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OCTOBER 9, 2012

These minutes are subject to approval by the Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission.


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Crick Owen, Boritz, Barczak, Yanni Jr.  and DiNicola
Commission Members absent: Brookes
Staff present: Mangold, Samuelson and Reggiano
Staff absent: None
Public:  Melissa Robinson, 7 Field Drive, Newtown, Laurie Bergeron, 158 Taunton Hill Road, Newtown, Adam Taylor, 6 Chimney Swift Drive, Sandy Hook, Jonathan Vaughan and Debbie Vaughan of 10 Yogananda Street, Sandy Hook


(m/s/c: Barczak/Crick Owen) “Motion to approve the minutes from the August 14th meeting.”
(m/s/c: Boritz/DiNicola) “Motion to approve the minutes with the correction of a typo under Old Business, #2 should read Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Update.” Both motions passed unanimously.


  • Adam Taylor (President), 6 Chimney Swift Drive, Sandy Hook, Melissa Robinson (Secretary), 7 Fieldstone Drive, Newtown, and Laurie Bergeron (Treasurer), 158 Taunton Hill Road, Newtown, all introduced themselves as new board members for Babe Ruth Baseball.
  • Jonathan Vaughan, 10 Yogananda Street, Sandy Hook, is a Boy Scout from Troop 270 who is doing his Eagle Scout Project.  He presented his project, which would be two kiosks, one at each end of the Fairfield Hills Trail that runs thru the campus.  Both the Fairfield Hills Authority and the Conservation Commission approved the locations of the kiosks. Mr. Vaughan asked the Commission for both their approval and for funding for the project.  Director Mangold told Mr. Vaughan to speak to Rob Sibley, Deputy of Land Use Agency to see if he has any funds available from Open Space. Chairman Marks thought between the two departments we would be able to fund the project.  The Commission agreed that the money would come from the gift fund. Mr. Vaughan did not have an amount yet for the cost of the project.  Assistant Director Samuelson suggested to him besides going to Home Depot and Lowes that he should go to East Haven Building Supply and Interstate, which are both Newtown businesses, to get a price on the building supplies. Assistant Director Samuelson told Mr. Vaughan to speak with John Poetle of the Building Department about the footing details for the wind load for the kiosks.  Chairman Marks asked that after Mr. Vaughan completes the above, that he send Director Mangold the details before the next Commission meeting so that the Commission could vote on the funding.  Assistant Director Samuelson suggested that the Commission put a limit on funding for Eagle Scout projects. Chairman Marks suggested $500.00 toward each project that Parks and Recreation approve.

  • Director Mangold received a thank you letter from a mother of a Treadwell Park camper thanking Parks and Recreation for their support and help while her son had some issues adjusting to camp.  She wanted Director Mangold to know what a great job Site Director, Jackie Alpert, and Assistant Site Director, Mike Miller, did with her son.
  • Director Mangold referred to a Letter to the Editor  (The Newtown Bee) from Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Chairman for the Conservation Commission, thanking the Department for not cutting the meadow at Dickinson Park this year along Barb’s Trail.
  • Director Mangold shared an article and photos from the second Harvest Fest for the Victory Garden. She also thanked Commissioner Boritz for attending the event.


  • Chairman Marks, Director Mangold, Assistant Director Reggiano, Bob Tait, Finance Director and First Selectman Llodra met to discuss the inability of Parks and Recreation to raise the revenue needed to pay the entire lease for Newtown Youth Academy.  First Selectman Llodra understands that the Town is responsible for the lease not just Parks and Recreation.  All agreed that Parks and Recreation would try and raise $30,000 – $40,000.00 in net revenue for the Town to pay towards the total of the lease.

