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JANUARY 8, 2013

These minutes are subject to approval by the Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission.


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Boritz, DiNicola, Yanni Jr., Crick Owen, and Brookes
Commission Members absent: Barczak
Staff present: Mangold, Samuelson and Reggiano
Staff absent: None
Public:  Michael Trevail, Scott Larsen, Davis Donavin from the Patch, and Kendra Bobowick from the Newtown Bee


  • Michael Trevail of  312 South Main Street.  Mr. Trevail was a friend of 18 year old Christopher Mulligan, who was killed recently in an automobile accident.  Mr. Trevail has collected, via the internet, 454 signatures to have the Dickinson Skate Park named after Christopher. Laura Mulligan, Christopher’s mother has also signed the petition.  He also brought to the Commissioners negative comments that have been posted on the Patch by adults who are against naming the park after Christopher. He was very concerned by the adult bulling that was going on towards an at risk teen.  Mr. Trevail explained that Christopher found comfort being at the Skate Park. Chairman Marks explained to Mr. Trevail that it is not our practice to name or dedicate any of our facilities.  This past year two benches with plaques have been purchased for two people who have served the town for many years. One was a tennis instructor and one was a lifelong Parks employee.  Chairman Marks will share Mr. Travails’ information and discuss this further with the Commission and possibly take action at the February meeting. Director Mangold reminded the Commission that they agreed on a bench and a plaque for Christopher at the Skate Park and that Mrs. Mulligan’s organization has already raised the money and has purchased the bench and the plaque.  They are just waiting for Parks and Recreation to install it at the Skate Park.  Commissioner Brookes applauded Mr. Trevail for coming forward to support this effort.
  • Scott Larsen of Sugar Hill Road. Mr. Larsen has been a girls basketball coach for the past 4 years.  His daughter is now in the 8th grade.  Mr. Larsen has run the Lady Hawks program for Parks and Recreation for the last two years.  Mr. Larsen reported that he has parents as well as players who are interested in participating in tournaments/AAU tournaments.  He would like to start a team of about 15 girls that would be rotated around for different tournaments. He is interested in the 7/8 grade girls team with the possibility of a younger team if there was interest.  He is seeking approval for this and support from Parks and Recreation as well as access to a gym for a couple of nights a week in March after the regular playing season is over. Chairman Marks explained the procedure for starting a new league/team and told Mr. Larsen that the paper work would be sent to him tomorrow.  He should review the forms and have answers to the questions on how he would meet the guidelines.  The Commission will review the responses and give Mr. Larsen feedback.  The Commission would like to see the responses before the next Commission meeting. Director Mangold told Mr. Larsen that there was a 7/8 grade AAU team that is run out of the Newtown Youth Academy and that perhaps he could join that group.  Mr. Larsen was not aware of the program.  Assistant Director Reggiano would like to see this program, if approved, run independently of Parks and Recreation.
  • See Director’s Report
  • See Fairfield Hills Master Plan Discussion
  • Director Mangold started off by telling the Commission that nothing is the same as it was a month ago. She shared with the Commission her thoughts and reflections that she posted on Facebook about the tragedy at Sandy Hook School.  She wanted to thank everyone for their help and support through this difficult time. As of now the office staff has been busy taking phone calls of condolence and donations and the Park crew has been very busy setting up the donation drop off center at the Parks and Recreation’s Maintenance Garage on Trades Lane and then moving the donations to the Simm Lane warehouse.  Today was the first day that the park crew had someone doing “normal” work.  Assistant Director Samuelson has been very busy on the phones also trying to handle each event and activity that has come his way as well and donations.  Assistant Director Reggiano has been busy with phone calls as well; she is also trying to coordinate some of the activities that people want to come to town to do.  Director Mangold is trying to keep up with phone calls of a wide variety as well.  Director Mangold is asking the Commission to think about and produce a system to take care of all the goods and services as well as categorize items, attend meetings and have necessary conversations.  Doing this type of work has consumed the staff in the office. Director Mangold and the staff have had to make decisions as needed. Assistant Director Samuelson has been responding to memorials/events and the installation of a donated ice rink.  That was installed by a group of volunteers from Wisconsin and Webster, Buffalo.  Jim Stoller donated the ice rink.  The 50 x 100 ice rink was assembled earlier this week.  