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DECEMBER 11, 2012

These minutes are subject to approval by the Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission.


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Boritz, DiNicola, and Barczak
Commission Members absent: Yanni Jr., Crick Owen, and Brookes
Staff present: Mangold, Samuelson and Reggiano
Staff absent: None
Public:  None


(m/s/c: Barczak/DiNicola) “Motion to approve the minutes from the October 9, 2012 meeting.”
(m/s/c: DiNicola/Boritz) “Motion to accept the minutes from November 27, 2012 Special meeting as amended.” Amendment: Item # 3 heading should read “2013/2014 Budget”.
Both motions passed unanimously.




  • Director Mangold received an email from James Wolff  who is volunteer ambulance driver for Newtown Ambulance.  Mr. Wolff  is asking the Commission to consider giving free High School swim passes to the volunteers in Town. The Commission then discussed this option.
(m/s/c) “Motion to have a fee waiver for emergency volunteers (Fire Department Volunteers/Ambulance Volunteers/Under Water Search and Rescue) who already qualify for tax rebates from the Town for the High School pool.”
The motion passed unanimously.

  • The Commission will reevaluate the discount for volunteers for Treadwell Pool and Eichler’s Cove Beach for this coming summer at the next meeting.


  • Director Mangold and Director Samuelson met with First Selectman Llodra before moving on to the Board of Finance meeting to discuss the CIP.  The Board of Finance then moved the CIP forward to the Legislative Council.  Chairman Marks told the Commission that he clarified to the new members of the Board of Finance what the difference was between operating expenses and the surcharge account.
  • Parks and Recreation has two projects in the CIP this coming year.  Even if the CIP passes as presented, when it comes time for appropriation of funds the project could still be rejected.  Chairman Marks would like to start pursuing the projects at the beginning of the fiscal year. The two projects in the first year are Dickinson Playground and Treadwell infrastructure. Chairman Marks would like to get the specs together and out to bid.  Dickinson Playground construction would start in the Fall of 2013 and be put into use in the Spring of 2014.


  • Skate Park – There was an unfortunate accident in Town where an 18 year old student was killed in a car accident.  This student was an avid skate boarder.  The student’s mother has co-workers out in Michigan that are raising money for a bench or plaque to be placed at the skate park in memory of her son.  American Ramp Company, who installed our skate park, heard about the accident and offered a donation of a skate board bench that you can skateboard on with the purchase of a quarter pipe. Director Mangold has put the two groups in touch with each other to decide what they would like to do.   If American Ramp Company does install this piece at the skate park it would be warranted. There is also a gentleman that started a petition to have the skate park named after the student.  The Commission agreed that they do not name parks or fields after people.  They in fact have dedicated areas/trees to individuals that have worked for the Town for many, many years.  The Commission agreed that they would not name the Skate Park after this student, but that a plaque or bench would be more appropriate.  If they did decide on a bench it would have to be installed outside of the Skate Park.
  • Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano attended the CRPA Conference where they also attended many beneficial classes.  They both received CEU’s (Continuing Education Units) which keep them both in good standing with CRPA.
  • Victory Garden – The Victory Garden will have to be moved this spring. Director Mangold, Harvey Pessin, John Moore, George Benson and Selectman Llodra looked at Fairfield Hills to find another suitable spot. They requested that the garden be moved just further into the meadow.  This request was denied by the First Selectman and George Benson of Land Use.  They then requested property on Keating Farms by the white houses.  They are still awaiting this approval. Chairman Marks would like an update at the next Commission meeting.
  • Trails – Paula Burton of the Trail Committee has staked out the entire trail around the Fairfield Hills Campus but has avoided the area where they are planning to build a new ambulance garage.  The trail could be more established this winter if it snows since it could be used for cross country skiing.  There are just a few areas where branches need to be cut and asked that in the spring/summer if we could have the trail cut a few times.  Assistant Director Samuelson would like to walk the Trail to see how it goes around the ambulance garage. This trail is in the Fairfield Hills Master plan. Director Mangold will send the Trail map to all Commissioners.