  • The Harvest Fest had a lower turn out then last year but was successful. Director Mangold thanked Commissioner Boritz and Kendra Bobowick, reporter for The Newtown Bee, for attending the event and for the great article and photos.
  • Cody Foss from the Newtown Youth Academy, Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano all met to discuss what they could do for the Senior Citizens in Town.  They created a Senior Walk/Fitness Program that will start in October.  So far there are 16 enrolled.  The program will take place at Newtown Youth Academy and also utilize the Fairfield Hills Campus. The Program will be free of charge.
  • Director Mangold reported that two schools are now starting to recycle; Sandy Hook Elementary and the Middle School all due to the article about Adam Mangiafico and his recycling efforts at the skate park.
  • There will be a Trail Committee meeting this Thursday at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Center.  They will try and map out the trail at Fairfield Hills as well as the Pole Bridge Trail.  They will also try and map out cross country ski trails for the Fairfield Hills Campus.
  • The plaque for Jack Honan’s bench is in - Director Mangold showed the Commission.
  • Director Mangold handed out copies of the Fall Preview to all members who had not yet seen it.  Great job by Assistant Director Reggiano for putting this together and to the Newtown Bee for printing it.
  • Director Mangold applied to the United Way Giving Campaign run by PepsiCo and received $535.00.  This money was slated for the Park Gift Fund.
  • A Western Connecticut student, Stu Munro, has organized a fund raiser for the skate park for a new piece of equipment the skaters would like to see at the park.  The event will run on October 28th from 12:00 – 5:00 pm at our skate park. Day One Skate Shop will sponsor the event.  Admission will be $5.00.  

  • Oakview Field update – waiting for the rain to stop so that we can hopefully get 10 days of dry weather in order to do the final grade which will hopefully be done by the end of October. The slope, trees and parking have been completed.  
  • The boat ramps are closing this week.
  • The fields are in good shape for this time of the year.
  • The phones are in at Fairfield Hills Maintenance Garage. The wall construction is starting in two weeks and will be done in phases.  We are waiting for computers then we can move in.  The Commission would like to have a tour of the facility once it is completed.
  • 208 sick, vacation or personal time has been used out of 1200 hrs this past month for maintainers..
  • The Stream Project at Dickinson Park will start this month – they are just waiting for the concrete culvert to come in.
  • Rob Sibley as well as the Conservation Commission will be drafting a policy for Orchard Hill to prevent volunteer groups from coming in there with heavy equipment to do projects.
  • There was some vandalism to one of the pads on the poles at Treadwell Park – it is about $600.00 worth of damage from razor cuts.  Assistant Director Samuelson will have the pad taken down for the winter and he will see if it can be repaired and then use for the pole by the hill for sleigh riding.

  • Fall numbers are low – we have had to cancel a dance class that we have never had to cancel before.  Assistant Director Reggiano thinks that some of the problem is the new bus schedule which has kids getting home later.  We will make adjustments to the winter program times.
  • Open Swim started on Monday, October 8th.  Parks and Recreation is once again charging for passes for the  pool.  $50.00 per family, $25.00 per individual, 5 passes for $10.00 and seniors are free (age 62).  As of today we have sold 11 family passes, 9 individuals and 3 seniors’ passes.  There are 11 lifeguards this season all new guards are subs.  We have had to cut down on lifeguards this year.  The pool is open until May 23rd.
  • For the first time in years we are going to be offering swim lessons in January.  Assistant Director Reggiano and Zach Gauvin, Swim Coach for the High School, are working on dates so there are no conflicts.
  • One of the Eichler’s Cove wardens reported that there were 18 boats still in the water on Monday.  All boats were to be removed by October 7th. There were 10 boats left this morning.  Warden Sheila called all boat owners to have their boats removed as soon as possible.  Assistant Director Reggiano will have a wrap up meeting with all wardens to go over how the season went.  The wardens that have been working at Lake Lillinonah have been doing a great job enforcing the rules at that facility.
  • Three Halloween events are being planned for this month.  The age 8 and under Halloween pizza party will be October 26th, the 5/6 School Halloween Party will be October 26th in the evening and the Dog Halloween Party will be October 27 (this event will only cost $5.00 per dog this year).
  • Assistant Director Reggiano is working with Kathy from the Newtown Youth Academy on drop in pickle ball. There is also a group of moms that want to do a drop in soccer program in the morning at NYA – they are willing to pay for the use.  She would also like to get a volleyball league started.
  • Camp fees will be set at the November meeting.


