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01-30-13 Memorial Fund Cmte
Parks and Recreation Memorial Gifts Ad Hoc Committee

Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 3:30 PM, Conference Room Town Hall South

Present:  Rich Boritz, Jan Brookes, Maureen Crick Owen, Director Amy Mangold

Chairman Boritz called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm.  The committee approved the minutes of the January 23, 2013 meeting.

Old Business

Member’s Reports
Mrs. Owen reported that she had written a thank you letter to a woman who had sent a letter with a suggestion for a permanent memorial.  Mrs. Owen also discussed a phone call with Bob Geckle about the coordination of offers to donate playgrounds.  Mrs. Owen said that she had spent several hours inputting data about donations.  She said that it was time-consuming work because the person doing it has to read everything carefully.  The database should be used as an index with the corresponding notes taken during follow-up phone calls.

Mr. Boritz reported that he had made some calls to people who had offered donations.  He also said that Deborah Zukowsky was prepared to hand over the information on the Volunteer Center database so that it can be merged with the donation database, Aid Matrix, on the town website.  

New Business

Director’s Report
Mrs. Mangold said that on Monday, January 30, she sent Scott Sharlow the updated P & R database.  P & R donor information will be added to both the town and P & R databases.  P & R will be able to download the P & R files from Aid Matrix.

Mrs. Mangold said that she would like the sub-committee’s guidance and continued help in:

  • creating a wish list of projects to guide donors
  • establishing a parks and fields naming policy
  • continuing to update the donor data base, make follow-up phone calls, and send out thank you notes.
Committee Members’ Responsibilities

  • Mrs. Owen will write a gift policy that will be reviewed by the committee at its next meeting.
2.   Mrs. Owen and Mr. Boritz will continue to update the donor database.
  • Mrs. Mangold will ask Director Samuelson to fill in the details on the list of people and groups he would like the committee to thank.
The committee will meet at 5 pm on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 in the Conference Room in Town Hall South.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Lee Brookes
Committee Secretary