding Mr. Krasowski’s research into lowering the rate of return.  This will be discussed at the January meeting.

Westport Resources will be invited to the March meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10
Carole Ross