  • See attached report.
  • Assistant Director Samuelson has been working with Peter Wallace from M. E. O’Brien & Sons, Inc. on the design for the dog park.  They have come up with a 100 foot dog bone concept.  Inside the bone would be benches, plantings, splash pad etc, and all could be done with state contracts.  The lot line for the park has been revised.  He reported that they are very close to receiving approval for water to waste (drainage).  The Health Department has approved the dog washing area.  They will be able to start moving dirt this winter.
  • The band shell at Dickinson Park is complete.
  • Still struggling at Oakview Field.  We need 4 good dry days to finish the final grading.  The soil conditions have been frozen in the morning and then soggy in the afternoon. We will now have to wait until early spring to seed.  The one advantage that we will have by next spring is that the settling of the field will be done by then.  There has been a Freedom of Information request for expenses at the Field.  So far we have spent $27,798 out of the $48,000.00 that has been approved from the Surcharge account.  Assistant Director Samuelson has asked the State if they will extend the guardrail at the field down to the entrance.  We are repurposing the gate from Fairfield Hills for the entrance to Oakview.   Beside final grading and seeding the only thing left to do are the electric and the irrigation.  The pipe for that can go in as soon as final grading is completed or after turf is established if need be.  Chairman Marks would like another update at the next meeting.  He also does not want any other fields opened in the spring until this project is completed.  Assistant Director Samuelson explained that that would again depend on the weather.  We have had three storms to clean up after that has also prolonged the project.
  • Pee Wee Field will be done for next fall.
  • The Building Department, Fire Department as well as the Health Department has done an initial walk through of the Maintenance Garage at Fairfield Hills and discussed some code issues with Assistant Director Samuelson.  The IT room there will be the hub for the Maintenance Garage, the Dog Shelter and some of Fairfield Hills Campus.  The security they will be installing has 360 degree cameras.  There will be fewer cameras but more coverage and better detail.  Time clocks for employees as well as lifeguard and counselors will also be part of the system.


  • October – Two Halloween parties where held one for 8 year olds and under, which about 100 children attended.  Next year Assistant Director Reggiano will revisit the time of this party due to the new bus schedule which has a later drop off time.  The second Halloween party for the 5th & 6th graders was held at the Teen Center.  We had 100 children attend this event and we had to turn some away.  A mother has requested a 7th & 8th grade Halloween party next year.
  • November - The Turkey Shoot has 28 participants and raised $275.00 for the Camp Scholarship Fund.
  • The Winter Brochure will be out in the Bee this week and will be sent home thru the schools next week.
  • January will be the start of swim lessons.  We have not held swim lesson since 2006.  Assistant Director Reggiano held a meeting today with the Water Safety Instructors and Aides.
  • There will be a Pickleball demonstration held tomorrow, December 12th from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at the Newtown Youth Academy.
  • Bocce will start in the spring at Newtown Youth Academy.  This will be an open Bocce to start with.  It will run from April to August.
  • December – This past Saturday was Breakfast with Santa.  There were about 100 kids in attendance.  We had a new Santa this year that was wonderful.  The event was held at the Middle School where the custodians were very helpful.  $57.00 was raised for the Camp Scholarship Fund.
  • All summer applications have been mailed out and are also on line.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano is in the process of planning for the Spring and Summer programs.



  • October – The Lions Club invited Park and Bark to the Pumpkin Roll.  It was great exposure for the Park and Bark Committee.  They raised $90.00 for the dog park.  Also in October was the Howloween Dog Party, there were about 45 dogs at the party. Pet Supply was at the party with their mascot Patches.  Park and Bark raised $279.00 for the dog park.  The gentleman from Pet Supply was so impressed with the Park and Bark group that he invited them to come to his store to take pictures with Santa and their pets.  The group charged $5.00 per photo and raised $173.00.
  • December – Some members of Park and Bark attended the Newtown Holiday Festival and were part of the Craft Fair.  The group made and sold, homemade doggy stocking,  sweaters and ornaments.  They sold $357.00 worth of merchandise.  The Girl Scouts are having a free gift wrapping event at the Teen Center and Park and Bark Committee members will be there to sell more of their holiday items.
  • Assistant Director Reggiano suggested that the Commission think about becoming a 5013C.  This would enable us to receive donations from organizations that only give to 5013C’s.