Adventis is the company that the Town hired to manage all the donations at Simm Lane which is just about full. Assistant Director Samuelson took 30 turkeys on Christmas Eve to a soup kitchen in Waterbury.  We had at one point a full tractor trailer of perishable foods.  Commissioner Boritz asked if there would be a committee to handle the long term impact that would have guidelines and standards.  Commissioner Boritz volunteered to help out with that. Chairman Marks asked for three Commission members to form a Parks and Recreation Memorial Gifts ad hoc committee. Commissioners Boritz, Brookes and Crick-Owen all volunteered.  Chairman Marks could attend meetings if necessary.  Commissioner Brookes asked that other town entities be informed of this ad hoc committee so that they would be notified of meetings and discussions.  The Committee would like an overview from Director Mangold, Assistant Directors Samuelson and Reggiano before beginning their task. Chairman Marks will prepare a letter to be sent to the Board of Selectman, Legislative Council, Board of Finance and Board of Education so that all entities are aware of this Committee.
        Donations are being received for shovel ready projects such as the new playground planned for Dickinson Park. Director Mangold appeared on two radio stations for WRKI which has been doing a lot of fundraising for the playground.
        First Selectman Llodra is hoping to have some direction as to the future of  the Sandy Hook Elementary School building by the end of March.  The Town will be in a holding pattern about this until then. The Sandy Hook School property connects to Treadwell Park. Parks and Recreation would be involved if there was a Memorial Park at the School site.
        Selectman, Jim Gaston is working to coordinate all fund raising groups for the Town.
  • There is an enormous amount of people that want to come to town to do activities with the kids.  Edmond Town Hall has been phenomenal about giving us time in the gym there.  We are short two gyms as of now Sandy Hook Elementary and the Reed School where counseling services are taking place.  Newtown Youth Basketball has been great about giving up some of their gym time for other events to take place.  The partnership with Newtown Youth Academy has worked very well during the past few weeks.  They too have been hosting events for the children.
  • There is already a mechanism in place for people to donate to Newtown Parks and Recreation; it’s the Park Gift Fund. Funds donated can be designated for special projects.  Assistant Director Reggiano has added a Pay Pal button on our home page for donations to this fund.   Donations have been coming in from all over the world.
  • Director Mangold and Billie Cohen have been working on the design for the playground at Dickinson Park.  Director Mangold showed the Commission the original ideas for Dickinson Park that were being worked on before December 14, 2012.  Ms. Cohen had been working on grants for the playground.  Hopefully funds being donated could go towards items that were value engineered out of the project.  There are companies that are interested in purchasing components of the playground. Work at Dickinson Park would be constructed in 2 phases.  Phase 1 would be the playground and Phase 2 would be the splash pad/pool house. Director Mangold will forward Ms. Cohen’s plans to the Commissioners.
  • Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson will attend a meeting this Thursday at 10:00 am with a group of plumbers who would like to build a splash pad at Dickinson Park.  They all have experience building splash pads. Commissioner Brookes will also attend this meeting.
  • The Commission agreed that there should be a policy in place to acknowledge donations. Chairman Marks suggested standard verbiage for plaques.  There is a father and son who own a business listed on the New York Stock Exchange and they raise money for disasters.  This year they have decided to split their donation between the victims of Super Storm Sandy and Parks and Recreation for the Sandy Hook School tragedy.  They helped sponsor a playground after 9/11.  They would like the same plaque that is in Central Park to be placed by the playground.   They have sent the wording to Director Mangold.  The Commission discussed thresholds for plaques.  Assistant Director Samuelson said he could reach out to Swenson Granite Works to see if they could help with the plaques.  We have not had luck with the bronze types of plaques in the past. The ad hoc committee would like to know how Columbine handled donations after their school shooting.
  • Stantec has offered their assistance if needed.
  • Commissioner Brookes suggested that a thank you note should come from the Commission for all donations made to Parks and Recreation.  She has offered to do that and Director Mangold has some volunteers that could help her with that task.
  • There are plans for a carousel to be donated to the town by the Newtown Connecticut Carousel Committee.  The carousel will be fully enclosed and money will be set aside for the perpetual care and staffing of the carousel.  The carousel will include 20 horses, 2 chariots and one fire engine that will be handicap accessible.  This is an 18 – 20 million dollar project.  The plan is moving forward which includes the notion that once it is built it would be under Parks and Recreations care.

