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Newtown Pension Committee
July 20th, 2009

The Newtown Pension Committee met on Monday, July 20th, 2009 in the lower meeting room of Town Hall South.  The meeting was called to order at 7:35pm.  

Present: Tom Murtha, Steve Shaffer, Dana Schubert and Frank Krasowski and Mark Korotash.  

Also in attendance: Carole Ross

Public participation:   None

Approval of Minutes:  The minutes of June 2nd were approved as written.

Approval of Bills:  An invoice in the amount of $5480 for the 1st half of the actuarial fee and a retirement calculation was approved for the 2009-2010 budget year.  An invoice in the amount of $2013 for check writing services and distributions was approved for the 2008-2009 budget year.  

Communications: The Board of Finance on June 4th submitted a list of questions (attached) to the Board of Selectman regarding pension issues.  The First Selectman sent 2 letters (attached) to the Pension Committee for their review and response.  The committee discussed several of the questions and how to respond to them.  It was decided to have a joint meeting with the Board of Selectman on September 28th after the semi-annual meeting of the 21st with Westport Resources.  


Meeting adjourned at 8:15
Carole Ross