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02-12-13 Memorial Fund Cmte
Parks and Recreation Memorial Gifts Ad Hoc Committee

Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 5:00 PM; P & R Office, Town Hall South

Present: Rich Boritz, Jan Brookes, Maureen Crick Owen, Amy Mangold

Chairman Boritz called the meeting to order at 5:12 PM.  The committee approved the minutes of the January 30, 21013 meeting.

Old Business

Member’s Reports
Mrs. Owen reported that she is continuing to work on entering offers of donations on the P & R database.  On the database, she notes what the response to the donor was and whether a thank you note was sent.  Director Mangold then forwards the updated list to Scott Sharlow to add to the Aid Matrix database.  She said that the process is slow, but is moving forward.

Mr. Boritz said that he has been making phone follow-up calls to potential donors.

Mrs. Brookes reported that she is in email contact with Paul Genna who has offered to pull together a list of possible donors for the splash pad at Dickenson Park.

Director’s Report

Director Mangold said that P & R is still getting offers of donations, although the rate of offers has slowed.  She has been able to return some phone calls, although talking to those who have made offers of donations is a slow process..

New Business

Mrs. Owen said that she thought the proposed gift donation form was too cumbersome, and demands too much of donors.  She suggested that the committee recommend that the P & R Commission not discuss and take action on a gift policy until the committee has had a chance to revise it.  She showed the committee a form used by the West Linn, Oregon P & R.  The sub-committee asked her to revise it for review at the next meeting.  Mrs. Owen also said that she would like to revise the donation policy to include gift standards and pictures of acceptable donations.  The standards will include the costs of the gift’s life-cycle care.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Brookes – Committee Secretary