  • Assistant Director Samuelson reported to the Commission that the entire staff has been very much involved in the staging at the Trades Lane Maintenance Garage and at Simm Lane as well as getting Chalk Hill Middle School ready for the Sandy Hook students.
  • A spot over by the duplexes at Fairfield Hills was decided as the new home for the Victory Garden. George Benson, Director of Land Use, did mention that it might not be the permanent location.  The Commission would like to push to make it the permanent location.  Parks and Recreation would like to invest donated funds in proper fencing, etc. to give the garden curb appeal.  Chairman Marks will speak with the First Selectman to see if Parks and Recreation could get a 10 year commitment from her for this garden location.
  • The stage that was built by Home Depot and Bill Mangold that was used for the vigil was made with 3 sections.  The stage can be moved.  Assistant Director Samuelson asked the Commission for their thoughts on where we could find a permanent home for it where it could be utilized.

  • The Winter Preview is out and registration has begun.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano showed the Commission the pages of Pay Pal donations that have come in for both the department (playgrounds, trees, etc.)  and Park and Bark.
  • Olivia Engel was one of the children who died at Sandy Hook Elementary School, her obituary asked for donations to Park and Bark.  Assistant Director Reggiano has been speaking with Olivia’s uncle, John Engel, about the dog park donations.  They will be meeting to go over plans this Friday morning; the parents will also be attending this meeting.  Mr. Engel will be sending a personal thank you note to everyone who donates in honor of Olivia.  Permission was approved by Selectman Gaston to give out donor names. Mr. Engel has also been in touch with CNN and he would like to do a story about the dog park.  Mr. Engel is suggesting 26 dog sculptures be placed in the Dog Park from the donated funds.  The Commission gave a provisional approval with the Commission having final approval on the designs.  The Commission will then decide if Parks and Recreation will be involved with a CNN report once they have all the final details.
  • Our wrestling program that was housed at Sandy Hook Elementary School is still in need of a home.  Middle Gate Elementary School might be able to be a temporary home if the container with the equipment in it will fit at the school.  This program started with about 20 children and now has about 75 participants.  Frank Cooper, Director of Monroe Parks and Recreation is also trying to help with space if they can.  The program runs 3 nights a week from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.
  • We have not been able to utilize the gyms at the Reed School because of the ongoing counseling that has been taking place.  Assistant Director Reggiano spoke with a contact for the counselors that was okay with Parks and Recreation using the gym.  Assistant Director Reggiano has tried to contact the Principal at Reed to see if he agrees with the usage.
  • New protocols have been put in place for each one of the school for after school use.  The instructors are to meet the children at the door and then the doors will be locked.  If someone arrives late they will have to call the instructor or the instructor can have someone stand at the door.  This has only been a problem at the high school.


  • See Assistant Director of Recreation’s  report
2.  2013/14 BUDGET

  • Chairman Marks reported that the budget originally submitted was at a 2.8 % increase.  When Finance Director, Bob Tait was done reviewing it, it was really a 3% increase.  The First Selectman is really under pressure to scrutinize all budgets.  Parks and Recreation is one of the few departments that actually purchases items.  The First Selectman doesn’t want more than a 1.5% budget increase. They were looking for a cut of about $20,000.00. So Director Mangold, Chairman Marks and Assistant Director Samuelson concentrated on the capitol side of the budget for cuts.  Assistant Director Samuelson suggested cutting the 52” z mower for $33,500.00. $10,000.00 of that would go back to the infrastructure side of the budget towards the Irrigation Central Control System. Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano will be looking at the budget for the lifeguards and counselors.  The First Selectman would like more explanations about each item requested. She also wants a better balance between infrastructure requests and capital item requests.  Chairman Marks would like a discussion on how to cut items that do not support our core mission.

(m/s/c: Boritz/Brookes)  “Move to accept The Rules and Regulation for the Field Use Agreement as revised.”
The motion passed unanimously.


  • Chairman Marks did speak with George Benson, Director of Land Use, about the plans for playing fields at Fairfield Hills that was in the Master Plan. Mr. Benson explained that the fields on the Master Plan were not planned to scale and did not reflect what has to be done to build the fields. Chairman Marks will make it clear to Mr. Benson that Parks and Recreation will not be responsible for the demolition of existing building.

  • The CIP went to the Legislative Council and they recommended that it is voted on as presented by the Board of Finance.

1.  SURCHARGE discussion


(m/s/c: Yanni, Jr./DiNicola)  “Motion to adjourn.”
The meeting ended at 8:46 pm.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson

JANUARY 8, 2013

(m/s/c: Boritz/Brookes)  “Move to accept The Rules and Regulation for the Field Use Agreement as revised.”
The motion passed unanimously.

(m/s/c: Yanni, Jr./DiNicola)  “Motion to adjourn”.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna M. Benson