  • Jonathan has reported to Director Mangold that he will no longer need funding from the Parks and Recreation Department for his project.  His family has donated the money to build two kiosks.  Director Mangold visited the kiosk at Al’s Trail – it came out beautiful.

3.  2013/14 BUDGET

  • Director Mangold has received some administrative changes to the Budget from Finance Director, Bob Tait which are out of our budgetary control.  Giving the Department a total increase of 2.85% instead of the 2.52% that the Commission voted on previously and he also told her that the final amount may still change.
  • On January 3rd Chairman Marks, Director Mangold, Assistant Directors Samuelson and Reggiano will review the budget with First Selectman Llodra and Bob Tait that the Commission voted on.




  • Director Mangold reported that she was invited to attend a Fairfield Hills Master Plan Amendment Group meeting for an offline conversation and for feedback for the group.  This group consists of George Benson, Land Use, Lilla Dean, Debra Zukowski and Marge Cramer from the Conservation Commission.  They asked if anything has changed as far as fields that are needed at Fairfield Hills since originally requested.  Mr. Benson has requested a more professional rendering of the fields and their positions from what was originally submitted.  The Commission took offense to this request since the original request was prepared by a consultant. And that there was plenty of planning around the buildings that were being planned for at the time as well as preserving open space in the west meadow. Which will now be used for an ambulance garage and a possible fire house.  That was not in the original Master Plan.  Director Mangold told them that nothing has changed as far as their requests.  Chairman Marks wondered why he was not invited to the meeting.  Chairman Marks will be contacting Mr. Benson to discuss this issue.  The Committee also discussed putting wording in that if Parks and Recreation where to lose space on the campus then they would be given space elsewhere in Town.  The Commission was not agreeable to this. The Committee is looking for more flexibility in planning the campus.  Director Mangold will forward the information from the meeting on to the Commission members.  She will also let the Commission know when the next meeting is.

2.  SURCHARGE discussion


The meeting ended at 7:38 pm.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson

                                                                               PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT


TO:             Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission,
                Amy Mangold, Director

FROM:   Carl Samuelson, Assistant Director – Parks

DATE:   December 11, 2012

RE:             Monthly park update and field report

Late fall and early winter conditions have dictated our activities in the past 6-8 weeks.  Seasonal tasks such as leaves and facility winterizations has kept us busy along with more festive activities surrounding the annual tree lighting.
The following is a highlight of items completed this past month, aside from our normal day to day tasks of mowing, cleaning and grooming at our facilities:

  • Leaf clean up at all facilities is complete.
  • Band shell structure is 100% complete including electrical.
  • Treadwell pool and building fully winterized for season.  Construction demo plans have been approved.
  • Snow mold fungicide protection has been applied at NHS, High Meadow Field and Liberty Fields.
  • Treadwell internet access conduit and fiber point installed.
  • Set up break down for annual tree lighting.
  • Driveway complete at front of FFH shop.
  • Hurricane Sandy clean up is complete.
  • All new walls upstairs at FFH shop complete.
  • All irrigation systems winterized.
  • All docks removed
Items we have started/continued work on:

  • Pool House clean out for start of construction.
  • Final wiring to energize sub panels at FFH Shop.
  • Dickinson Park stream day lighting has started.
  • Phase 2 of conduit install at Treadwell has started.
  • Aerating all athletic fields

On the horizon:

  • Invasive removal and overseeding at NHS baseball.
  • Sign installation for “High Meadow” field
  • Sign installation at Dickinson Park and maintenance garage.
  • Replace road fencing at Liberty with concrete fence.


  • 224 hours of vacation/sick/personal/injury hours were used out of 1368 potential work hours in November. This represents a 17% loss in workforce or 1.6 employees per day.