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MAY 14, 2013

These minutes are subject to approval by the Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission.


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:11 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Boritz, Yanni Jr., Crick Owen, and Brookes
Commission Members absent: DiNicola and Barczak
Staff present: Mangold, Samuelson and Reggiano
Staff absent: None
Public:  Frank Bonacci


(m/s/c: Boritz/Crick Owen)  “Motion to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2013 meeting as amended. Under Assistant Director of Parks report – Bullet item 5 should read ‘The Police Department wants to block the trails from Treadwell Park to Sandy Hook Elementary School.’ ” The motion passed unanimously.


  • Frank Bonacci – Brookfield High School Softball Coach.  His team is playing a Sandy Hook Memorial Softball Game with Newtown High School Softball.  They would like to make it an annual event.  They will be purchasing a trophy for the game that will be engraved and the winner of the game will get the trophy for their schools trophy case for the year until the next year’s game.  Mr. Bonacci is requesting permission to have a plaque placed at Treadwell Park Softball Field in memory of those lost at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  The plaque would be donated by Crown Trophy.  The plaque would be 8” x 10” mounted on a 24” pole that is slanted.  Chairman Marks explained that the Commission is not sure of the guidance they will be getting on the placement of permanent plaques and memorials. Director Mangold also explained that Newtown High School also suggested putting up special basketball hoops at the Treadwell Park and to have 26 angels put on the Treadwell Court.  They have been asked to wait on this request.  Chairman Marks told Mr. Bonacci that if he wanted to have the plaque made and display it at their game that it was his choice but that he would not be able to place it permanently.  It could take years before any memorials would have a permanent home. There is also no guarantee that the plaque will end up at the Treadwell Softball Field.  Chairman Marks said “We may ask you to take the plaque back to Brookfield High School for permanent placement”.  Director Mangold told the Commission that the GE people that are helping the Town are saying that a lot of people are going to want to do plaques.  Assistant Director Samuelson told the Commission there are 3 or 4 pallets and pods full of permanent memorials.  There are a lot of issues at work here that need to be decided.  


  • None.

  • Chairman Marks reported that he, Director Mangold, George Benson, Director of Land Use, Garry Sorge from Stantec and Tom Hammerberg of Stantec met to go over the Fairfield Hills Master Plan and to keep apprised of the school situation as well as looking at the field plans and alternatives.  Chairman Marks hopes to have plans by mid June from Stantec.  Chairman Marks and Assistant Director Samuelson both have worked with Mr. Hammerberg in the past.
  • Chairman Marks, Commissioner Brookes and Director Mangold took Mark Sigrist on a tour of our parks today.  Mr. Sigrist is trying to raise money for 26 park benches for the Town.

  • Director Mangold reported that she has been out in public a lot the last couple of weeks at multiple events – the Earth Day event accompanied by Bob Burke through Steve Mitchell, who would like to help establish Newtown as a bicycle friendly Town and  Billie Cohen with her renderings of the plans for the Dickinson Park Wetland Education Center.
  • Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano both represented Parks and Recreation at Destination Newtown at Rock Ridge hosted by the Chamber of Commerce.
  • Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano will also represent Parks and Recreation at the High School Health Fair on May 22nd.
  • The bid opening for the Dickinson Park Playground project is Wednesday, May 15th at 2:00 pm.
  • Director Mangold attended a playground safety inspection course last week.  She did not take the test to become an inspector.  She would like to do more of these types of classes.

  • See attached report.
  • The dry spring and recent rain has helped with new seeding and growing of Oakview Field.  The field at Oakview will be getting its first cutting by the end of this week.
  • The crew picked up 26 fir trees that were donated and they will be planted along the property line and the neighbor at Oakview field.
  • Our 3 new maintainers are working out very well.
  • Parks and Recreation is responsible for planting the banks at the new stream at Dickinson Park.
  • Assistant Director Samuelson reported that the company, Tom Irwin has an attorney on retainer for environmental services.  They want Parks and Recreation to use him.  James Belden, Billie Cohen and the Commission want to see if he can help with grant applications for the stream and Wetland Education Center.
  • The renovations at Treadwell Pool House are complete and it is ready to open for the season.
  • The 26 trees that were planted at Treadwell Park are looking good and the area is being prepared for sidewalks to be installed.
  • Treadwell basketball court renovation started today with the demolition of the court.
  • Assistant Director Samuelson, Operations Supervisor Moore and all the Park Maintainers have moved to the Fairfield Hills Maintenance Garage. Treadwell Maintenance Garage will now house the Treadwell Day Camp staff.  The facility has been painted and fiber optics has been installed.
  • The Treadwell Park Turf replacement has been awarded and construction begins July 1st.
  • The Dog Park construction project has been awarded with construction beginning between July 1st and July 15th.

  • Assistant Director Reggiano is requesting that Newtown Youth Wrestling program which started a few years ago be independent of Newtown Parks and Recreation.  They already have a board in place.  Parks and Recreation will still supply space if needed.  Newtown Youth Wrestling would have to then do all their own registration and would have to submit rosters and surcharge.  Assistant Director Reggiano is meeting with them tomorrow morning to discuss where they will meet this fall as Sandy Hook Elementary School was their home.  They have been using Middle Gate School but that is too small.  They have their own mats and would require an outside container.  There season is October to April, the same as basketball. They would need space for 2 to 3 nights a week.
(m/s/c Yanni Jr./Brookes)  “Motion to have Newtown Wrestling become independent from Parks and Recreation as of the fall of 2013.”  The motion passed unanimously.

  • We are in the process of setting up Day Camp for the summer. Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano have been meeting regularly with Lou Bergholz from Edgework Consulting through Nike to help prepare the summer staff with the ongoing healing process.  On May 23rd all summer staff will go through a training session with Mr. Bergholz.  This is one of a few training sessions they will go through.  Funding from Newtown Youth and Family Services will supply the services of a counselor to be available should anyone need it.
  • Nike has donated scholarship money for day camp this summer.
  • The Mad Dash is June 8th at 7:30 am at Fairfield Hills. Commission volunteers are needed.
  • June 15th is the Rooster Run.
  • A new class will be starting this summer at Treadwell pool – Zumba aquatics for teens- adults.  It will be a 50 minute class taught by Loren Levy.
  • Strutt Your Mutt will be held this Saturday from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm at Fairfield Hills.  We are expecting a lot of people this year. There are 17 vendors this year.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano asked if one of the tennis courts at Treadwell Park could be designated as a pickle ball court.  Assistant Director Samuelson said that accommodations could be made during renovations.  Play maybe seasonal around the High School use of the courts.  There  would be 2 pickle ball courts per one tennis court.  Maybe for a long term solution the court could be incorporated into Fairfield Hill to better accommodate the senior population. Director Mangold will notify Stantec of this idea.



  • The Commission would like to approve the preliminary rules with permanent commitment after the park is opened for a while.  Members of the Commission and Assistant Director Reggiano also brought rules from other dog parks.  The Commission decided to table the discussion.  
  • Commissioner Yanni, Jr. suggests that we review rules from bigger city parks that have already been through litigation.  Our rules will be subject to the Town attorney’s approval.
  • Assistant Director’s Reggiano and Samuelson have met to review the layout of the Dog Park. Assistant Director Reggiano will meet with the Dog Park Committee to review the layout with them.


  • There was no one from the Outlaws Baseball Club present to speak to the issue so the request could not be approved because they can’t demonstrate an open tryout procedure.  This item can be revisited again for the fall season.

  • Commissioner Boritz reported that they have slowed down on contacting people who have contacted Parks and Recreation about donations/events. Commissioner Boritz contacted 2 different people who offered events that were not appropriate for Newtown (the Town could not accommodate).


  • There were two requests this evening for plaques.  See Public Participation. The Commission has in there Memorial Donation documents that no plaques will be placed for tree donations.  Pre-existing plaques will remain in place.  The Commission again discussed the possibility that all plaques may be placed at a permanent memorial down the line. We are not sure of the type of signage that will be used so we will not be placing any plaques at this time.

  • Tabled


  • Newtown Youth Basketball decided not to use the requested time for their Senior League because they did not have enough players. But the independent AAU Basketball League is going well.