  • Director Mangold, Assistant Directors Reggiano and Samuelson have been working with Stantec on a site plan.
  • Mt. Pleasant Animal Hospital had an adoption event last Saturday and Park and Bark was there to support them.  They raised $20.00 and donated it back to the adoption organization.
  • Park and Bark will be with the Lions Club at Edmund Town Hall with a tent and they will sell t-shirts at the Pumpkin Derby.

  • Director Mangold asked First Selectman Llodra if she should put the Dickinson Playground project out to bid since the money is in next year’s CIP.  Mrs. Llodra told her to go ahead and bid out the project.  Director Mangold showed the rendering to the Commission for them to review. Billy Cohen, designer of the playground, has priced out the playground and came to within $25,000.00 of the CIP request.  The CIP request is $438,000.00. The Commission agreed that if a small amount of money was needed to complete the project it could come out of surcharge. Director Mangold and Ms. Cohen spoke to a grant writer about possible grants for projects.  They will use the covered bridge that now exists in the playground as a bridge over the stream in the park as well as the castle structure that will be used over the entrance to the playground.  Assistant Director Samuelson suggested that they check into state contracts for the pieces that will have to go out for bid.  All Commissioners agreed that the plan should go out to bid.  This would probably happen by the end of the year.  Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson will work on the bid.  Next summer could be the last summer for the playground.  Assistant Director Samuelson told the Commission that once a date is picked to close the playground, the playground will have to come down immediately.  Work on the new playground could start next fall. There will be one company to install all play features. Commissioner Yanni Jr. wanted to make sure that if someone other than the company that we purchase the pieces from installs the piece that it does not void the warranty.  The play surface would be installed last.

  • Chairman Marks gave all members a copy of the First Selectman’s proposed Capital Improvement Plan that has been presented to the Selectman.  They will take action on the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) at their October 15th meeting.  She has asked Director Mangold for clarity on the request for $998,000.00 for paving Treadwell and Dickinson parks parking lots. Mrs. Llodra would like Director Mangold, Chairman Marks and Assistant Director Samuelson to attend the Selectman’s meeting to explain this request and why this request is #2 priority on our CIP list and has not been on the list before now. She is also asking if this work could be done as other projects at the parks are completed.  There are four paving projects that we have requested funding for in the past.  They have now been combined into one CIP item. The projects are upper Dickinson Park ($100,000.00), lower Dickinson Park, existing Treadwell Park parking ($448,000.00) and extended parking at Treadwell Park by the maintenance garage.  The Commission examined the project and priority on the CIP.  The #2 request now is lower Dickinson Park and Treadwell Park extended parking by the maintenance garage. #5 – Treadwell existing parking lot replaces the Trail Project in our CIP.  The Trail Project is now part of the CIP for the Fairfield Hills Authority as per First Selectman Llodra.  Director Mangold will redo our CIP requests and submit to the First Selectman and Assistant Director Samuelson will, at the meeting, explain the cost to the Selectmen.

  • None


1.  2013/2014 BUDGET

  • Tabled until November meeting. Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson will work on this before the next meeting. Chairman Marks would like them to review and update their capital project list and equipment list. Director Mangold will send out last year’s budget to all Commissioners as well as the request to update accordingly.

  • Each Commission member was given a copy of suggested wording to be added to the Field Use Agreements Rules and Regulations. As written by the Town’s attorney.  The Commission discussed some changes to the wording.  Director Mangold and Chairman Marks will work on this for the next meeting.  The Commissioner did suggest the following, “Have you been convicted of a felony?’.  Director Mangold suggest some changes to all the forms that are signed by the  sports organizations.  Director Mangold and Assistant Director Samuelson will work on these changes and bring a draft back to the Commission.



(m/s/c: Barczak/Yanni Jr.) ”Motion to adjourn.”   The motion passed unanimously.  The meeting ended at 8:08 pm.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson