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Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes
Tuesday March 12, 2013
In Attendance: Patrick Barczak, Maureen Crick-Owen, Tom DiNicola, Edward Marks,
Vincent Yanni, Richard Boritz, Jan Brooks, Amy Mangold, Carl Samuelson,
Roseann Reggiano

Acceptance of Minutes from January 8, 2013 and February 12, 2013

Public Participation: Public Participation was parents for AAU 13 year old Baseball players, Scott Larson with AAU basketball and Billie Cohen regarding Dickinson Wetland Education Center and other members of the Public were present: Bill Toomey, Barb Toomey, Eugene Citrano, Justin Kohlsaat, Lisa Shambelan, John Kleges, Richard Dieckman, Holly Decker, Marianne Brown, and Scott Larsen

Correspondence: Amy received a letter from Ray Shaw regarding a vintage baseball game on June 5th at 6:30 pm with The Danbury Westerners.  It will be a Fundraiser to benefit Babe Ruth Baseball.  Ray had a few questions for us. How we want Ray Shaw to position game?  Do we want to have guest Luminaries to help draw a crowd? Do you want to honor anyone? Do you have anyone in Parks and Recreation involved or someone we would want to honor at this game?  The Commission has no suggestions at the time and will think about it for the next meeting.
There will be a Trail Committee meeting on Thursday regarding the Fairfield Hills Trail plan that the Commission endorsed. Rob Sibley said 1st Phase can’t be worked on unless the Urban Design is followed. Back portions may have issues due to wetlands in the area of the water bunker to behind Yale. He will need to walk this phase with the Trail Group.  He said the first priority should be focused on Phase III.
The town has GE employees for one year to help in the management for the town on items received from the tragedy in December. They will be here to help the town with recovery data and to help with any recovery. Once the Commission’s ad hoc group is done, Commission is wondering if it would be possible to pass their work onto the GE group.

Director’s Report: Amy discussed that she and Carl will be meeting with Nike on Thursday. They would like to do a complete renovation of the Treadwell Basketball Court. Amy also received a call from Gregg Simon and Jeremy O’Connell who did a recent fundraiser in New Jersey with the Girls Varsity Basketball team. They raised approximately $12-$15,000 dollars. They wanted to put it toward the Treadwell Basketball court. Amy explained what Nike was doing and she would present their request to join together with Nike to complete the project. Nike declined to merge with Spalding to complete project. Amy suggested to Gregg and Jeremy that maybe the High School can use the funds to put an outside court up for the students. Nike is planning on donating a T-Shirt and pair of sneakers to all Sandy Hook Staff and Children. Visitors are not allowed at Chalk Hill so a discussion was held regarding doing the presentation once the Treadwell Court is completed. Commission will try and incorporate the Varsity girls in the presentation of the new Basketball Court.

  • Assistant Director of Parks- Park and Field Reports:  Carl discussed being down 3 staff members at this point. One went to the BOE, One went to Public Works and one went to Torrington. The new Mechanic will be required to have more skills and licensing for position. Parks and Recreation will be conducting interviews over the next few days. P & R is in the process of refurbishing Treadwell pool house. Oakview is being seeded for fall use. Sandy Hook field will not be used this year.
  • Assistant Recreation of Parks: Roseanne went through new upcoming events through Parks & Recreation that can be found on their Town webpage or by calling the Parks and Recreation Dept during business hours. Events mentioned were Strutt you Mutt, Andres Cardio Craze with Mr. Kevin Koschel on March 26th, Dan Wong Soccer April 13th at Treadwell Park and many other events.   
Old Business:

  • Dog Park Update: On schedule for opening up in November
  • Report by Commission Ad Hoc Memorial Gift Committee:
Discuss and Approve the proposed Donation Policy and Donation Agreement Form: Commission discussed agreement, made any changes needed such as wording, removing/adding item, etc.  Pat Barczak made motion to accept as amended. Tom DiNicola 2nd motion to be effective immediately. Motion passed unanimously
  • Surcharge Discussion: Tabled

New Business:

  • Presentation by Billie Cohen on Dickinson Wetland Education Center: Billie presented visual schematics on her ideas. Ideas are revising the playground with butterfly gardens around it. Boardwalks around the old pool area, splash pads, a Wetlands Education Center and many more things to enjoy.  After presentation and positive discussion, the Commission decided on having George Benson from the Zoning Dept and Rob Sibley from Wetlands reviews the plan. Commission informed Billie that it would need to go to the Town Board of Selectman and the Legislative Counsel for their input on the fundamental changes. The concept was stunning. Commission needs to discuss further how to find resources, funding, etc. for the project. Discussed the many different grants that can be applied for. Bill Toomey from the Nature Conservancy is interested in supporting this Wetland Education Center. It would restore a lot of the wetlands that are already open. The Commission endorses the concept and will go to these boards and discuss the concept they agree with. Then the discussion would be made about funds donated, grants, etc. that can help get the concept up and started. Commission will discuss and take action next month. Commission would also like to see staging of the project such as pieces that can be broken down in components.  This way, parts of the project may be able to be done by volunteers, such as plantings, etc.  Jan Brooks made motion to adopt concept for schematic master plan of Wetland Education Center. Tom DiNicola 2nd the motion. Commission approved unanimously.
  • Stantec/Fairfield Hills Master Plan-discussion and possible action: Commission discussed in length on the Fairfield Hills Master Plan and how things are changing and if it makes sense etc. on the Parks and Recreation side of things to make a clear Parks and Recreation Master Plan.  After lengthy discussion Commission decided to continue extending services with Stantec to continue Evaluation of the Master Plan. Commission decided to use funds from Surcharge to continue with Stantec. Maureen Crick-Owen motioned to accept and Pat Barczak 2nd the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Special Event/Tournament Request: Commission discussed Newtown Kindness holding a Soccer event at Treadwell. Tom Kraft would like us to waive fee of $200. They will pay the $200 fee and we will waive the lights fee for them. It will be Houston Dynamo Soccer night on Friday May 17th from 5-9 PM to support Charlotte Bacon. Commission discussed shuttling, dumpsters, etc. Maureen Crick Owen made a motion to accept and Pat Barczak 2nd the motion.  
  • AAU 13 Year Old Baseball-discussion and action: Several parents of players were in attendance. Discussion was the use of Newtown Baseball Fields. Items discussed were the impact of fields, staff scheduling, lights and Newtown Babe Ruth schedules. They started this league because Babe Ruth does not offer the opportunity to play at the level their players are at. If Babe Ruth did offer some type of program they would be playing for Babe Ruth. They get Professional Training and Conditioning. After very lengthy discussion the Commission decided because the field use meeting already occurred.  They must work through Babe Ruth and Carl for field usage scheduling. They decided to make a motion to accept under conditions that they receive a 1 year waiver and get necessary paperwork such as insurance, surcharge, roster, and schedules so fields can be worked out for their use. They may not get consistent dates. Pat Barczak made motion to accept and Richard Boritz 2nd the motion.
  • AAU basketball-discussion and action: Scott Larson met with Commission for a second time regarding the use of the Reed and Middle School gyms. After a lengthy discussion on extra scheduling for staff and changes in events/schedules, the impact on Assistant Director of Recreation by adding additional programming it was decided that if they accept the motion and gym cancellations come up then they will not get a rescheduled date. No changes will be made once the schedule is submitted. This team meets residency equity.  This is a Newtown based team which is a Parent funded and their girls to get the experience of a spring basketball program at a higher level. After discussion the Commission made a motion to accept with a Roster of 14 players only and 1 year waiver. Tom DiNicola made motion to accept with Pat Barczak 2nd the motion. Commission voted with 5 approved and with Ed Marks abstaining.
Tom DiNicola motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:47 P.M.