  • Commissioner Brookes asked the Commission if she could share with Diana Johnson of the Conservation Commission the plans for Dickinson Park Playground.  Commissioner Brookes is looking for direction and framework from the Town’s attorney for grants and to give us guidance. Also involved in this project are James Beldon, the Chairman of the Inland/Wetland Commission, Hoe Hovious from the Conservation Commission and Todd Bobowick.  The Commission is looking for additional people to work on this project.  Director Mangold, Assistant Director Samuelson and Commissioner Brookes could craft a list together with Billie Cohen and Kevin Dafour, liaison connection to the Town.  Commissioner Brookes request was granted.  Billie Cohen, Barb Toomey and Rob Sibley from Land Use have met with Laurie Schoeman to help identify available grants for this project.
  • (m/s/c: Brookes/Crick Owen) “Motion to approve up to $50,000.00 for enhancements to the Treadwell Pool House from the surcharge account.” The motion passed unanimously.
  • (m/s/c: Yanni Jr./Brookes) “Motion to approve up to $425,000.00 out of the surcharge account for the Treadwell Turf Replacement Project.”  The motion passed unanimously.
  • At the next meeting the Commission will review the survey results from Eichler’s Cove Marina.  The Commission would like to come up with a plan on how to respond to the results.

(m/s/c: Yanni Jr./Boritz)  “Motion to adjourn.”  The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting ended at 8:13 pm.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson

                            PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT


TO:             Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission,
                Amy Mangold, Director

FROM:   Carl Samuelson, Assistant Director – Parks

DATE:   May 14, 2013

RE:             Monthly park update and field report

After a very dry spring some rain has helped new seed, trees and flowers emerge.  
We are in full swing with efforts to complete some major tasks before Memorial Day.
Our three new staff members are blending well and the increased labor resource is making a huge impact.
The move to the FFH shop has been a blessing as well as a struggle as we continue to finish renovations here.
We have completed the final of four major infrastructure upgrades at our parks which will go a long way to supporting our technology needs in the near future.

The following is a highlight of items completed this past month, aside from our normal day to day tasks.

  • Pool house renovations complete, and ready for opening.
  • Oakview Field grading and seeding complete.
  • Fiber optic infrastructure installation complete at Treadwell Park.
  • Aeration and overseeding of all athletic fields complete.
  • Pool opened and operating in anticipation of Memorial Day opening.
  • 26 New Zelkova trees complete at Treadwell
  • Stream daylighting contractor complete at Dickinson
  • Eichlers Cove docks installed for season
  • Dickinson bathroom vandalism repairs complete.
  • Victory Garden definition, grading and tilling complete.
  • All baseball and softball fields edged for season.
  • Boardwalk repair at Orchard Hill complete
  • Treadwell Turf replacement awarded, construction to begin July 1
  • Dog Park construction awarded, construction to begin between July 1 and July 15.
  • Entrance gate installed at Oakview field.
Items we have started/continued work on:

  • Treadwell basketball court removal.
  • Repainting of pool gutters.
  • Tree planting at Oakview field between neighboring property.
  • Fairfield Hills Shop interior painting.
  • Fairfield Hills Shop wood floor removal.
  • PeeWee 1 field grading.
  • NHS irrigation vault renovation
  • Oakview irrigation.
  • Treadwell basketball court lighting infrastructure

  • 232 hours of vacation/sick/personal/injury hours were used out of 2016 potential work hours in November. This represents a 11.5% loss in workforce or 1.1 employees per day.

MAY 14, 2013

(m/s/c: Boritz/Crick Owen)  “Motion to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2013 meeting as amended. Under Assistant Director of Parks report – Bullet item 5 should read ‘The Police Department wants to block the trails from Treadwell Park to Sandy Hook Elementary School.’ ”  The motion passed unanimously.

(m/s/c Yanni Jr./Brookes)  “Motion to have Newtown Wrestling become independent from Parks and Recreation as of the Fall of  2013.”  The motion passed unanimously.

(m/s/c: Brookes/Crick Owen) “Motion to approve up to $50,000.00  for enhancements to the Treadwell Pool House from the surcharge account.” The motion passed unanimously.

(m/s/c: Yanni Jr./Brookes) “Motion to approve up to $425,000.00 out of the surcharge account for the Treadwell Turf Replacement Project.”  The motion passed unanimously.

(m/s/c: Yanni Jr./Boritz)  “Motion to adjourn.”  The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna M. Benson